Doctor Who - Spoilers!

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Yup. The Beeb has refuted the rumors (of course).

I am still 100% with confidence on this rumor. TDT also got wind that
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New news that may (or may not I s'pose) make bcm77 happy:

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RTD has said in a newspaper column that he wanted JK Rowling to STAR in a Christmas special and he also suggests that the guy who played the sailor called Alonzo in Voyage of the Damned should be Doctor number 11.
What a twat.

As for the news about Tennant,
If true it's great for the future of the franchise that he'll only be stinking up the Tardis with his one trick pony act for another series and maybe a movie but at this point I'm not sure if a new Doctor would be enough to get me watching again.
It would help but I think a more old school approach to the show is needed just as much as a new Doctor.
At least some of the stories should be slower paced (2-4 parts) and driven by the dialogue as opposed to everything being a 1000mph showcase for the effects department.
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That would be a start but I think someone going back and removing the last 2 series from existence would REALLY do the trick lol!
Yes, it's kind of strange that such a universally acclaimed show can have Dr. Who fans that hate it.

Just read today that Tennant nixed the JK Rowling cameo (not starring role). That would have been cool I think, but Tennant thought it might cheapen the show.
Thank goodness. I applaud David for having the balls to say "no". Apparently the plot involved the Doctor battling his way through wizards and witches....

Thank goodness. I applaud David for having the balls to say "no". Apparently the plot involved the Doctor battling his way through wizards and witches....


I would have liked to see that. He did it once before in the Shakespeare episode and I really enjoyed that one. I'm sure they'd have spun it so that it fit the Whoniverse.
For those who don't know already, the JK Rowling story has come from an excerpt from Doctor Who The Writer's Tale which is a book scheduled to be published in the UK this September. It's intended to be a wart's and all book about the process going on behind the scenes of the show. It's a bit pricey but looks like it'll be worth having.

Personally I'm not a DT hater, but I do think after the specials next year and when Moffatt takes over it may be time to shake up the show a little bit and introduce a new Doctor. I'm sure Moffatt will take Who in a different direction and what better way to usher in his new era than with a new face at the helm. I liked Tennant, but LOVED Eccleston and felt the show was at it's height when he was the Doctor.

As for the Rowling rumour, I'd have been more excited if she'd been writing an episode, rather than starring in one.
Would it make any difference? :lol

The DT haters are squarely in the minority.
So go on haters... keep on hatin'. It's quite entertaining.

I personally don't care if I'm part of a minority,I've never been one to follow the herd and prefer to think for myself before forming an opinion unlike a lot of the midless sheep that populate some of the forums here.
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