which order should I watch all 6 movies?

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Super Freak
Jul 21, 2008
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New Jersey
I've decided to rewatch the two trilogies out of order (neither 123456 or 456123) for the first time. I'm thinking about doing it IV, I, V, II, III, VI, as I feel that would be the best way to structure the entire story. Anybody have a different way they think is better?
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I've decided to watch the two trilogies out of order (neither 123456 or 456123) for the first time. I'm thinking about doing it IV, I, V, II, III, VI, as I feel that would be the best way to structure the entire story. Anybody have a different way they think is better?

weird way to watch them.
I always thought it should be:

That's the only way you can pack in enough Star Wars goodness, without leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
I just had this chat with my friend. She's never seen any of the Star Wars movies and I told her, for her sake, watch the orginal three first.

I guess it all depends on if you've seen them before. I've seen the orginals WAY too many times (20 + for ESB alone) so I don't mind watching it 1 - 6 and yes, I throw The Clone Wars movie in there at times too. Like I told her, watch the orginal three for the fact they are so much better, Ep. 1 I feel will ruin anyones idea of Star Wars if watched first.
It may be a little weird, but I thought it would be cool to watch em in a way that the prequel trilogy serves as a sort of flashback to the OT. A kinda Star Wars Lost style! I feel that I should start with IV, then watch I, as Obi-Wan tells Luke about his father in IV, and I shows how they met. I also feel episode I has a very similar structure to IV, and Luke and Anakin's introduction into this adventure sorta parallels each other. Then I'd watch V, with it's reveal of Vader as Luke's father. Then II, which alludes to Anakin's turn to the dark side, followed by III which shows his complete transformation and the fall of the jedi. Finally, I'd watch VI which concludes the story.

idk, it sounds good in my mind :huh .
Even though the prequels are technically set before the original trilogy, I've always felt that you need to have a familiarity with the original trilogy to truly appreciate what's going on in the prequels. Just think how different your perception of the fight between Yoda and Dooku might be if you had never seen Yoda in the original movies, for example.

So my vote would be an emphatic 456123.
I would go IV, V, I, II, III, VI.

I was thinking that one too. It probably makes more sense, but I kinda want to space out the PT and not watch them all together. Maybe I'll do that afterall. Either way, I definitely want to start with IV and end with VI, I know that much.
I can't think of a more nerdier thread than this one. Thanks! :rock I was thinking of shaving my ass. Should I start with the left or right cheek? :rotfl:monkey1:lol
Prime example why I don't enter the SW threads. Hell I'm even starting to dislike the movies because of some of the fans. :lol It's a little much. :monkey1:rotfl Should I watch SW with my thumb up my ass or without. Your thoughts? :rotfl