Why are there no Sideshow Lando Calrissian figures?

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Bespin Lando with cape would be the only rendition I would get.

But one way of making everyone happy would be to put him in a double-pack. Have Bespin Lando on one side and on the lid flap have his Skiff Guard outfit. Kill two birds with one stone...
Bespin Lando with cape would be the only rendition I would get.

But one way of making everyone happy would be to put him in a double-pack. Have Bespin Lando on one side and on the lid flap have his Skiff Guard outfit. Kill two birds with one stone...

Or, to sell him, put him in his skiff guard outfit (which is more appealing) and have the Gigallo outfit on the box's other side. That'd actually make an awesome exclusive. Most people would get him for the Jabba display anyway and have the Gigallo option as the Ex for a Bespin display would most likely guarantee a fast PPO.

Just thought of something funny. What if for Black and White Friday, they're planning on doing a Lando/Obi Wan announcement? Or would that be too inappropriate? :lol
Or, to sell him, put him in his skiff guard outfit (which is more appealing) and have the Gigallo outfit on the box's other side. That'd actually make an awesome exclusive. Most people would get him for the Jabba display anyway and have the Gigallo option as the Ex for a Bespin display would most likely guarantee a fast PPO.

Agree 100%.

However, I have yet to run into any transgenders. Hopefully, it stays that way. :lol
It occurred to me today that we'll probably get a Lando announcement once they've finalized a prototype for Boba Fett. With luck, they'll even give us a ESB Vader, and a Lobot, as well as a Bespin Guard, and we can round out the whole thing.

Oooo ... how about a C-3PO with removable limbs? :D Or is that best saved for a Chewbacca exclusive...?
However, I have yet to run into any transgenders. Hopefully, it stays that way. :lol

Imagine my surprise when the Sergeant told me that first when jumping to Brazil for a little training, then again for RR in Bangkok. "Watch out fer the pretty ones. They'll poke ya back!" I was like, WTF?! :confused: An in-flight briefing of horror stories made it all too clear.:rotfl
Imagine my surprise when the Sergeant told me that first when jumping to Brazil for a little training, then again for RR in Bangkok. "Watch out fer the pretty ones. They'll poke ya back!" I was like, WTF?! :confused: An in-flight briefing of horror stories made it all too clear.:rotfl

I only ever jumped in Benning and Bragg, and both those places have their fair share of weirdos. I can't say I can relate to the experiences you mentioned. :lol

I can say that I didn't have any of those issues operating in the Balkans or during my two tours in Iraq. :monkey3
Or, to sell him, put him in his skiff guard outfit (which is more appealing) and have the Gigallo outfit on the box's other side. That'd actually make an awesome exclusive. Most people would get him for the Jabba display anyway and have the Gigallo option as the Ex for a Bespin display would most likely guarantee a fast PPO.

I like this idea! :rock
And here, everybody thought I hated Lando. :rotfl

You just don't respect him.

He deserves no less than two figures. Bespin and skiff guard. If the line goes far enough to reach Endor versions of Han, Luke and Leia, they should make a General version too.

And it's beside the point that Solo could have gone to several different old friends. He chose the old friend who he won the Milenium Falcon from. The Falcon was Lando's ship. Solo had reason to believe he could trust him, even if he wasn't completely sure. It's pure speculation to say that the same thing would have happened in any port that Solo chose to hole up.

What is not specualtion is that Bespin is the one he chose, that Lando was the person he chose to trust, that Lando was the one who betrayed him, then helped Leia and Chewbacca out of Bespin, risking his own life and sacrificing his business in the process, and then opting to join the alliance, playing an integral role in the rescue of their best pilot, and offering his formidable administrative skills to them, which apparently they valued significantly enough to make him a general.

Besides that, after solo, he was the best man to pilot the Falcon. And he did the job in spades. Whatever Nien Numb said, he was still just the co-pilot.
You just don't respect him.

He deserves no less than two figures. Bespin and skiff guard. If the line goes far enough to reach Endor versions of Han, Luke and Leia, they should make a General version too.

And it's beside the point that Solo could have gone to several different old friends. He chose the old friend who he won the Milenium Falcon from. The Falcon was Lando's ship. Solo had reason to believe he could trust him, even if he wasn't completely sure. It's pure speculation to say that the same thing would have happened in any port that Solo chose to hole up.

