Why aren't new fans appreciated?

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You bring the marshmallows.

The only new fans I dislike are the ones that crap ALL over the director or his work, etc, but then see one good thing and act like they've loved him all along. I hate those people.
I like any fan, as long as you can plug it into the outlet.. Hate those potable ones, on batteries...

Wait, what?
Because of this:

If you don't have the income to afford a $25 -50 increase on a high end collectible, what are you doing in this hobby? Seriously, not to be mean, but really. Either you can afford it or you can't. A gradual price increase over time that has resulted in a minor price increase shouldn't be a big deal. I think a lot of people need to readdress their collecting or get out.

Sorry in advance for my mostly unrelated post. But when every PO goes up, we go through the same 10 pages of FREAKS COMPLAINTS, FREAKS BEING DEFENSIVE, FREAKS BEING UNRATIONAL, FREAKS BEING ILLOGICAL. Here is why I think it happens

I think HT collectors can MOSTLY fall into one of three categories.

1. - The Completest Fanboys. This is the fan of a particular license or licenses and they buy everything that HT produces. They rarely have a problem with price and hardly ever complain about anything. Except for those who complain about HT. They know the product is always perfect, but they are happy to get all they can of what they like.

2. The Majority HT Fan - This is probably the largest group here. They are both fans of some or fans of all licenses. The are both fan that can afford as much as they want and get what they want. And they are fan that can't afford everything, but mostly get what they want. These fan don't like everything that comes out but know these are great quality toys/collectibles. They occassionally complain, but its usually because they just want the best they can get.

3. The Wanna be Haters - this is the HT fan that can only occassionally afford an odd figure here and there. And they crap all over any and everything they can to make themselves feel better because they can get what they want and what. When something comes out they like, its priceless. When something comes out they don't like its worthless. Big time hypocrites and always disruptive.

Of course this is my opinion after a few years on this board ( I was just a backseat spectator for a year before I joined ). 95% of us can fit into one of these three categories. I'm sorry if you're in the 3rd group and are offended by any of this. But you bring plenty of unhappy moments to many people who fall into the other 2 categories. This forum is for 1/6 action figures and collectibles. And since it is a forum, everyone is entitled to post their opinions, just like I did here. But just like you're entitled to post your opinion, others are entitled to post theirs. I wish we could remember that this is a TOY/COLLECTIBLES forum and it should be lighted hearted. But some people go to far and take this to a personal level.

I am in the first category and am glad this went up for PO today. I ordered the EX the second Dave put the link up.:wave

It isn't that much for a large business. Plus his cancellations will easily be picked up by someone else. People thinking that voting with their wallet matters don't know how little it really does. Unless it happens on a large scale, it don't mean ____.

My point exactly. Here is a new fans first post. Welcome scottkey. He just took the place of the fan who just had to cancel.

Now be preparred to empty your wallet and bank account.:rotfl:wave
Oh ____! I just wrote a long post and hit the wrong key and it vanished. Anyways thats good for you guys because I'm sure it would have sounded like whining.
But anyways...YES, it does suck to be a new fan, I've found. Most people are friendly, but there are a few dbags around. It's no different than any other board I guess :dunno
Thats why you have an ignore list. :lol