Wolverine Origins (Spoilers/Discussion)

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Yep. I kinda was Watchmen was in theaters....kinda want to watch that. Oh well...i'll just watch it online or something.

I'm seeing Monsters Vs. Aliens tomorrow in 3D!
I dont know....the bad word of mouth....the swine flu...the fact that you can watch the movie ANYTIME you want for free.....
I quite enjoyed the film. There were a few glaring inaccuracies, and too many random 'throw away' characters, but it did set up a nice Deadpool film (if the ending with Deadpool picking up XI's head is confirmed) and I was overjoyed that we finally got a well acted Sabertooth. He stole the show in my opinion.

Did get confused when Gambit started running on walls though :s
Here is the thing, if you keep pigeon holing Comic into "Well they are Comic Book movies" then you are forgiving them when they suck. I haven't seen this yet but if enough people look and call it a duck then well don't be surprised when it quacks. Comic Books themselves have transcended the "Pow, Biff, Blam!" days of yore and have gotten down to really intense and really complex storylines that put humanity into these characters and make you care for them and like them.....why shouldn't these movies? TDK was a huge success not because it was a Batman movie, not because it was Heath Ledger's last film (because it wasn't), not because of viral marketing, all that only gets you into the seats on opening weekend. It was a massive success because Nolan treats it like A MOVIE! An actual film of cinema that has to hold on it own, what we got was a smart telling of a crime drama that happened to include Batman and Joker. Iron Man was a huge success because it told the story of Tony Stark a flaw human being played perfectly by its star and a story that actually had points A, B and C. It told how he had to come to grips that he is hurting the country he was hired to defend, it had a moral dilemma and a cool ass suit but it still HAD A STORY! The Incredible Hulk while not a huge commercial success was a great telling of the mythology that was far better than what I have seen recently. All of these films focused on the story first and the hero second and looked for honest ways to weave the superhero mythologies into the stories that were being told which is why it came off organic.

Wolverine's history is as complex and rich as any character and more so in the Marvel Universe. They could have made 80 Origins films from the character's history alone, so for this not to be on par with movies like Spider-Man or Iron Man or for god's sake the original X-Men movies is unforgivable. "Its just a comic book movie is a bull^^^^ response and no longer valid." Should be banned.

This is modern mythology folks, this is the stuff that kids have grown up and died knowing in modern times, this stuff is excellent fodder for film because they can have the same passion and the same storytelling as anything else put out there but if people are going to keep ^^^^ing it up then we might as well stop now.

At least I know the Deadpool ending in case they don't show it.

So after destroying Weapon XI (temporarily because if you stay through the credits, you'll see the decapitated Deadpool start putting himself together like the goddamned Iron Giant, unless you get one of the other post-credit endings they shot in an attempt to bring people back to the theatre to see this atrocity),
Wolverine's history is as complex and rich as any character and more so in the Marvel Universe.
Yep. But not here. In this movie the origin is as generic and shallow as anything out there.

So after destroying Weapon XI (temporarily because if you stay through the credits, you'll see the decapitated Deadpool start putting himself together like the goddamned Iron Giant, unless you get one of the other post-credit endings they shot in an attempt to bring people back to the theatre to see this atrocity),
OMG... just when you thought it couldn't get worse. :lol
The Mike pretty much nailed it regarding what ideological path Marvel and their associated Movie companies need to be following.

Batman Begins, TDK, Iron Man, Spiderman 2, Blade and X-Men 2 have set the high quality standard which needs to be reached if they want their audiences to believe in their vision.

It's really that simple.

Go read Mike....errrr...The Mike.

That being said though, i'll be the first to admit that I also enjoy my guilty pleasures every once and awhile....:)
Look I understand the dislike for this film.
Wolverine origins was not the movie I was hoping for, but for my money I got to watch Mutants in some cool action scenes. Less than two hours later I'm out of theatre with my wife discussing how good it was in parts and how bad it was in parts (How Wolverine loses his memory is just plain stupid)
So yes, I enjoyed it. It was nowhere near as good as X2, I thought the story was a mess, Deadpool was badly treated and underused, but I still enjoyed it. whether it's 100% on rotten tomatoes or 0%, nothing is going to change that. It might be the worst attrosity made to film for some, crap for others, I value your opinion, as I said I even understand it, but I just don't feel, in my eyes it's that bad. Dragonball evolutions on the other hand..
Go read Mike....errrr...The Mike.

Mike is fine my friend. Just plain ol' Mike is fine.
I have kept myself out of the loop regarding the movie because I didn't want to read any spoilers and generally don't like to be persuaded either way regarding a movie prior to seeing it, but The Mike told me to read the review. That really sucks that the movie is bad, I have been looking forward to this movie for a long time! I have always loved Wolverine and was so excited for this movie. What a bummer. I totally agree though that the "its just a comic book movie" is no excuse. Like The Mike said, Ironman, and TDK are excellent "comic book" movies that I think set the bar really high, but that is what all comic movies should be striving to reach and surpass. I would rather there be no Wolverine Origins movie than a bad one.
Reviews for this flick certainly aren't getting any better. That Collider review was harsh, but like everyone else who read it said, you can't really argue with his points. I can't say the film doesn't deserve it.

Mike pretty well summed up the way I feel about the "comic book movie" mentality as well, so no point in reiterating his well written post.

Wolverine isn't the worst movie I've ever seen but it is highly disappointing for me as a Wolverine fan. I definitely lump this one in with the second/third tier superhero movies - probably on par with Daredevil for me. (Haven't seen Ghost Rider - refuse to waste my time).

Who can't enjoy mindless fun at the movies? The problem is that this movie could have been more than mindless fun - it should have been good.


I never followed Deadpool - so can he really just put himself back together like that or what?
Haven't seen it yet, but as long as the movie is entertaining and action packed, then I will feel like I got my money's worth.
I have been looking forward to this movie for a long time! I have always loved Wolverine and was so excited for this movie.

This is why we'll go see it. I know you love the character and everything I've read still says Jackman himself rocks the ^^^^ out of the character. Oh....and honey....you can just call me Mike....we'll save the "The"s for somewhere else. :naughty:
Well, I'm catching it tonight (midnight) with some pals.

While I question the quality of the film, I don't care. To me it's the flick that begins the summer blockbuster season, and it should be fun if nothing else.
A tiny sliver from CHUD's review......LOL!!!

"Regardless, Logan seems to be completely invulnerable to physical damage even before he gets his metal skeleton, and after the operation his leather jacket also has healing powers."

Ohh, 1.5 / 10
Anyone excited about this movie shouldn't let the bad reviews dissuade you from going. I still want to see the finished print and if I hadn't seen the film already, I would definitely be going this weekend. It's always important to see a movie that you want to regardless of reviews - after all you might really enjoy it. Jackman is still a bad*** Wolverine! :rock
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My 7 out of 10
has been bothering me. After thinking about for a while I should revise it.
So I would like to downgrade it to 6 out of 10.

It's not great, but it has it's moments, like the opening montage of Wolverine and Victor fighting in all the wars also Liev Schreiber and Ryan Reynolds play there roles well.
One thing I want to mention is that the after credits ending set in Japan is the one I saw . I searched the Internet and have not found anybody who has seen the Deadpool ending yet.
The one that is suposed to exist is that XI is a clone. Wade Wilson picks up the head after the credits and say's shhhhhh! to the camera