Will the PT be loved more or hated more after TFA releases?

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I thought you took issue with any posts that spoke against or dismissed the PT.

No way, you got it all wrong. I take issue with any posts you make, not solely about the prequels! :lol

They're ****, I know they're ****. But it is possible for every turd to occasionally contain some nutritious gold corn kernels that passed through. ROTJ has Jabba's Palace, the speeder chase and the Emperor's throne room. TPM has Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgregor, the pod race and the lightsaber duel. AOTC has the speeder chase, the arena, the start of the Clone Wars and Christopher Lee. For years I hated Jango Fett, but once I let go of canon and the clone nonsense, I actually kinda like him. ROTS has Palpatine at his best, the opera, and Order 66. TFA has the opening and escape from the destroyer, the Falcon/ Tie Fighter Jakku chase and Adam Driver punching himself in the side to feel pain during a pretty cool duel. And as much as I don't care for ROTJ or the prequels, I'd be lying if I said they don't contain nostalgia, spectacle and great soundtracks. I'll defend aspects of any of them, that doesn't mean I love em'. You constantly mention the Schumacher Bat movies, I've defended aspects of them before (I kinda like Batman Forever) but I would definitely categorize them as garbage.

Wor-Gar said it best in one of these threads. Star Wars as a whole is garbage, but it's OUR garbage. I may not weep at opening crawls or geriatric Harrison Ford appearances, but god knows if I hear the Force theme or see the ignition of a lightsaber, I get some feels. I've seen convincing arguments why things are good and bad, and I don't really care anymore, waste of time. I like what I like, that view means nothing in the end except a couple of passages on a message board.
The Schumacher Bat films are the best reference I can ever think of because they're crap, but to me they're inoffensive and harmless. They so just "are what they are" that I can't really shake my fists at them and sometimes they're kind of fun to have on as background movies worth a good chuckle/nostalgia/whatever. Anyone who says "well that's what the PT is to me" well, I can understand that on a certain level.

I don't share that opinion though, to me the PT is more like what apparently TDKR is to you. You *have* to recognize that TDKR also has some really good moments here and there, but doesn't it frustrate you so much to even humor the notion that it is "linked" to BB/TDK that you pretty much dismiss it? That's the PT to me.

So, in summary:

1. PT = Schumacher Bat films <- I can understand that
2. PT = TDKR <- I can agree with (though at least TDKR has acting/dialogue light years beyond the PT and great cinematography/practical effects)
3. PT = Good movies <- That I just can't relate to at all but as you say at the end of the day who cares, people like what they like
I would serious rather have the CIA water board me to death, than watch those movies again.

I don't like overreactions. If you want to "serious" die than watch the PT..... :slap :lol

They are not that bad :lol

I have to hand it to WWE Jedi, this thread he started has resulted in some interesting, and at times, confounding reading.

Notice I don't even bump this thread either.... I thought you all wanted these to die..... :lol
So what thread *did* you bump to make the above comment?
Oh they're dead, but it's not like talking about them will bring them back to life.

This was probably on the second or third page.... you bumped it back to the first......
You *did* like ROTS didn't you? :lol Why? I must know, why, why, why?? Do you like it the way I like the Schumacher Batfilms? I mean I recognize that they're crap (especially B&R obviously) but they have some good lolz and I can actually enjoy them if I'm in the right mood. That's why you like ROTS right? Right? In all seriousness though I do respect your opinion and wonder if possibly you just haven't watched it in a while? It was better in my memory than when I actually sat down and tried to sit through it.

I will admit there is an element of Batman & Robin-itis in my appreciation of some of the acting and dialogue. But the truth is I legitimately enjoy most of what the movie is offering. I genuinely enjoy the energy and visuals, the themes and the story, even if the pesky script gets in the way of it. I recognize that George lost sight of the value in reality for his actors and went overboard with the CGI. But I can still jump in and enjoy it. I don't believe for a moment that Ewan M. is riding a lizard but that doesn't take away from my immature joy at watching a man ride a giant fake lizard. I like the battles, I like the music, I like the designs, and by the end of it I do feel genuine satisfaction in the resolution, corny as it may be.

I don't begrudge anyone their hatred/disappointment/anger. I can laugh at the bad parts without feeling like I'm somehow betraying my pro-prequel stance. I do sometimes feel a little grossed out at being part of a fandom that embraces a phrase like "raped my childhood" as the height of wit. But I'm comfortable with the fact that I don't "enjoy" things the same way a lot of fans here do.
This was probably on the second or third page.... you bumped it back to the first......

Excellent point.

Spoiler Spoiler:
I will admit there is an element of Batman & Robin-itis in my appreciation of some of the acting and dialogue. But the truth is I legitimately enjoy most of what the movie is offering. I genuinely enjoy the energy and visuals, the themes and the story, even if the pesky script gets in the way of it. I recognize that George lost sight of the value in reality for his actors and went overboard with the CGI. But I can still jump in and enjoy it. I don't believe for a moment that Ewan M. is riding a lizard but that doesn't take away from my immature joy at watching a man ride a giant fake lizard. I like the battles, I like the music, I like the designs, and by the end of it I do feel genuine satisfaction in the resolution, corny as it may be.

Okay I honestly think we're pretty eye to eye on what the PT did right and wrong, it's only the overall impact those elements (acting/dialogue/CGI/etc) had on the films and to what degree that it would appear we differ on. Kind of like anytime someone says, "TFA re-used a ton of scenarios from the OT, I wish Maz Kanata was a puppet, and Rey's Jedi mind trick seemed like a huge leap for her." To all that I'd say "I agree." I just don't agree that those aspects prevent the film from being enjoyable or dare I say great.

