Sideshow 1:6 Lando as Skiff Guard Figure

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Although their ESB Yoda was sub-par, I imagine Sideshow could have struck gold with Ackbar, Greedo 2.0 and pretty much any of the Cantina and Jabba’s palace aliens.

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Oh man.... So many posts, all so interesting!! This business strategy thing is so damn intriguing!! Let's see:

We got Maul from "Solo" last month and Sith Trooper got a "early release" version during SDCC. I don't see HT loosing the STar Wars licence anytime soon.

HT are clearly putting most of their efforts on the hot licence that is Marvel right now but will eventually return to Star Wars comes december. Besides, there were a few prototypes based on OT and PT on show floors this summer and, even though some will never see production, we'll likely see a few offered in the coming months.

We should all subscribe to all those RVSPs on SSC's site. Are there any for the Jawas+energy droid? And for Wicket? We need more ewoks...
And that starfighter.....

If it is true about the Sideshow Star Wars license it makes you wonder if it is also affecting the SW releases by HT. I just scrolled a loooong way back on the FB webpage. Anyone recall what the last SW pre-order was ?

Seems it was Qui-Gon, back in March ! Now I know Avengers has been the flavour of the year, but March to August for their second largest franchise is a bit too long....

But HT have delivered the Deluxe Stormtrooper, Dooku and the DX Maul way ahead their intended delivery schedule, haven't they? It is so at least wrt my retailer's advertised delivery schedule (and to my exasperation). They did the same with ROTC Obi-Wan, as far as I remember. Am I wrong?
And as said before they have recently started taking pre-orders for Solo Maul. They are busy with SW behind the curtains and really kicking things out of the way, but for what?
Next year's ESB 40th anniversary?

It does look like they lost the license completely. I don’t see why ‘negotiations’ would drag out as they apparently renew licenses every year.

Do they? Every year? How do you know that?

Exactly, I don't think they will do that. They are not a public company so bad news like that won't be disclosed. If the renewal their license, they will disclose it.

I don’t think they’d necessarily go public with something like that. Why would they want to advertise that they lost a license, especially one as popular as Star Wars? It would likely cause people to lose faith in their brand and products to an extent by doing so.

Precisely to keep us from doing what we are doing right now: especulate that Sideshow might be facing death, feeling bad and pessimistic for way too long, etc.
Not good for business.
If people are going to know (and they certainly will), you want to be the one that tells them, always highlighting the silver lining, even if there is none.
It is a PR war that is going to be fought against you unavoidably and you'd better at least take part in it.

Another aspect of this crisis that nags me: I don't know if it was pointed out on this thread or on the SDCC'19 especulation one, but this idea that SSC's figs were always inferior to HT's in terms of quality, particularly sculpting and painting... I mean, SSC is so strong on the statue/bust arena, and man those are some sculpt and paint jobs, so how come they couldn't bring those very same artists to pull some great head sculpts from time to time? Granted, SSC stuff is always quite a bit comic-ish and unrealistic, but the skill on display on those statues, with aspects like anatomy, hair or clothing so brilliantly executed... man those guys should be able to pull absolutely ass-kicking 1/6 parts! So why didn't they?? Why those head sculpts always with likenesses so off? I guess these artists might be much more expensive that their Chinese counterparts, but we are just talking about a tiny 1/6 head sculpt, not one of those huge statues filled with highly detailed surfaces and parts. And even if their work was much more expensive than the same work made by a Chinese artist, how important is that prototyping cost within the scope of an edition size of 3000 units, at $250+ per unit? What can a HS proto made by an American sculptor cost? $500 at the very highest? We are talking way more than $750.000 in revenue for only one release in one franchise within one market segment. I think $500 should be OK as an expense to achieve that revenue.

Well... What do I know...

HT doesn’t fall under the SS license. I know people under the LFL umbrella. SS flat out won’t say they lost the license. They’re still negotiating. Nothing official but I’m 99% sure they haven’t lost it. They’d be foolish to not renew.

Any sources for that? Because in the real business world, negotiations are normally undertaken and finished before they have an impact on operations and PR.
BTW I agree with you: I don't think they lost it. Why getting rid of something that can be financially sound as long as you don't do stupid ****?

