Wolverine Origins (Spoilers/Discussion)

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cool !! it just looked so fake.

Which means he fit in just fine with the rest of the movie. :lecture

The CGI claws bathroom slapstick sequence is also one of many in this film that will go down in history as :lol

(Celtic, a lot of the FX looked no better in the final print than the workprint, including that scene).
I do love the workprint, because it actually gave me a cooler perspective on making movies. I wish they'd leak more movies more often.
Saw the movie tonight. I liked it. Had a lot of fun with it. Thought sabertooth was Daddy, so I was confused with the brother thing. But, I've not read a single xmen comic, so I could be wrong?
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decent movie, a fun ride. no better or worse than any other marvel film imo.
Yeah, CelticP...those were some GREAT Marvel movies! X-Men 1 and 2, Spider-Man 1, 2...and 3 for me.

I'm a huge Wolverine fan. He's my favorite of the X-Men, and one of my top overall favorite comic book characters. I saw the movie yesterday, now that it's May 2 where I am. I enjoyed it. I've learned with comic book movies, even though they've greatly improved since the first X-Men and Spider-Man movies came out....to take them with a "grain of salt". Meaning that I know the continuity from the comics to the big screen may be, and usually is, changed in some or many ways. I enjoyed the Wolverine movie. Honestly I thought it ended abruptly in a way. I saw the two "ending" during the credits too. The last one got a "what the ***!? :confused:" from the few audience members that stayed until the very end of the credits to see it. I heard comments like "I stayed to see that"?, and "that was a horrible "secret" ending", etc. So not many people there were happy with it. I thought that most of the special effects were decent. I haven't seen the "workprint" online like most have. I wanted to wait and see the finished film first.

I like what Hugh Jackman has done with the character in the past four movies. He is the best actor to play Wolverine/Logan. I'm glad the Dougray Scott had to drop out before making the first X-Men. Since he was originally cast as Wolverine, but was working on Mission Impossible II at that time, and couldn't do X-Men. I am hoping for a MUCH better X-Men 4...if it even gets made someday. Brett Ratner's horrible direction, and the weak storyline, ruined most of X-Men 3: The Last Stand for me. I enjoyed X-Men 1 and 2 a lot more under the direction of Bryan Singer. I was hoping he'd return for X-Men 3, but didn't since he was directing Superman Returns at the time.

Anyway, go see X-Men Origins Wolverine. Like me, just take it for what it is. Because apparently most filmmakers seem to "wing it" now when it comes to storyline, and claim to be faithful to the source material. But here, I saw some but not all of what I thought was Wolverine's origin that has already been told in comics now, such as "Wolverine Origin". This is a great movie, as far as the X-Men "movie continuity" goes. I also agree that Patrick Stewart did look weird and rubbery as Charles Xavier. It was good to see the younger Professor X walking around though.
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Got a message from a friend that simply said

"Saw Wolvie, if you go in like a fanboy you'll leave needing to kill someone. If you go in like a Twitard you'll be fine".

The Twitard comment is a reference to the Twilight fans who never read the book or even knew the history of the characters just went in because they got swept into the hype and bought all the merchandise as neofandom. It seems like this will play well to casual fans and newcomers so to me it sounds like a KOTCS thing where you have to separate your fandom and popcorn flick mindset it.

Which indicates Matinee to me.
Saw the movie tonight. I liked it. Had a lot of fun with it. Though sabertooth was Daddy, so I was confused with the brother thing. But, I've not read a single xmen comic, so I could be wrong?

I liked it quite a bit and will probably go to another showing at some point.

If you enjoy the movie versions of the Marvel charcters and their continuity, then you should like it just fine. If you're some weirdo that thinks they can cram fifty years worth of comics into several two hour films, then don't bother going to see any of the Marvel movies.

My version had the Wolverine in Japan ending, but I found the Deadpool ending on youtube:


just came back from the movie !

was better then X3 but expected way more.
good movie doh !
hey guys ! do you think prefessor X was CGI?

I enjoyed it.
decent movie, a fun ride. no better or worse than any other marvel film imo.

Glad to see there's people here that are not buying into the "this film is garbage" hype. Yeah it's nothing too special, but some here would have you believe it's DD.

Mike, that comment may hold true or it may not for you. I'm a pretty big wolverine fan, but i'm no expert. Especially on his past-i know some things, but like someone else said their gonna change things in these movies regardless, that differ from the comics and such. I was irritated when Parker ended up with organic webbing for instance and a few other things but i just let it slide. I think this is at least as decent as X3, and a good enough ride if you let it be and not go in hating. But what do i know, i thought TDK was just a good Batman movie and NOT the second coming.
Watched it, Liked it. Is not better than IM or DK,but is a good movie,i'm not gonna put it down cuz the jacket doesn't get damage in the battle,it does not take away from the scene IMO. Yes there are a lot of things that are inconsistent,but they are not that big of a deal,and to be honest there will always be some "WTF" moments on every movie if you look hard enough.Only thing is i wish they didn't try to cramp so many characters in one movie.
I saw it last night. I really think it's kinda sad when people (internet geeks/"critics") bash the hell out of these types of movies, when it's obvious ALOT of hard, collaborative work goes into making them (as an aspiring filmmaker, I can certainly appreciate that.)

