Ford and Hamill headsculpts (Update pg 12)

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Super Freak
CF Supporter
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Hi guys, I've been admiring the work on here for awhile and thought I'd share a couple headsculpts I've been working on.

I know everyone and their brother has tried sculpting these two, and the likenesses are nearly impossible to get right, but I figured I'd take a shot at it anyway. Because, what the hell. :D

With Ford, the hope is to turn it into both ESB Han and Indy for my old Sideshow figures (assuming I can get the likeness halfway decent). But right now it's just a generic, clean-shaven Ford sculpt.

IMAG1722 - Copy (480x640).jpg

IMAG1723 (483x640).jpg IMAG1726 - Copy (466x640).jpg

IMAG1694 - Copy (516x640).jpg IMAG1720 - Copy (510x640).jpg

And here's a (very) crude mockup I did in paintbrush just to give an idea of what the finished Luke may look like:

lukes - Copy (800x683).jpg

I'm hopeful I'm at least somewhere in the right ballpark, but I've been looking at them so long that I've lost all perspective. So I figured I'd get your guy's input as well. :)
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

I'm genuinely impressed. Obviously, this isn't your first rodeo, right?

Give these some solid paint apps, and you've got something. Although I think Ford's hair will need tweaked for an ESB Solo, it's just about perfect for Indiana Jones.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Very nice work... just one piece of advice, don't base your head sizes on the Sideshow figures. Luke in particular is incredibly oversized.

But, you've done great work especially on Luke. I think Ford is getting there, but almost looks a touch too young for ESB, but still reallly solid work on a difficult actor to capture.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Both are instantly recognizeable, particularly Ford. I'd have to see it painted first, but just from this WIP it's the best likeness of Ford I've seen so far, commercial or custom.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Thanks guys. Yeah it's super sculpey. And yeah I realize the original heads were way oversized. I was able to make the Luke a bit smaller, but the Ford unfortunately ended up a little too big, so I'll have to shrink the mold a bit (which I've done before, so I at least know how). And then from that the plan is to make a couple wax copies that I can alter further into Han and Indy.

But right now I think the best bet is just to set both of these aside for a few weeks so I can look at them later with some fresh eyes.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Both are instantly recognizeable, particularly Ford. I'd have to see it painted first, but just from this WIP it's the best likeness of Ford I've seen so far, commercial or custom.

Hey I would have been happy with "somewhat recognizeable", so thanks. :)
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

I'd buy both of these as is but if you're looking for tips:

Luke looks a bit chubby to me. Hair, eyes and nose are great. I think it's the lips and cheeks that are slightly to "fat".
Solo does look a bit young as already mentioned. With different longer hair he would pass for ANH solo.

Definitely the best likenesses out there though.

You could make a small fortune selling these if that's the plan.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

I'd buy both of these as is but if you're looking for tips:

Luke looks a bit chubby to me. Hair, eyes and nose are great. I think it's the lips and cheeks that are slightly to "fat".
Solo does look a bit young as already mentioned. With different longer hair he would pass for ANH solo.

Definitely the best likenesses out there though.

You could make a small fortune selling these if that's the plan.

Yeah it's definitely been a challenge just getting Luke this far, since Hamill's face in that movie is just so... weird. It not only looks different from every angle, but I have to somehow put in all these lines and scars and crooked features, while still making him look young and generally "cute" from a distance.

And with Ford I decided it would be best to start with shorter hair so I could sculpt the ears, and then with the wax copy add the longer ESB hair over those. And I'm surprised to hear everyone saying he looks young. Because I thought for sure he was actually looking too much like the older Ford from Last Crusade. :p

As for selling these, I might be able to make a few copies of the final sculpt, but my molding abilities are pretty limited I'm afraid. So I don't want to make any promises.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Not my kind of thing but these are wonderful! Instantly recognisable!
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

Luke is pretty dam close i would love to own one !
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

I you decide to sell a copy. Sign me in.
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

These are fantastic! Excellent start on both, can't wait to see the finished products. :bow
Re: My Ford and Hamill headsculpt WIPs

I could tell right away who they were in your picture. Well done! :clap