As much as we like to pile on Sideshow, I'd be bummed not to see any more SW 1/6 figures from them after their long history with the franchise, so hopefully it will get renewed.

I hear you, but honestly: I don't like piling on any manufacturer unless they deserve it.
SSC dropping 1/6 is like an uncle dying. They have given us precious things that we didn't expect anybody else would ever give us. That being said, and assuming SSC has actually called it quits on 1/6, I believe that in the long run, HT will eventually redo everything SSC has done, only better. This is such a long and winding road...

Yeah, would be good news if they managed to hold on to the license. But it would be nice if they carved out a different niche/deal that complements rather than competes with Hot Toys. I don't need ROTJ Luke figures from both companies. If they were relegated to 2nd-tier characters, their licensing fee (however that stuff works) should reflect that.

What if it was precisely that what is going on behind the curtain? Anyways, as I have already said, why didn't they discuss this with Disney before especulation started? Besides, they have a homerun of sorts with the 1/6 Mythos range. I'd like to get Mythos Vader. I am sure some would like to get Mythos Maul on 1/6, in spite of HT's Solo Maul. They should land a deal that allows them to go deeper into Mythos.

Honestly why should anyone care at this point? They haven’t put forth the effort in a long time. They’ve released a few figures a year tops for a while now, and they’re never all that impressive and are always incredibly overpriced with the most bare minimum accessories possible.

Sideshow fell into trying to release figures almost seeming like they wanted to compete with Hot Toys, but they never really delivered. A case could be made for them more if they actually released unique things that Hot Toys likely won’t do or won’t do as much (more aliens and creatures), but releasing second rate figures of characters is just a waste of their time and our money (for those that still are sucked into buying their stuff).

So true. They have to play to their strengths, which exist (Mythos, small releases of beloved secondary characters and accessories). And do it wholeheartedly instead of halfassedly. That ROTJ Luke, even though it was useful for me, shouldn't even had been thought of in the first place, while those Bounty Hunters and the 2 mythos releases thus far, in my view, are great contributions. Anyway, as I already said, in time HT will cover all of SW. They have what it takes to nail any character, and they know that demand for lesser items (bounty hunters, soldiers, beasts, vehicles) is slowly gathering. I was amazed when HT teased Anakin, such a controversial character of such a controversial trilogy. I though they would never venture into that hot water. And they are going deep into PT, which is every bit as hated as it is loved. HT has done lots of stormtroopers (silly porcelain ones too), released many anonymous soldiers and clones, a set of jedis are in the works, and that is proof that they will eventually do it all. We only have to give them time (and our money).
If only we fans pushed together to take HT through the path we want them to go.... and if only HT should take SW really seriously... :-(

I would even be willing to go as far as to say they didn't "lose" the license, rather they very likely chose not to renew it.

They can't compete with HT. They just can't. And for them to charge in excess of HT prices for figures that don't compare to 10 year ago HT quality, they're not going to sell product. I would be willing to bet that they will be giving away that ROTJ Luke eventually because it'll simply be languishing stock.

That might be out of their hands for a lot of reasons, but I do know that US figure companies have a hard time competing for manufacturing space in China, with preference given to home grown and Eastern countries. This absolutely raises costs and development time.

So in reality, SS might have just weighed out that with HT making a significantly superior product, they are better set letting the market go. Their Marvel 1/6 will suffer the same if HT begins to do comic-esque stuff (through avenues like the Spidey game).

All that to be said, I think SS is oblivious to what the market wants. Dioramas, environments, and accessories are all things they not only do, but do pretty well. Furthermore aliens and creatures is a sorely needed part of 1/6 SW. A line focused to flesh out the SW world at a price around $190 +/- $20 a figure would have been a killer market.

Agreed, Jedi Luke was a stupid move, and SSC should smarten up and give us amazing and useful environments that we could use with many different figure releases (just as they used to do in the past, and smaller Chinese players still do today!!!) but SSC has done many things right and they could compete with, and beat HT in terms of financial success, hands down. Unfortunately, it would take a lot:

a) The strong will and commitment to become "the Apple of high-end collectibles" through a strong IP portfolio plus R+D+i.

b) A lot of cash to buy themselves a bunch of Nanjins and their own Chinese factory (Trekkies in the room know what I am talking about and what Nanjin has explained about Chinese factories billing more to overseas costumers than to domestic ones). This way they could really cut costs dramatically and become competitive, which in turn would also boost their profitability in other segments, all across the board.

