What was your memerable fond memories of the G.I Joe Toy in your childhood?

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My stuff was always out in some capacity or another. Easily accessible. I don't think I had a box for any toy. Didn't even have a toybox (too freaking many of them).

I always kept everything, even the broken vehicles which I always just disassembled completely and used for a Drednok junkyard which seemed to always be raided by both the Joes (for drugs, weapons and kidnap victims) and Cobras (for stolen Joe technology). :lol
I never broke toys. There were four of us (two boys, two girls all within 6 years of each other) and we were really good with them.

All I can really remember is mixing Joes with Star Wars and any other action figure we had to create epic confrontations. It took a lot of work to get to the point of an actual battle happening, but that's because it was always chaos. If one of us had a couple friends come over, another one would too. There was always a ????load of children in my house. What we played was ingenious, but there was so much going on, by this point the memories are just a flash.
did you ever try switching the lower and upper parts of the joes by removing the rubber bands at the waist? last time i checked them out maybe 5 years ago at my parents house almost all were loose already. probably from the rubber bands wearing out. big boa's gloves sort of melted into his hands.
my mom didn't want the biga** playsets all over the family room. i had to painstakingly disassemble the big ones everytime the battle was over and fit them in boxes. i can only take 1 vehicle with me next to my bed. yup, we took good care of our toys also. we still have playable toys from the 70's.
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i remember getting gijoe figures when i did good in school. what motivation to pass classes.
but there use to be huge mass mud mountains and enclosures in the backyard where i use to live..deep tunnels. and a gijoe graveyard where i never recovered stuff..when it rained it would just bury everything and then my friends and i would have to dig them out..
my mom planted a huge tree there and when we moved. the new owners dug out the area and put a swimming pool. i wonder if they ever found anything...
I remember wanting the aircraft carrier for christmas (I saw it in a sears catalog, and Christmas 9 months away). My family was on a pretty tight budget so they told me I would have to save money for it. I saved 75 dollars on a 3 dollar a week allowance before they gave in and told me they would pay for the rest as my christmas. It took them all afternoon to build it. 10 years later, it took me one hour with no instructions :)
I had the original 12" Joes, not the cheap little figs you guys played with! :rotfl

I had a couple of plain Joes and a few Adventure Team Joes including one with "real" hair and beard and could talk! Also had several different outfits including the Fire Fighter and Scuba diver and had the underwater sea sled thingy! Loved to play with that in the bathtub! I wanted to be a doctor when I was young, so I think my fondest memories were bandaging up a Joe and putting him on the stretcher with the IV bottle being held up by another Joe dressed as a medic with the medical bag, scope, etc. Fun times! By the way... I still have all my Joes and outfits, and even the sea sled in it's original box! :chew
Mine was the backyard battles and from time to time my brothers and I would make parachutes using plastic bags. we would then throw the joes out the window.
I turned a large wooden toybox my uncle had made into the Joes headquarters. It had a motor pool, computer station, med bay, the works. Man, I played with that for hours on end.
I used to put all my Joes on the 1991 Battle Wagon, the only vehicle I ever had back then and play out in the back yard. Probably lost all the weapons out there too.
I did this ^^^^ :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

:confused: What did you sharpie?!

I remember a neighbor of mine that would steal my GI JOE's so I had to put a permanent black dot on the bottom of each of my Joe's shoe in order to know which were mine and to prove which were mine if they ever got stolen. I had lots of multiples, imagine that :lol nothing really changes even to this day, so if something was missing and I couldn't get it back I wasn't too worried but I was still pissed.

I had them all, my father served in the military and had given me his military packing bag to put them all in, I remember counting up into the 500's to actually see how many Joe's I had. As time went buy I stopped counting because it just wasn't that important and too time consuming. I had the Terror Drome, had the Flag all of the big stuff although I like playing on Ewok village from the Star Wars playset with my Joe's.

In grade school we made this wooden house in shop class and I remember putting Joe's in it and then taking bottle rockets in a wiffle ball bat and pointed the bottle rockets towards the house, blowing Joe's left and right out of the house until it was no more :lol

I dug up the yard making pit holes as far down as my arm would reach and in the diameter of a basketball, where Joe's would get kicked in like it was scene from the 300 and where he states "This is Sparta" :rotfl

Many good times with these guys!!!
I actually took some more detailed pencils or pens and darken the scar and eyebrows on my first Tomax and Zamot but I did have like 4 pairs of those twins....

Well, with your sphincter-stretching fetish, I'm not surprised. I bet there's a proctologist somewhere who lectures using your X-rays. :p
I remember letting my Joe spend the night outside by himself---First thing in the morning, I raced out in the backyard to make sure he was safe.
He was:lol
I don't know if I would call this fond, but it certainly is memorable. One winter day I wanted to go out in the snow and play with my artic 3 3/4 G.I. Joes. Since my mom wouldnt let me I opened my window and slid Snow Job and his accessories out the window. I told my mom that he slipped out of my hand and she agreed to let me go outside and find him. I thought I had won, but was completely surprised that I couldn't find a Snow Job dressed in white buried in white snow.:huh
Needless to say in didn't find him until some time later when the snow melted. Not the smartest thing I've done. :lol:banghead:banghead:
I remember having this where Airborne was hurt behind enemy lines. And the skystriker had to come and get em. Course i didn't own it yet, but i had that going for like a week or so before it was bought for me.
Too many memories to single one out. But I remember I had a jacket with an inside pocket. And I always carried a few Joes in it. Beachhead, CrazyLegs, and Flint were the norm. No matter where I went, I had a few Joes to play with when I was bored.

Before seat belt laws, I could sit in the floorboard of my Dads old pick up and play there while on the road. No way would I never let my kid do it. But, I remember it fondly.