open the box?

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I think this kind of thread has been posted before, and the overwhelming response has been to open 'em up. Sometimes popular opinion is right :lol
I guess i'm one of the few people that keep my 1:6 scale figures in the box. It has a much greater value in you keep them in it. IMHO, I think they look great in the box. I open up PF's because you have to atleast open it once to check to make sure there is no damage.

But how can they look great in the box when they're unassembled pieces in seperate tray compartments? Some figures are preassembled but a lot of them aren't.

If I were the original poster I would ask myself - if I'm interested enough in these expensive items to buy them in the first place am I really likely to want to sell them in the future? If the answer is no, open them. If the answer is the money, don't buy them.
i have decided.. i am..........................................TAKING them out!:)
I have ordered the HT batman figures series and iron man, this is the first time i dove into the 12 inch toys. I know that these 12" are a beauty to display it, but i am still comtemplating whether i should take it out of the box or not. Do you think it will have a big effect on the value of the figures if it is out of the box? What will you do? Thanks!!!:)

Don't be an idiot (and I say that in the nicest possible way :D). You have to open and pose them to enjoy them. Besides, I actually don't think opening them will make their value plummet in the same way as some other things, and they're easy to put back in the box, goods as new.

(And yeah, I see that you decided to open them but I wanted to get that off my chest. :lol)
It striking that there is so little understanding for MIB collecting. What do you care if the items are IN or OUT of the box? I say, if you want to open the boxes, and display the figures, pose the living daylight out of them, or do even crazier stuff with them (customizing!...): go head. If you like to keep them in the box, do so! They are yours. Do with them what ever you want.

If I'm looking for an certain collectible, I will always go for one that has been taken care off very good. Normally - although it's not a warranty - a figure that has been kept in the box is an indication for that.
I used to be a MIB collector but then I realized that unless you hit that one in a thousand figure that will greatly increase in value there was no point in spending money to look at a box. the only things I keep MIB are things where the packaging makes a difference like the Theater Edition Luke or 500th Vader.
It will impact their value... a lot.

The estimate is that items lose about 60% of their possible value when opened but if an item is rare then you'll still get a pretty penny for especially when they start drying up on the secondary market. Open them up, pose them, really enjoy them or else just send it me I'll seal up the box back up for you once I remove them and realistically you won't know the difference.
I used to be a MIB collector but then I realized that unless you hit that one in a thousand figure that will greatly increase in value there was no point in spending money to look at a box. the only things I keep MIB are things where the packaging makes a difference like the Theater Edition Luke or 500th Vader.


That said, I do understand that some MIB collectors don't do it because they are hoping that it will increase in value, but rather because they like the esthetics of the toy in the package, or some similar reason. I can understand that to some degree when it's a carded action figure, but for something like a Hot Toys or Sideshow figure, you really can't get a lot of enjoyment out of them in the box (as always, IMHO).
Everything I've ever sold in a box held up in value after I've taken it out, so like I said, if you don't chew on your box or something it shouldn't matter.

He's correct. I've never seen the price of a 1:6 figure in great condition spike either way judging on whether or not it has been removed from the box.

That's why this hobby is so damn cool. really can't get a lot of enjoyment out of them in the box (as always, IMHO).

Yes, that might be so, but what counts for me, is that at least I'm sure that my boxed toys will still be new in about 20 years from now, where as most of the loose figures will be broken or have signs of usage. You know as well as I do that there are A LOT posts here about "oh, I've broken this" and "ah, I've lost that". Can never happen with a boxed figure.
I simply don't have the room to display my stuff right now, so keep it all in boxes. I check for damages upon arrival, and that's it. But I really can't wait for the day to come when I do have the room to display it all. I'm just prolonging the thrill of anticipation! :D A perfect display, neat lightning... yes! After all, I buy them, because I like them, not to flip them. BUT (big but here) I also like my collectibles to keep their value. In a box, is the best way to assure that, but by all means not the only way, because some people don't care if the item has been on display or not; for some it's just important that they finally got their grail. Weather an boxed item gains value or not, in the end, it also highly depends on the item itself...
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Yes, that might be so, but what counts for me, is that at least I'm sure that my boxed toys will still be new in about 20 years from now, where as most of the loose figures will be broken or have signs of usage. You know as well as I do that there are A LOT posts here about "oh, I've broken this" and "ah, I've lost that". Can never happen with a boxed figure.
I simply don't have the room to display my stuff right now, so keep it all in boxes. I check for damages upon arrival, and that's it. But I really can't wait for the day to come when I do have the room to display it all. I'm just prolonging the thrill of anticipation! :D A perfect display, neat lightning... yes!
It sounds like we agree then. Keeping things in their boxes is not the final goal for you -- displaying them is. You just don't have enough room to do so right now.

I wouldn't say that taking things out of their boxes necessarily means that you're going to break or show wear, though. We're not really playing with them, after all. Aside from repaints and customs, most of my figures are in like-new condition, since they've just been on display in a case.
What counts for me, is to get a perfect* and complete item. Chances are just a bit better when the item has actually been in the box. But it's not a must: if the item comes from a honest and dedicated collector, that's also a good indication that it will be in good shape.

*make that 'nearly' perfect, since, we all know that perfect doesn't exist in this hobby. SSC proves it with every other delivery. Unfortunately. Not a blow at SSC, simply fact.
let me tell you a story about a friend of mine. we'll call him "The Graw" well this guy once bought a couple 1/6 figures of his favorite characters with the plan to leave them in the box and cherish them forever. these were the only figures he was gonna get BTW. well when they arrived they were so much cooler than he could possibly imagine that he had to open them to get a closer look. then he found out how fun it was to pose them and display them. now he's got about fifty 1/6 scale figures displayed all over his house. i guess the moral of the story is if you're just buying to resell these than leave them sealed. but if you truly love the characters then free them, pose them, play with them. it's half the fun.
Keeping toys in boxes is like keeping your virginity. LAME.
You got a point there with you oneliner, but tell that to all the nuns and priests that have decided to keep their virginity to honour their religion. It's a conviction, a personal decision they made. I don't understand it, but at least I respect it.
For 90% of collectibles, if your goal is to display not now, but in 20 years I think it makes most sense not to buy the items now at all.

Taking SSC SW figures as a small example, you can probably nab the whole collection for about 60% of the retail cost and I'm betting 5-10 years from now it will be closer to 25% cost.
... i guess the moral of the story is if you're just buying to resell these than leave them sealed. but if you truly love the characters then free them, pose them, play with them. it's half the fun.

I like your friend! Seams pretty open-minded and tolerant. What's his name again? The Graw? Cool dude.