When has HT created any IP, like e.g. SSC's Mythos range? Nevah. Who was creative and dared to release environments and secondary characters succesfully? HT are just technically skilled and cheaper, but they are nothing on the IP arena. That is the only way western players have been able to hold their own in the last decades. Quality, creativity and uniqueness. Of course, Chinese CAN BE highly creative, but not with western properties (which they have no investment in, to begin with). And even if they did, their R+D expenditure would explode, they would stop being so cheap, and the level of uncertainty in their business model would also escalate (are Chinese risk-takers? Don't think so...).

The volume for those has to be way lower than a main character. They need a 2nd-tier contract if they're just going to do 2nd-tier characters. But now Hot Toys is dipping its toes in there as well (droids, Jawas). Don't know how these licenses work but it doesn't make sense to have two companies with the exact same license (ROTJ Luke).

They should clearly figure out some way to separate it out in such a way that still incentivizes a company to make the lesser-known characters and hit a profit. Basically they should just give them that old Kenner card back and negotiate what figures each has rights to.

As I have said several times, HT is poised to take SSC's place in terms of secondary characters. If this decision of going deeper should be true, and Howard told SSC's brass about his plans, SSC would have the only choices of fighting back, gearing up and hitting hard with creative moves like the Mythos range, akin to what they do in the Marvel line, or..... just retiring.
They might have chosen the latter.

Sitting now on top of a monopoly (OMGs...), HT might then stop being so conservative and get a bit bolder and more creative by finally releasing already-teased diorama accessories, like the MF cockpit, Anakin's starfighter, of the Power Loader. Or actually the contrary... Who knows....

Yeah, it’s like they kept trying to make something happen with their crappy human figures. Instead of a bunch of subpar releases (Red 5 Luke, Snowspeeder Luke, Hoth Luke, Hoth Han, Jedi Knight Luke) they would have been a lot smarter to just have let Hot Toys handle that aspect of the license. Had they turned their focus to the aliens/creatures or droids that Hot Toys won’t touch it would have made more sense.

It kind of seemed like for a bit they were doing that to a degree, but then they stopped. They released the rest of the bounty hunters that were previously missing along with updating the few they had done previously. They put out the Jawas, which while not the best I at least give them credit for trying. They put out various droids such as R5-D4 and various repainted versions of both that and R2 to make the Imperial versions. Jabba was a decent effort, but much too big and expensive for a lot of us.

Mike86, you are going too back in time when you mention releases like SSC's Hoth figures. The market was very different back then.
And figures that you seem to deplore, like the Hoth ones, including SSC's snowspeeder Luke, were beautiful, solid releases that met a huge demand, sold out quickly, and are highly coveted these days (same applies to the Jawas or the Tusken Raider). They were not perfect, but they were clearly successful (I hope that they also were financially succesful for SSC).
Now people, you really should try and be impartial to SSC.

Other than the headsculpts, I would say that each of those figures (other than Jedi Luke) you list are every bit as good as a HT fig (though Hoth Luke has a few issues with the outfit.) Yeah, I get that "except the head" is a pretty massive thing to sidestep but other than bodies and human heads, SSC was pretty much on par with HT in terms of weapons, outfits and accessories.


It's a different era I know, but some of the earlier aliens like Bib Fortuna were 5000 pieces, and they probably made 3500 Gamorreans. Not sure what a fig like say Tarkin would have been, but I'd guess it wouldn't be much above that. And the aliens I mean are ones like Ackbar and Greedo - those would sell in numbers that would start to approach lesser heroes (I'd guarantee Greedo would sell close to as many as Lando for example.)

Other than the headsculpts, I would say that each of those figures (other than Jedi Luke) you list are every bit as good as a HT fig (though Hoth Luke has a few issues with the outfit.) Yeah, I get that "except the head" is a pretty massive thing to sidestep but other than bodies and human heads, SSC was pretty much on par with HT in terms of weapons, outfits and accessories.