What is not specualtion is that Bespin is the one he chose, that Lando was the person he chose to trust, that Lando was the one who betrayed him, then helped Leia and Chewbacca out of Bespin, risking his own life and sacrificing his business in the process, and then opting to join the alliance, playing an integral role in the rescue of their best pilot, and offering his formidable administrative skills to them, which apparently they valued significantly enough to make him a general.

Besides that, after solo, he was the best man to pilot the Falcon. And he did the job in spades. Whatever Nien Numb said, he was still just the co-pilot.

Respect him?! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl K. Bro, it was Lando's fault Han got busted in the first place. He stabbed him in the back. There was less sacrifice, more guilt. The business was toast anyway because he made a deal with the Empire and we know how that always ends. And Luke was a better pilot than Han (it was part of Luke's force powers, much like Anakin's). I think Lando fit the role he played. A background character to help move along the story. R2 was 100% more crucial to the plot than Lando. Look how many times that little droid saved everyone throughout the entire sextet. Bottom line, I like the character, but I'm not going to put a crown on his head, a Colt .45 40oz in each hand and toss him up on a pedestal.
Respect him?! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl K. Bro, it was Lando's fault Han got busted in the first place. He stabbed him in the back. There was less sacrifice, more guilt. The business was toast anyway because he made a deal with the Empire and we know how that always ends. And Luke was a better pilot than Han (it was part of Luke's force powers, much like Anakin's). I think Lando fit the role he played. A background character to help move along the story. R2 was 100% more crucial to the plot than Lando. Look how many times that little droid saved everyone throughout the entire sextet. Bottom line, I like the character, but I'm not going to put a crown on his head, a Colt .45 40oz in each hand and toss him up on a pedestal.

Why don't you just lay back an relax? There are people who like the char and folks who don't. Heck there are even Han Solo or Boba Fett haters out there. To each his own. If SS decides to bring Lando you don't have to buy him and all is ok in your SW world :D
It is not your function to convince us not to like Lando.
I think Lando fit the role he played. A background character to help move along the story. R2 was 100% more crucial to the plot than Lando. Look how many times that little droid saved everyone throughout the entire sextet. Bottom line, I like the character, but I'm not going to put a crown on his head, a Colt .45 40oz in each hand and toss him up on a pedestal.

He was more than a background character. Hammerhead is a background character. Walrusman is a background character. Kit Fisto and Plo Koon are background characters. Praji and Antilles are background characters. Lando was an indispensible piece of the ESB plot, and that's not debatable. He had a token role in ROTJ, but it was an important role that he fit better than any other available character. Helping to rescue Han after he sold him out, and then flying the Falcon in the DSII battle. He was perfect.

He deserves representation and that's all there is to it.
Why don't you just lay back an relax? There are people who like the char and folks who don't. Heck there are even Han Solo or Boba Fett haters out there. To each his own. If SS decides to bring Lando you don't have to buy him and all is ok in your SW world :D
It is not your function to convince us not to like Lando.

Easy tiger. When did I say I hated Lando? :lol Hell, when did I say I wouldn't buy one?! :confused: As a matter of fact, I've posted to the contrary. I do like Lando, and would be one of the first online at 10am for the PPO to nab an exclusive. I just don't think he was as important as other people. And I'm not trying to convince anybody that he is/isn't, I'm just stating my opinion. Which, last time I checked, was what forums were for as stating opinions in discussion forums lead to discussions, which is what we're having. :)

He was more than a background character. Hammerhead is a background character. Walrusman is a background character. Kit Fisto and Plo Koon are background characters. Praji and Antilles are background characters. Lando was an indispensible piece of the ESB plot, and that's not debatable. He had a token role in ROTJ, but it was an important role that he fit better than any other available character. Helping to rescue Han after he sold him out, and then flying the Falcon in the DSII battle. He was perfect.

He deserves representation and that's all there is to it.

I consider them set dressings, not background characters. And I agree, I'd really like a Lando. The only characters I've passed on to date have been Jabba (my wife's fault :lol) and Bib Fortuna (collateral damage from Jabba).

This thread deserved a bump. :D
i'd take a Lando.....i worry about the sculpt being done right though by SS. :(
The sculpt would not be accurate, but the digs would be superb. SS, please make a Lando THIS year.
Lando is more relevant than RFT, Captain Antillies, and I'd even say one of the many Lukes. Lando does more in the films than all of the prequel Jedi (sans Mace Windu & Obi-Wan) combined and is more deserving of a figure than them too. Bespin Lando in 09 or 10!
Word, Im worried they will end up making him look like action Jackson, Carl something or other, the guy in Predator. Carl Weathers?? Am I way off??
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