KONY 2012

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It's very easy to get cynical about these kinds of things, especially since the whole gig, reeks of hipsterish "involvement". I also have no illusions about the many grey areas of the matter that are not so widely reported, nor do I hold much faith in the sincerity of concern, of some of the high-profile people involved in this.

Still, that being said, one has to have nothing bit pure, massive respect for the main organizer of the the whole operation(the narrator of the video), who not only took his "I will do anything in my power" words to heart, but actually put them to effect in such a mind boggiling, global, and apparently effective way. We've all seen hundreds of various good-will campaigns in which first-world, spoiled, college students poured their hearts out for the misery of the third-world, and nothing concrete ever came out of it. This one seems to be having, a real-world, measurable effects, and thats rare. Not to mention, that on a very logistical level, the whole endeavour is incredibly impressive, even though we've seen many different internet movements before. The whole thing obviously isn't the brain child of just one man, but the very fact that he was actually able to concive and take on such massive, pragmatic, practical use of the internet to get concrete, globe-spanning effects is, well...hats off to You good sir. That's some massive balls right there.
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It's very easy to get cynical about this kind of things, especially since the whole gig, reeks of hipsterish "involvement". I also have no illusions about the many grey areas of the matter that are not so widely reported, nor do I hold much faith in the sincerity of concern, of some of the high-profile people involved in this.

Still, that being said, one has to have nothing bit pure, massive respect for the main organizer of the the whole operation(the narrator of the video), who not only took his "I will do anything in my power" words to heart, but actually put them to effect in such a mind boggiling, global, and apparetnly effective way. We've all seen hundreds of various good-will campaigns in which first-world, spoiled, college students poured their hearts out for the misery of the third-world, and nothing concrete ever came out of it. This one seems to be having, a real-world, measurable effects. Thats rare.

Exactly, could be the start of a whole new awareness, not just for this issues, but other more important issues that may matter to you. Why knock it, instead lets see if it works. If not, well lets see what else will work. Surely not negativity.
Some of you may find humor in this, but try to remember that there are people out there who are suffering from it. It doesn't matter if it's Kony or some other person of power. Women/men and children are being harmed. Maybe you can just think about that before running straight to humor.

It's youre damned if you do and damned if up I don't in my opinion. The world hates America because we get involved. Then when we don't we are hated for not. I would like to see more effort put back into fixing problems on American soil. We've helped enough and it's been pretty darn thankless. Now let's help the starving and homeless here.
They have raised reportedly somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 million dollars, you expect me to believe with 8 million dollar they couldn't have hired people to capture this guy? Oh wait then they wouldnt get paid, be able to make movies showing how great they are, etc... Not to mention then they would now have to find a new cause to pay them or get a real job. Making millions of people aware is not what they want they want your MONEY. Having millions of people aware who virtually none of them are even on the same continent does what? Nothing but they will claim major amount of responsibility for anything that happens.
Exactly. What the hell are they going to use the money for? What are people expecting them to do with that money?

Some of you may find humor in this, but try to remember that there are people out there who are suffering from it. It doesn't matter if it's Kony or some other person of power. Women/men and children are being harmed. Maybe you can just think about that before running straight to humor.

I have thought about it. There are people suffering everywhere all the time. Think about it too much and it will make you go crazy. You can't save everyone. Sure that doesn't mean you can't try, but there are enough problems over here, why step into the ____ over there?

But then again no one really is. They are still just hiding behind their computers sharing a video on Facebook and donating money to some group thinking that is going to actually change what's going on over there and make it better... now that's funny.

Damn Konies... :lol
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They got you talking about it whether you agree or not. Isn't the the point? Nothing gets done unless people are made aware.
you expect me to believe with 8 million dollar they couldn't have hired people to capture this guy?
Apparently not. 8 million dollars is basically nothing, when it comes to these kinds of military operations. And since US Africa Command has sent multiple missions to capture, or kill Kony in the past(the combined cost of, must have surely been waaay past 8 million dollars), and utterly failed(also triggered some bloody retaliations), its not so simple as raising several millions, and hiring someone to cap his ass...
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Apparently not. 8 million dollars is basically nothing, when it comes to this kind of military operations. And since US Africa Command has sent multiple missions to capture, or kill Kony in the past(the combined cost of, must have been surely waaay past 8 million dollars), and utterly failed(also triggered some bloody retaliations), its not so simple as raising several millions, and hiring someone to cap his ass...
8 million is more than enough to hire someone to cap his ass but that's not what has been done. I bet you could pay someone close to him 1/10 th that to cap his ass. The US needs to stay out of it. We don't need black hawk down part 2.

Plus if trying to capture/kill has resulted in violence, wtf do you think will happen if he is captured/killed? The people there are the only ones who end this.
They got you talking about it whether you agree or not. Isn't the the point? Nothing gets done unless people are made aware.
Afraid to answer what awareness accomplishs? You keep saying but fail to validate you statement with any kind of facts.
8 million is more than enough to hire someone to cap his ass.
There were many interests groups(whose finacial capabilites were surely past the meager 8 mill)throughout the years, that wanted to see him dead, and failed. If You think that getting rid of a mass murderer, or a tyrant active in a region, is as simple, as putting out a bounty on his head, and calling it a day, You are being naive. Its been tried with worse men, and higher pay outs, and yet it rarely works.
I bet you could pay someone close to him 1/10 th that to cap his ass.
Righttt....of course. Why hasn't anybody thought of that before. All those african tyrants throughout the years, and the solution was so simple...
Wow I can't believe the negativity in this thread - utterly shameful

This is a very noble cause and I would've honoured to help in any way I can, and I will
^ There's probably worse things happening to other people elsewhere.

That's what I don't get. Why focus on one dude? Why not go after EVERYONE? I just don't see what's going to change here. Everyone knows him, and then what? Who's going to stop him? Who specificity?
hmmm..........Very interesting. I guess this is what my Aunt and Uncle had talked to me about before. Their teachers that go to Uganda to help teach every year and they participate in a teacher exchange program. Might as well put it out there, support the cause :exactly:

I've always been under the impression that actions speak louder than words, and I think people need to incite action. Kony is a snake in the grass; if you want to stop the beast, you remove it's head. I'd like to see an organization where every dollar pledged goes toward the bounty on a Kony's head. Especially in a 3rd world country like Uganda, money can be a powerful and influential tool. I feel for those children, but I think that before you solve the problem, you need to remove the obstacle from the equation.
Hmmm, so they have raised over 8mil?

I think we all know of someone who can go over there and take care of it for only $8

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