Agree. Some of my absolute favorite figures are from SSC. Bodies and human heads were the weak points.
I think if Sideshow would have produced more things like the Cantina aliens or various Tatooine aliens they’d have been in a lot better shape. That’s the stuff that we likely won’t get from Hot Toys that they could have found their niche with. Heck even if they had just updated some of the old releases like Greedo, Hammerhead, and the Tusken Raider. A lot of people seemed to want a Ponda Baba too. They did the Jawas and finished the bounty hunters. I’m not sure why they didn’t keep going with more characters like that.

I would have loved if they kept doing that! ...but the bounty hunters were made in less than 2000 numbers and some of them took a long time to sell out. It just shows that, even though they were really good figures, they just don’t sell a lot. I don’t think that’s where the money is if you are expected to have HT quality. Maybe if they were doing a cheaper and less perfected line it would make sense. Maybe that was what they were planning for as their latest figures were called ‘deluxe’, implying that there would be non-deluxe releases as well.
Other than the headsculpts, I would say that each of those figures (other than Jedi Luke) you list are every bit as good as a HT fig (though Hoth Luke has a few issues with the outfit.) Yeah, I get that "except the head" is a pretty massive thing to sidestep but other than bodies and human heads, SSC was pretty much on par with HT in terms of weapons, outfits and accessories.
The sculpts are where the figures take a massive hit. That’s more what I was referring to. If there isn’t a good sculpt to start with that knocks off points big time. Also, to me Sideshow pieces somehow always felt cheaply made, but yet they charged more (even at the time) for a less than quality figure.

The Snowspeeder Luke everyone raves about is really just an average figure in my opinion, and the fact that it was a $270 figure that was still basically bare bones is telling in my book. That was basically the best effort they could put forth to a lot of people, but it wound up costing a lot more than it was actually worth if you ask me (again going by pricing back then compared against Hot Toys).

I would have loved if they kept doing that! ...but the bounty hunters were made in less than 2000 numbers and some of them took a long time to sell out. It just shows that, even though they were really good figures, they just don’t sell a lot. I don’t think that’s where the money is if you are expected to have HT quality. Maybe if they were doing a cheaper and less perfected line it would make sense. Maybe that was what they were planning for as their latest figures were called ‘deluxe’, implying that there would be non-deluxe releases as well.
I think more than anything the prices hurt those figures. I feel like people wanted characters like the bounty hunters, but they didn’t want to pay as much for them as they would for a major character. Especially given that in the case of a Sideshow figure it’s always the bare minimum included, right down to the ugly, plain jane black hexagonal stand.
The sculpts are where the figures take a massive hit. That’s more what I was referring to. If there isn’t a good sculpt to start with that knocks off points big time. Also, to me Sideshow pieces somehow always felt cheaply made, but yet they charged more (even at the time) for a less than quality figure.

The Snowspeeder Luke everyone raves about is really just an average figure in my opinion, and the fact that it was a $270 figure that was still basically bare bones is telling in my book. That was basically the best effort they could put forth to a lot of people, but it wound up costing a lot more than it was actually worth if you ask me (again going by pricing back then compared against Hot Toys).

I think more than anything the prices hurt those figures. I feel like people wanted characters like the bounty hunters, but they didn’t want to pay as much for them as they would for a major character. Especially given that in the case of a Sideshow figure it’s always the bare minimum included, right down to the ugly, plain jane black hexagonal stand.

I know I’m in a minority (which is the key to this problem), but I would personally pay more for a background character than for a main, knowing that the company make less revenue from doing it and I feel like they are doing us a fan service by providing it.
Besides that I feel like Snowspeeder Luke, Dengar, Tusken Raider, Monaw Nadon, tauntaun, Dewback, Jabba and all those are some of the strongest figures I have and they stand out on the shelf - even next to HT figures. I see the quality problems many of them have, especially the human sculpts, but we also need to take in account that they sell quite a lot less than the HT main characters do. I agree with Talibane that on most other levels the SSC figures are on par with HT.
Btw I like the SSC hexagon stands...
The sculpts are where the figures take a massive hit. That’s more what I was referring to. If there isn’t a good sculpt to start with that knocks off points big time. Also, to me Sideshow pieces somehow always felt cheaply made, but yet they charged more (even at the time) for a less than quality figure.