Same with the OT. Is it silly that Tarkin doesn't order the Death Star to blow up Yavin instead of orbiting it? Yep. Is it silly that the Rebel fleet tries to escape Hoth by flying within 10 feet of the one Star Destroyer that's approaching the planet? That would be a yes. :lol But eh, we all choose how much we'll forgive for any given film.

I don't begrudge anyone their hatred/disappointment/anger. I can laugh at the bad parts without feeling like I'm somehow betraying my pro-prequel stance. I do sometimes feel a little grossed out at being part of a fandom that embraces a phrase like "raped my childhood" as the height of wit. But I'm comfortable with the fact that I don't "enjoy" things the same way a lot of fans here do.

And I wouldn't begrudge anyone the right to like the PT. There are just too many crappy movies that we *all* like. Call them guilty pleasures or whatever, but we all have our pet "crap" that we enjoy. :lol I've never said the "raped my childhood" phrase, I think it's stupid, and to this day I have no problem admitting that if I ever met George Lucas it would be an honor and I'd shake his hand with a great deal of respect. He still gave us the OT, allowed Harmy to restore and distribute those films, and then made the sale that paved the way for TFA. Plus there's that whole "other" series featuring a certain fedora wearing archaeologist. Lucas will always be a legend. The fact that he went a bit coocoo at the end won't ever negate that.
Okay I honestly think we're pretty eye to eye on what the PT did right and wrong, it's only the overall impact those elements (acting/dialogue/CGI/etc) had on the films and to what degree that it would appear we differ on. Kind of like anytime someone says, "TFA re-used a ton of scenarios from the OT, I wish Maz Kanata was a puppet, and Rey's Jedi mind trick seemed like a huge leap for her." To all that I'd say "I agree." I just don't agree that those aspects prevent the film from being enjoyable or dare I say great.

Same with the OT. Is it silly that Tarkin doesn't order the Death Star to blow up Yavin instead of orbiting it? Yep. Is it silly that the Rebel fleet tries to escape Hoth by flying within 10 feet of the one Star Destroyer that's approaching the planet? That would be a yes. :lol But eh, we all choose how much we'll forgive for any given film.

And I wouldn't begrudge anyone the right to like the PT. There are just too many crappy movies that we *all* like. Call them guilty pleasures or whatever, but we all have our pet "crap" that we enjoy. :lol I've never said the "raped my childhood" phrase, I think it's stupid, and to this day I have no problem admitting that if I ever met George Lucas it would be an honor and I'd shake his hand with a great deal of respect. He still gave us the OT, allowed Harmy to restore and distribute those films, and then made the sale that paved the way for TFA. Plus there's that whole "other" series featuring a certain fedora wearing archaeologist. Lucas will always be a legend. The fact that he went a bit coocoo at the end won't ever negate that.


Poor old George. What does Bane say to Batbale? "Success has defeated you?"

For what it's worth I like TDKR because it reminds me of ROTJ in a lot of ways. Mostly the Ewok cops at the end.
I've never said the "raped my childhood" phrase, I think it's stupid..

I don't believe many PT haters do. It was probably used by one reviewer in one article that made the rounds years ago and it simply stuck, most often used now to bash PT haters over the head with.
I don't believe many PT haters do. It was probably used by one reviewer in one article that made the rounds years ago and it simply stuck, most often used now to bash PT haters over the head with.

I've not seen much of that phenomenon (seen plenty of "haters" use it) but if that's the case...

Yeah, I hate the raped childhood reference/complaint, think it makes fans look like petulant children. My childhood is intact, I love star wars and empire as much as I ever did. No matter how bad (or great) the newest star wars/Indy chapter may be, it doesn't effect my appreciation of the ones that came before it.
Re-watchin' CLONE WARS to get to seasons 5 and 6...
At least 30% of it is pure crap but there are some truly great episodes.
Love everything clonecentric, Eps 7 to 10 of S4 are my favorites.

I'm glad PT happened and spawned this animated series.
I've not seen much of that phenomenon (seen plenty of "haters" use it) but if that's the case...


I have definitely seen far more cases of defenders using it against PT haters. I feel I'd remember if it were otherwise because I agree, as Rushmore said, it comes across as incredibly petulant and as a PT hater myself I don't want to be associated with that. I just think most PT haters nowadays have a bit more sense than to say such a thing even if they didn't before when it first became a thing.

Maybe people are still saying it in the wider internet but I don't believe I've seen it on SSF.
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I have definitely seen far more cases of defenders using it against PT haters. I feel I'd remember if it were otherwise because I agree, as Rushmore said, it comes across as incredibly petulant and as a PT hater myself I don't want to be associated with that. I just think most PT haters nowadays have a bit more sense than to say such a thing even if they didn't before when it first became a thing.

Maybe people are still saying it in the wider internet but I don't believe I've seen it on SSF.

I'm not disputing your personal experience but I've definitely seen it here within the last few months. And, like I said, if people are getting rebuked with it more often now, I say good. It's disgusting.
Fair enough.

By the way, I forgot to ask, what was your previous board-name? Do I remember right you said you had changed it?
Fair enough.

By the way, I forgot to ask, what was your previous board-name? Do I remember right you said you had changed it?

Yeah, I was YoNoSe. I changed it because I thought my Premium membership was up but my Paypal auto-renew apparently didn't get the memo.