The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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Are you sure? Solo had no ST connections whatsoever and bombed. TROS *was* an ST movie and still did Joker numbers. My guess is that if Mando reveals that Gideon's entire directive is to see about the creation of Snoke or bodies for Palps that they won't lose any measurable number of subscribers, not if the current quality continues anyway.

More egregious denial. Solo lost money immediately on the heels of the TLJ repudiation. TROS should and would have made Endgame money had longtime fans of the franchise embraced the ST. See TFA box office numbers for reference.

The fact that you are favorably comparing the box office take of a trilogy ending Star Wars labeled film to that of an R-rated borderline indie comic flick is embarrassing and only damages your case.
Given my time and monetary investment in this franchise, I have no issue saying they are far less fans than me. The problem is they only enjoy one aspect of the franchise and that is because they are fans of the message of the movie rather than the movies themselves. That?s not a fan, that is a SJW.

From my vantage point SJW's and the most vocal ST haters are one and the same. These pics certainly apply to both:

The fact that you are favorably comparing the box office take of a trilogy ending Star Wars labeled film to that of an R-rated borderline indie comic flick is embarrassing and only damages your case.

Please. Joker was a worldwide phenomenon. Just like TROS.

The difference being that no one actually talks about Joker anymore nor is the studio that produced it releasing anything that references it whatsoever, lol.
I really love the new season of Mando and seeing everything unfold is nice since we don't really know what to expect. A nice touch seeing some of the old toys show up in a meaningful way. Weathers did a great job directing this last episode to. Had the right balance of tension and humor in it. Visually the show is a juggernaut and the care in the special effects is evident. As far as anything that may lead to the sequel trilogy or have a link to the prequel trilogy is just showing that this takes place in the same galaxy. I love Star Wars and am glad we have something as cool as this show. Not every movie is every fans favorite. I like aspects of the sequels and the prequels and the original trilogy. They all have their cheesiness and their good points. For me this show has been really good overall and I hope that they can keep the momentum up. It's a fun ride to be on.

I know you're no fan of the ST but I'm glad to see you enjoying the quality of this show regardless of whether it references it or not. :duff
Well, even this guy hated it...

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Quite a few good people who post on these very forums hated the ST. Your point? Maybe Mark did, maybe he didn't. Either way I love the guy but he's definitely a screaming SJW along with those two peoples' pics I posted above, lol.
Quite a few good people who post on these very forums hated the ST. Your point? Maybe Mark did, maybe he didn't. Either way I love the guy but he's definitely a screaming SJW along with those two peoples' pics I posted above, lol.

Yes, I was just making an ironic comparison. This post was not an intended jab at you ;)
Are you sure? Solo had no ST connections whatsoever and bombed. TROS *was* an ST movie and still did Joker numbers. My guess is that if Mando reveals that Gideon's entire directive is to see about the creation of Snoke or bodies for Palps that they won't lose any measurable number of subscribers, not if the current quality continues anyway.

Right on. :rock :yess:



I honestly hope that TM never appears in the show again. Then I can just pretend that the identity of Jango's clone was stolen by the badass who appeared in the theatrical ESB. Give TM Fett his own show that I can easily dismiss. I doubt they'll grant my wish but my fingers are crossed nonetheless.

You forgot to mention that Solo bombed even though it had the return to live action and darling of the PT, DM!
Yes, I was just making an ironic comparison. This post was not an intended jab at you ;)

Oh I gotcha. :lol

Yes you can't really accuse people you disagree with as being "SJW's" when Mark Hamill is on your side, lol. Maybe Ducky will figure that out, we'll see. ;)

All in good fun though. I enjoy both your take and Ducky's so keep it up fellas. :duff
This is just blatant denial of documented factual data.

Oh I dont know.. When I did that deep dive into all the polls about best and worst SW films, AOTC, TPM and TLJ were always the bottom three... ROTS was higher up as was TFA.. TROS was always middle of the road and TFA was high on the rankings also.. I could go back and find all that but I dont want ducky to have PTSD from it.

Point being... I dont think its as hated by the masses as you do... There might be some indifference. I will grant you that.

But in all honesty.. I dont know anyone that really thinks much of the PT. Its still looked down on by all but the most harden PT fans who grew up with it.. And that is fine for them..

I still like The Black Hole :lol

But it's good to see the trio of Kheev Kennedy, JYE Johnson, and Jaw Jaws Abrams are truly back!

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:lol :lol :lol

Still one of my fav lines on the board.. Was that one Ducky's
I know you're no fan of the ST but I'm glad to see you enjoying the quality of this show regardless of whether it references it or not. :duff

To me good Star Wars is entertaining. I don't hate the sequels but could do without them even though there are a few bits that aren't bad. I don't begrudge anyone liking them. I have posters from the movies as I like alot of the art we got from the movies. International poster from Rise of Skywalker is one of my favorites. I got the mandalorian season 2 poster from disney and I really like that one to. The characters in this show are great and the chemistry is like the original trilogy of characters for. I need a Carano and Weathers hot toys figure set.
I think you underestimate the number of people who not only hate the ST with a passion, but are willing to disown *any* SW property that embraces or injects the ST into it.