The Snowspeeder Luke everyone raves about is really just an average figure in my opinion, and the fact that it was a $270 figure that was still basically bare bones is telling in my book. That was basically the best effort they could put forth to a lot of people, but it wound up costing a lot more than it was actually worth if you ask me (again going by pricing back then compared against Hot Toys).

I think more than anything the prices hurt those figures. I feel like people wanted characters like the bounty hunters, but they didn’t want to pay as much for them as they would for a major character. Especially given that in the case of a Sideshow figure it’s always the bare minimum included, right down to the ugly, plain jane black hexagonal stand.

Yeah, there's no doubt that Sideshow got greedy on pricing. I mean yeah China got much more expensive, and the most recent outfits/heads were definitely (for the most part, not in all cases) big steps up on the outfits/heads they did in the 2006-2010 era, and the bodies did improve (not as far as they should have) but Sideshow really had little to justify tripling to quadrupling of prices over the course of roughly ten years.

The $240 for the X-Wing Luke and $270 for Luke Snowspeeder were 100% gouging - no doubt about it, especially given the X-Wing is probably 5 years ago now and the Snowspeeder Luke maybe 3 years ago. These are prices that are pretty high even now many years later, and that's saying something in 1/6 where prices seem to be always rising.

And yeah, while I'd argue that both of those fig heads are HT quality with helmets on, there is no excuse for the lackluster apps on the no-helmet versions of the heads, which to me were on the verge of not being usable without fairly significant modding.

That being said, I've always been the one to say that the Luke Snowspeeder is one of the five best SW 1/6 figures ever made - and I have 100+ SW figs. The cut-sew on the snow jacket and vest is spot-on. But I essentially have three Luke Snowpseeder variations (two with HT heads...) so it's obvious I love the outfit.

An interesting note on how times have changed: when the Luke X came out, I was hit with TWO rounds of negative reputation by a mod simply for criticizing the Luke X head, and now here we are - no more "Sideshow" in "Freaks.":dunno
I didn't collect when SSC was going head long into 1/6 figures, but weren't almost all of them sub $100? Just the pricing for the second tier characters is the problem for me. Like I'm not buying Ackbar, Bib Fortuna or even the other Bounty Hunters for $200+, but I'd probably buy them all for $100-125 each.

But SS makes so much from distribution of Hot Toys and so many other figure and statue companies, it's not even really surprising they'd just give it up.
But SS makes so much from distribution of Hot Toys and so many other figure and statue companies, it's not even really surprising they'd just give it up.

It's known as business 101. If selling HT turns a bigger profit than producing their own figures then it just makes sense to can the product line(s) and concentrate on distribution. Companies who do things that don't make money go out of business. SSC isn't a charity and its goal is to maximize profits - that is the American dream.

The same thing happened with Konami. They make millions on building slot machines and very little on games, so the new CEO fired Kojima and killed off the game division to the dismay of gamers everywhere.
I didn't collect when SSC was going head long into 1/6 figures, but weren't almost all of them sub $100? Just the pricing for the second tier characters is the problem for me. Like I'm not buying Ackbar, Bib Fortuna or even the other Bounty Hunters for $200+, but I'd probably buy them all for $100-125 each.

But SS makes so much from distribution of Hot Toys and so many other figure and statue companies, it's not even really surprising they'd just give it up.
I didn’t collect as early as some here, but I believe that the figures from like the mid 2000s were sub $100 for the most part. By the time I started to collect in 2012 a typical Sideshow release was usually around the $180-$190 mark I would say.

Their figures started to increase at a pretty rapid pace it seems like. Ironically around the time I started collecting more. I bought the Scout Trooper in 2012 which was $190 I believe. I want to say the same year they did Hoth Han and Luke which I think were between $210 and $220. Year after they put out the Tie Pilot which was $200 if I remember right. The same time as the Tie Pilot they did Red 5 Luke for $240 which a lot of us scoffed at. Point is if you look back you can see a pretty rapid increase in price from Sideshow figures.
I didn’t collect as early as some here, but I believe that the figures from like the mid 2000s were sub $100 for the most part. By the time I started to collect in 2012 a typical Sideshow release was usually around the $180-$190 mark I would say.