Overall, the screenplay did a surprisingly good job of cramming in so many popular characters in the story and making it work. Sure, Gambit and Deadpool were thrown in to please fans, but they actually furthered the plot along and weren't just thankless cameos like Jubilee in the first two X-Men or Dr. McCoy and Colossus in X2. My only real nit-picks were the lack of focus on Wolverine's character for the first thirty minutes of the film, and how soft and boy-scout like he was in the earlier flashbacks. They spent so much time developing the supporting cast, he was just kind of there, and doesn't get much development until
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Wolverine is called an "animal", and the "best at what he does... which isn't very nice," yet we never really see much of that, considering he is the softest of Stryker's team. However, it does establish that despite Wolverine's look and feral nature, he is a genuinely good man in contrast with his gleefully violent brother.

So overall, it was a fun, entertaining summer flick made in an attempt to take your money (just like every other franchise film, including the upcoming T4 and STAR TREK.) It took mine, and I was more than happy to give it to them. It wasn't perfect, but a film should be judged for what it is, and NOT what it could be. For what it was, it was a fun blast, that gives some interesting insight to the Wolverine character, a decent lead-up to X-1, and a chance to finally see characters like Sabertooth and Gambit do what they do best.

Can't wait to see what they do in the upcoming MAGNETO film.
This would have been a better end credit clip :lol
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/VYGwIiXJjTE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/VYGwIiXJjTE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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I saw it last night. I really think it's kinda sad when people (internet geeks/"critics") bash the hell out of these types of movies, when it's obvious ALOT of hard, collaborative work goes into making them (as an aspiring filmmaker, I can certainly appreciate that.)

Overall, the screenplay did a surprisingly good job of cramming in so many popular characters in the story and making it work. Sure, Gambit and Deadpool were thrown in to please fans, but they actually furthered the plot along and weren't just thankless cameos like Jubilee in the first two X-Men or Dr. McCoy and Colossus in X2. My only real nit-picks were the lack of focus on Wolverine's character for the first thirty minutes of the film, and how soft and boy-scout like he was in the earlier flashbacks. They spent so much time developing the supporting cast, he was just kind of there, and doesn't get much development until
Spoiler Spoiler:
Wolverine is called an "animal", and the "best at what he does... which isn't very nice," yet we never really see much of that, considering he is the softest of Stryker's team. However, it does establish that despite Wolverine's look and feral nature, he is a genuinely good man in contrast with his gleefully violent brother.

So overall, it was a fun, entertaining summer flick made in an attempt to take your money (just like every other franchise film, including the upcoming T4 and STAR TREK.) It took mine, and I was more than happy to give it to them. It wasn't perfect, but a film should be judged for what it is, and NOT what it could be. For what it was, it was a fun blast, that gives some interesting insight to the Wolverine character, a decent lead-up to X-1, and a chance to finally see characters like Sabertooth and Gambit do what they do best.

Can't wait to see what they do in the upcoming MAGNETO film.

Well said man! I went in ready to hate the movie, but willing to give it a chance. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how good the movie was. I highly enjoyed the intro sequence with Logan/Victor fighting through history, that really was well done IMO.

In all honesty, were there rough spots? Yes, of course. I thought the bathroom claw sequence CGI needed polish, it was very "old school" in it's look... reminding me of CGI in films a decade ago. And yeah Wolverine wasn't really given a chance to show his more feral side, and the lack of blood and all... And... Deadpool shooting optic blasts was a bit much... But as a movie, it was great fun. I liked it better than the first X-Men and the last, definitely on par with X2 for me. And I am not a Twitard. :lol

The core of the story, Wolverine and Sabretooth's brother bond eroding and somewhat repairing later in the film.... THAT was done exceptionally well and I very much enjoyed it. The ones who stole the show for me was primarily Liev as Victor, Gambit and Wade.... they were very much like they are in the comics and I really liked seeing them brought to life as they were. I may not have liked how Wade ended up, but before it happened.... they nailed it.

So I liked the movie, call me an idiot if you like... but I will stand my ground on this... I liked it. :banana
:google Are you serious??? WOW.

To each his own, but I'd be interested to see if you still feel this way a few months from now.

Hey, some people had the same reaction to US when we liked Watchmen, and they didn't. :lecture

Honestly, it wasn't the train wreck everyone made it out to be. And unlike Watchmen, where there was a "bandwagon" of people who liked it, this one has a "bandwagon" of people who hate it. THIS is the new movie that it's cool to hate. :lol

It had many flaws, but so did X1 and X3. Even X2 had flaws, despite it being very good. This film was fine, and I was 100% ready to hate it. I had no hype going in whatsoever, nothing like I have for Star Trek. I wasn't even that excited to see it, but it surprised me.