Darren Carnall's creative corner

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To Wanderer: YES... the Ripley is (slowly... sadly) coming along. It's still a go... and it's looking great so far. Annoyingly there's not too much to do with it.. so I just need to spend some time on it (the hard part):bow

Awesome news D. I'll be well up for a painted Ripley head :banana CAN'T WAIT
What do I have to do to purchase one of your figures,is there a web site or something?
I know you've been busy with the wedding, honeymoon and so many commissions, but if you get the chance, could you just send back the Coburn head? Thanks dude!
Where are you Darren? update us the status..pls..pls.......:mexwave


HI guys, sorry for not being around for a while. This was the first Xmas since my Dad died in March, and it was way more depressing than I was expecting it to be. Somehow I was in a much much blacker mood over this holiday time than I was around the actual time when it happened earlier in the year.

Anyway, as a result I wasn't painting at all through most of December, and didn't even turn the computer on to check my emails... I just kind of hid away and waited for it all to be over.

....and now it is. So I'm back! :eek:

Here's a few pics of a head I finished recently. The eyes haven't been glossed yet, but it shows it well enough as it is. I plopped it onto my Anakin figure to see how it looks with the hood up.

....and it looks great!!! (or it does to me anyway lol)






What do I have to do to purchase one of your figures,is there a web site or something?

I don't 'sell figures' really, I've done custom paint work in the past, but I'm afraid I'm not taking on any new requests at the moment as I need to work on my too-long waiting list for a while. I'm sorry.

There is a website/blog though, where you can see any heads or custom figures I've done. www.darrencarnall.com - if you sign up for the email updates you get sent an email any time i make a new post, so you'll never miss anything. Also... whenever in the future I make myself available for custom requests, you'll hear about it.

I know you've been busy with the wedding, honeymoon and so many commissions, but if you get the chance, could you just send back the Coburn head? Thanks dude!

oh god..... I'm so rubbish :eek: . ok... I'm going to have to admit defeat with this, i'm just never going to get around to it am i. I'm sorry about this, I really am. Maybe when I'm taking requests again, I'll be able to spare the time to do something with it.

Do me a favour, could you pm me your address (just to double check) and I'll get it send off to you on Monday.

Right, I'm off to bed now. Might do some more fiddling and tinkering with my Indy figure. I'll take photos to show anything that i've done when I'm finished :)

Anyway.... I'm back now :joy
hey darren, i'm really sorry to hear about your christmas matey. i hope in all that darkness though you were able to work some things out. we did miss you, and it's damn good to see you back. and what a thing to come back with - starting 2009 off with a real bang. that anakin is beautiful. you always stun me with your work!
that is your best anni paint yet BIG D! happy new year to you guys! as always love to see your talent on here :)

oh yeah and did you paint his boots brown? i have planned on painting my annis boots someday here too.
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Have a great New Year Darren. Best to you and yours in 2009.

PS - You should re-post all your Indy stuff in your thread. I'm afraid it will get lost in the Indy Custom thread. Lots of great stuff there.
I don't 'sell figures' really, I've done custom paint work in the past, but I'm afraid I'm not taking on any new requests at the moment as I need to work on my too-long waiting list for a while. I'm sorry.

Am I still on that waitlist Darren ? if I am can you PM me with what Im waiting for ? as theres a shed load of customs since your original quote that need finishing off, Ive lost track of which ones I asked you to quote me on (I know they were all for your superb paint) Im waiting on some stuff from Glenn, Les and Xeno. So 2009 could be a good year for my collection.

Or can you PM me how many heads you would be prepared to paint for me.
that is your best anni paint yet BIG D! happy new year to you guys! as always love to see your talent on here :)

oh yeah and did you paint his boots brown? i have planned on painting my annis boots someday here too.

yeah, medium thin wash of brown over the black. Gives a nice dark brown. Don't worry about it being too perfect. The black/brown effect makes it look 'natural' and not painted.

Have a great New Year Darren. Best to you and yours in 2009.

PS - You should re-post all your Indy stuff in your thread. I'm afraid it will get lost in the Indy Custom thread. Lots of great stuff there.

Yeah, I think I will when I've got it finished... I'll do post on everything I've done to it. (and thanks!)

Am I still on that waitlist Darren ?

message sent :)
I started a new hobby,I'm looking to use custom/realistic figures for stop motion animation and put the footage into the actual movies.For better/longer action scenes,better costumes than what the movies gave us.

Like on "Return of the Jedi" I want to have Luke go against Vader and instead of taking Vader's hand off I'm gonna show Luke jam his lightsaber in Vader's chest causing Vader to fall to his knees.

Then I'm gonna have Luke force grab Vader's lightsaber off the ground and hold both lightsabers across Vader's neck like how Anakin did to Dooku.

Then instead of Luke taking Vader's head off,Luke turns to the Emperor and refuses to kill Vader.

Then I'm gonna have the Emperor pull out his lightsaber from his sleeve,ignite it and Luke and the Emperor have a lightsaber fight where Luke is seen dueling with two lightsabers.

Then I'm gonna have the Emperor flip over Luke and zap Luke with force lightning in the back causing Luke to go falling to the ground face first.Then as the Emperor tries to strike Luke with his lightsaber,Vader blocks it with his lightsaber.

Then I'm gonna show Vader vs Palpatine.

And thats just one scene I'm doing,I plan on doing lots more.Like getting rid of the Ewoks and making stormtroopers vs rebels in a huge ground battle with camouflage stormtroopers,grenades,missles,blue blasters along with the red ones.

Is there anyone else who is as good as you that can help me out?
wow, that's certainly an ambitious project you're taking on there. I can't wait to see if if you manage to get it all done. I'd love to try stop-motion animation one day, always wanted to.

There are tons of people who can do great customs on here, have a look through the custom section and you'll see loads of threads from people who do some amazing work! Maybe even make a post saying what you want and asking if anyone can help you?

I'm sure somebody would be able to help you somehow. Good luck!! :)