Neca: Friday the 13th part 3 Ultimate Jason Figure.

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Apr 3, 2014
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So, uhm....wondering why no one is talking about this yet. Unless its in another thread someplace. Looks awesome!

Friday The 13th-Feb 14, 2016

For horror fans, Friday the 13th Part III was a landmark event: not only was it the first appearance of Jason’s now-iconic hockey mask, it was initially released in theaters as a 3D movie! NECA is proud to present the definitive collector’s version of Jason as he appeared in the 1982 film.
This deluxe 7” scale action figure features over 25 points of articulation and is packed with accessories. It comes with two masks, two interchangeable head sculpts, pitchfork, wrench, knife, fire poker, harpoon gun, machete, and axe. The packaging is deluxe too, with a lenticular front window flap in honor of the film’s 3D release!

Read more: Friday the 13th, 7" Scale Action Figure, Ultimate, Part 3, Jason |

Definitely picking this up.
Missed out on the Original articulated Part 3 they did and the prices on ebay and such are more than I want to pay.
Smart move on their part, and they included some new weapons and the 3D packaging is a cool idea. I just hope they use a better plastic for the mask...maybe the same plastic they used for part 4 and the ultimate part 6. The original mask was too soft and it had bad shape.
I already have the battle damaged version when it released a few years ago, but the 4 new extra accessories here alone and the 3D packaging is enough for me to buy. Hopefully they make some amendments to the mask - the eye holes on the mask were just too small for my liking.

Hmm. I'm guessing an ultimate part 4 will be next which I doubt I'll get considering I have both versions of the previous releases. Unless it comes with a little Corey Feldman, then I might change my mind. :lol
Unless it comes with a little Corey Feldman, then I might change my mind. :lol

That would be epic. He wouldn't even need to have articulation and it would be sweet.

I, however, missed out on the original releases, so I'm thrilled that I get a change to pick all this stuff up.
I'm glad I didn't get the original figures now. This is basically both versions rolled into one. I'm just wondering about the blood on the neck and body. Is that going to be on the final product? If so, won't that clash with the undamaged head and mask and, if not, just the opposite?
I'm glad I didn't get the original figures now. This is basically both versions rolled into one. I'm just wondering about the blood on the neck and body. Is that going to be on the final product? If so, won't that clash with the undamaged head and mask and, if not, just the opposite?

Someone asked Neca that on their Twitter and all they basically said was "He Will be bloody". But yeah, the bloody neck wouldn't look right with the clean head attached...

Looks like I'll have to keep my clean version of part 3 if it does end up being super bloody. Just glad I never picked up the old battle damaged version.
Smart move on their part, and they included some new weapons and the 3D packaging is a cool idea. I just hope they use a better plastic for the mask...maybe the same plastic they used for part 4 and the ultimate part 6. The original mask was too soft and it had bad shape.

the mask was my main complaint as well

I have both versions and I only display the clean version without his mask cause he looks like a goon with his misshapen mask on

luckily they remedied this with the part 4 version

Did they improve the mask? The figure in packaging looks to have bigger eye hole sockets but the other imagery uses the old mask.
Hmm interesting it does look improved. I'll be picking up this release no matter what.
Did they improve the mask? The figure in packaging looks to have bigger eye hole sockets but the other imagery uses the old mask.

Yes, the new mask has been fixed. It was confirmed by a Neca employee on FB. However, they used the old mask for the photoshoot for some reason. The one in the box in the photo you posted, that's the new and improved mask.
The mask is definitely an improvement. Post more pics if you can and your impressions, Mr. Clown Prince! :lecture