Mando isn't just a cash cow right now, it's the flagship of their streaming service. For Disney to risk alienating a large part of their current Mando audience *for no good reason whatsoever* would indeed be pure lunacy, imo. Especially given the fact that ST lore-building can be achieved elsewhere, while leaving Mando unspoiled. I can't understand why anyone would advocate for that kind of risk with no discernible reward.

I think you may be overestimating what part of the current Mando audience is made up of ST haters. There's an entire generation of young women out there who were big Rey fans and now love cute little Baby Yoda. None of them would be particularly upset by any tie-in to the ST - they simply were never as invested in the events of the OT because it was never relevant when they grew up, and (to them) the PT was just another mediocre film franchise with poorly written female characters. TFA, on the other hand, gave them a blockbuster movie with a young woman as the central "superhero", preceding Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. For many of them it was a watershed moment. That said, if F&F include any tie-ins to the ST I do think they should do it in a subtle, Easter egg manner. Not because they risk alienating one subset of their fan base but rather because there are plenty of other new story lines they can follow without addressing what eventually transpires 20+ years later in the SW galaxy.
Oh I gotcha. [emoji38]

Yes you can't really accuse people you disagree with as being "SJW's" when Mark Hamill is on your side, lol. Maybe Ducky will figure that out, we'll see. ;)

All in good fun though. I enjoy both your take and Ducky's so keep it up fellas. :duff
I learned long ago that celebrity behavior is nothing to emulate...even if the character they play was a childhood hero! :rotfl

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The ST fans have tumblr pages about The Force Awakens actually being about Rey?s sexual awakening. These people are utterly delusional. Don?t forget the typical ST twitter fan, anime avatar, preferred pronouns, rainbow flag, other emojis, and being literal social justice warriors trying to cancel anything and everyone that might offend anyone or anything. The great thing about these fans is they aren?t fans at all, they just twist a story to fit their faux social justice agenda and stan hard for a film/franchise they will never understand, let alone care about within a years time, because the next thing they are on about released. They spend no money. They care little about past movies.

So happy I visit that type of Social Media.

These kids belong to you damn PT fans.. What the hell !

Of course we are responsible for the PT fans :lol

Just look at merchandise, erggh, lack thereof, for the ST. Truth is right there.

I will admit.. There is nothing SW related in the stores right now. Some Baby Yoda stuff and the Legos but not much else.

Given my time and monetary investment in this franchise, I have no issue saying they are far less fans than me. The problem is they only enjoy one aspect of the franchise and that is because they are fans of the message of the movie rather than the movies themselves. That?s not a fan, that is a SJW.

You know nothing of the people chrisstruthers mentioned...They are fans cause of the message?? Get out of here with that.. You know nothing of them or what they think of feel

Only SJWs play the thought police. Don't act like those you say you detest.

Most people just watch films to have a good time and the "message" is lost on them.. I happen to agree with you that I did not like the message of TLJ.. Thankfully it was erased with TROS :lol

As for who gets to be the bigger fan...

Well given that I am much older then you and came from a time that there was not much else to do then play with SW toys, listen to SW soundtracks, and the story of SW.. Standing in line for two hours to get back row seats at ROTJ in the theaters, to watch every making of special on TV.. To by every magazine that had SW pic on it, to have my mom put Iron Ons on my shirt, to want a box of cereal just to get the star wars poster of r2-D2, To record the original movie when it finally came on HBO to cassette tape to listen to it every night for about two years straight.. to read the novels and collect the comics, To finally see the films on HBO to then own them on RCA video disc , to VHS, to Laser Disc, to DVD, to Blu Ray, To 4k, To have seen each film of the OT well over a hundred times... And don't get me going about the money spent..

I have no problem saying that I am a bigger SW fan then you ducky..

I kid.. I have no idea how big a fan you are but I would never pretend that I am a bigger fan then someone else that I don't know.
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I think you may be overestimating what part of the current Mando audience is made up of ST haters. There's an entire generation of young women out there who were big Rey fans and now love cute little Baby Yoda. None of them would be particularly upset by any tie-in to the ST - they simply were never as invested in the events of the OT because it was never relevant when they grew up, and (to them) the PT was just another mediocre film franchise with poorly written female characters. TFA, on the other hand, gave them a blockbuster movie with a young woman as the central "superhero", preceding Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. For many of them it was a watershed moment. That said, if F&F include any tie-ins to the ST I do think they should do it in a subtle, Easter egg manner. Not because they risk alienating one subset of their fan base but rather because there are plenty of other new story lines they can follow without addressing what eventually transpires 20+ years later in the SW galaxy.

But Ducky wont watch anymore... Disney does not want to risk alienating their biggest fan.