Their figures started to increase at a pretty rapid pace it seems like. Ironically around the time I started collecting more. I bought the Scout Trooper in 2012 which was $190 I believe. I want to say the same year they did Hoth Han and Luke which I think were between $210 and $220. Year after they put out the Tie Pilot which was $200 if I remember right. The same time as the Tie Pilot they did Red 5 Luke for $240 which a lot of us scoffed at. Point is if you look back you can see a pretty rapid increase in price from Sideshow figures.

I started collecting around 2011 I think and around that time I got figs like Gammorean and Hammerhead at retail for around the $120 mark I believe - and those had unique bodies and/or complete arms/legs, so very expensive in terms of molds etc. That is insanely good value for a figure like that in the context of today's prices, especially given they were 2nd/3rd tier alien characters that aren't going to sell like a Luke or Vader. A HT Gamorrean would surely be at least $230.

What was great is that back then you could get figs like Leia Boussh, Rebel Commando and Bib Fortuna on eBay for literally around $40. I got all of those for $40-50.

The Hoth figs were $199. The Snowtrooper I recall seeming to get a bit expensive in 2012 at around the $140 mark - had no idea what was to come.

But yeah the oldest figs like Luek Bespin, Jedi etc were in the $60 range (in 2006-2007,) and they quickly jumped up to $80-90 for Lando and Palps. But still - under $100 a decade or less ago. Crap headsculpts by today's standards though.

So Lando is $80 in 2009 (head still holds up pretty well today,) this new Lando Skiff (likely with a non-removable helmet, so no "clean" sculpt) would have likely been $250. Yeah, a somewhat more complex outfit than his Bespin outfit, but more than THREE TIMES the cost in ten years is pretty scary. But that's 1/6 for you.
I wish they'd just go back to their old molds and pump out some of those aliens. They've got all the molds and clothing templates already. I know sourcing fabrics can be difficult but I'm not expecting A+ quality anyway, so whatever that looks halfway decent would be ok by me.
It's a different era I know, but some of the earlier aliens like Bib Fortuna were 5000 pieces, and they probably made 3500 Gamorreans. Not sure what a fig like say Tarkin would have been, but I'd guess it wouldn't be much above that. And the aliens I mean are ones like Ackbar and Greedo - those would sell in numbers that would start to approach lesser heroes (I'd guarantee Greedo would sell close to as many as Lando for example.)

I think it probably comes down to a basic math equation. You could sell 5,000 Boushh figures at $50 and make $250K. And maybe now at $200 you can only sell 1,250 Boushh figures and still just make $250K. Seems like a better equation now, less to ship.

The problem was that since the HT announcement nobody wanted SS human figures. They mostly seemed to rot on the shelf (X-wing Luke) or be underproduced (Snowspeeder Luke). Even before Hot Toys (we’re Hoth Luke and Han releases before or after the license?) people were still saying they’d wait for HT.

But that’s what presumably they were paying for, access to what should be big sellers (Luke, Han, Vader) and then the backgrounders.

Other than the headsculpts, I would say that each of those figures (other than Jedi Luke) you list are every bit as good as a HT fig (though Hoth Luke has a few issues with the outfit.) Yeah, I get that "except the head" is a pretty massive thing to sidestep but other than bodies and human heads, SSC was pretty much on par with HT in terms of weapons, outfits and accessories.

That’s a big “other than.” Sort of like, other than her face. :lol And also it became, other than the lack of accessories. The Hoth figures were pre-Disney and then something changed and it seemed to really crush SS.
It kind of feels like after Hot Toys acquired the license to do Star Wars that Sideshow started to half ass their attempts. Yet at the same time it?s almost like they were spiteful or something and started sticking it to collectors by upping their prices and decreasing what was included.
I think the forum in general is glitched right now. I posted something earlier today and the post is gone now. There were other anomalies as well.
I think the forum in general is glitched right now. I posted something earlier today and the post is gone now. There were other anomalies as well.

Dave migrated the board to a new server and said there are still a few kinks. He said to repost anything that may be missing since it's officially lost.
Dave migrated the board to a new server and said there are still a few kinks. He said to repost anything that may be missing since it's officially lost.

Mine text is like this on the app lol

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