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My wife and I watched our first Tom Baker Who, "Destiny of the Daleks". It was "ok". I like the Daleks, so thats why I put that one on the list first.

The companion was alright, but frankly I was let down by Baker's acting. A little slow and wooden. His surprise face seems really forced and his timing for his lines or hitting his marks seemed awfully poor. I expected outdated special effects and silly costumes and stuff, but I was hoping for better acting. :dunno

I've got several more discs in the queue so we'll give it some more chances. I think "Talons of..." is on my list next.
Destiny would not be my first choice for a Four story. It would make you scratch your head with Romana II (not knowing who she is or why she was with the Doctor).

You should have started on Robot, Deadly Assassin, or Talons of Weng Chiang. :lecture
I would also suggest a more chronological viewing so you get to know personalities more.

I didn't feel too out of the loop on the story, but I agree that I didn't quite get the personality of the Doctor. He seemed to kinda mumble and get side tracked a bit, though that actually fits Tennats character to a degree. But some of it maybe I blame on bad acting but really its just his character?

Edit: Ok. I put Robot next followed by Talons.
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I didn't feel too out of the loop on the story, but I agree that I didn't quite get the personality of the Doctor. He seemed to kinda mumble and get side tracked a bit, though that actually fits Tennats character to a degree. But some of it maybe I blame on bad acting but really its just his character?

Edit: Ok. I put Robot next followed by Talons.

Also add "Genesis of the Daleks" & "The Brain of Morbius" to that list.
Along with "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" they are the 4th Doctor's best outings and "Genesis" is probably the best Who story period.
Davros was never more convincing as a threat to the Doctor than in his debut and he had this wonderful quirk in that the more agitated he became the more his voice sounded like that of a Dalek which was never repeated in the characters later appearances and he ultimately ended up being reduced a bad Palpatine ripoff by RTD.
Brain of Morbius is one of the superb stories for sure. Genesis I haven't watched in a long time though. :eek:
Brain of Morbius is one of the superb stories for sure. Genesis I haven't watched in a long time though. :eek:

Genesis was the very first Classic story I bought on DVD a couple of years ago and as soon as I'd seen it my enthusiasm for Nu-Who started to decline even though I'd enjoyed much of the first couple of series.
Almost 40 Classic DVD's later plus several more stories watched on Youtube and there's no turning back now!
I just started watching the Colin Baker episodes (which I haven't seen since the late 80's) and I am actually surprised how much I like his Doctor. :lol
I just started watching the Colin Baker episodes (which I haven't seen since the late 80's) and I am actually surprised how much I like his Doctor. :lol

Based on what I've read Colin was better in the audios than on TV but I want to get the "Trial of a Time Lord" DVD set that's out soon as Brian Blessed is one of the stories so even if the rest of it isn't up to much there'll be some good "shouty" acting to watch!
That last season of Colin's is good if you can over look Bonnie Whats-her-face. She really earned the title "Worst Companion Ever". :lol
That last season of Colin's is good if you can over look Bonnie Whats-her-face. She really earned the title "Worst Companion Ever". :lol

So there's actually been a companion who was worse than Catherine Tate?
I wouldn't have thought that was possible but I guess I'll find out whenever I get the DVD.
I love CT, but YES> Melanie was TERRIBIBLE! If you watch some Mel eps you will soon discover that she is to Doctor Who what Yoko was to the Beatles. :lol

(which I guess makes RTD sort of like Jeff Lynne. :horror)
I love CT, but YES> Melanie was TERRIBIBLE! If you watch some Mel eps you will soon discover that she is to Doctor Who what Yoko was to the Beatles. :lol

(which I guess makes RTD sort of like Jeff Lynne. :horror)

To be fair to CT she wasn't as bad as I expected but I still found myself wanting to put my foot through the screen on certain occasions so if Bonnie Langford was worse I'll play safe and have a spare TV on standby!
New casting spoiler:

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and more:

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Based on what I've read Colin was better in the audios than on TV but I want to get the "Trial of a Time Lord" DVD set that's out soon as Brian Blessed is one of the stories so even if the rest of it isn't up to much there'll be some good "shouty" acting to watch!

Too true. Brian's character delivers one of my all-time favourite Who quotes. I think it goes something like this:

"Very well! Tonight, caution shall be our watchword, but tomorrow, we paint the streets with their blood. Come!" :rock

Trust me, it's even cooler when delivered with that deep resonant voice of his. Reminds me a bit of John Rhys-Davies...

Oh, and Mel definitely sucked. Next to Adric and Turlough, she's my most hated classic Who companion. :mad:
Too true. Brian's character delivers one of my all-time favourite Who quotes. I think it goes something like this:

"Very well! Tonight, caution shall be our watchword, but tomorrow, we paint the streets with their blood. Come!" :rock

Trust me, it's even cooler when delivered with that deep resonant voice of his. Reminds me a bit of John Rhys-Davies...

Oh, and Mel definitely sucked. Next to Adric and Turlough, she's my most hated classic Who companion. :mad:

Yeah BB has a great voice and it was a pity that George Lucas only had him play a slobbering Gungan in TPM when he would have made a brilliant smuggler chief or crime lord.

Intresting casting news,and if true it would add a touch of class to the proceedings.
My prediction for the character is either The Master ( hope so ),another Time Lord or the Black Guardian.
Haha very slowly they are comming but they're all coming back! :rock Starts praying for a certain classic series assistant to come back.