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Just to add to what you said about dry brushing. Wiping some off the brush is one method. However.....the true meaning of dry brushing is exactly that. It's using a dry brush. You take one brush with paint on it and dap a little on the area you want to weather. Then you take another dry brush and use that to stroke the paint. :)

Hm, good to know. Still learning, thanks. :)

When I hear fans of Friday the 13th hate on the remake but then they defend movies like part 8/9 or X they lose all credibility for me lol, all the Jason movies have their problems even the first 3 has a couple of things that people criticize. But for me the Remake was just as good as part 3 or 4. Not the same of course Part 3 is the best one along with Part 4 and 7

but when people are okay with the turd that was part 8 or 9, while hating on the remake, that just makes no sense. ( I don't mean anyone on here, I have seen these conversations online)
I don't get how all the other movies are gold nuggets but the remake is a turd. The Remake was brutal, you had a brutal unstoppable killing machine, The new Jason was ruthless he was fast, he was angry. I loved that.
I see complains about the boobs... makes me think that the people complaining are not even Jason fans..
people complain about Jason running, again... he ran before.
complains about the acting... Again... Friday the 13th series has some of the worst acting,

every time someone complain about the remake they are complaining about something that the past movies did. Is like people don't remember the other movies at all. The remake is not perfect, the actors were not good, the movie drags a little, but that is pretty much describing every single Friday the 13th movie, I'm just saying, the remake pretty much just gave us an ordinary friday movie, it might not have been great or anything but it was pure Jason bloody goodness .

I have no problem with horror remakes whatsoever. You know when I heard it was being remade I remember a few people being all up in arms. I had to laugh. So it's okay to sequel the living hell out of a series but it's not okay to give it a reboot and start fresh? At that point what did it matter. I mean it got so bad they sent Jason to space. ****ING SPACE! :lol It sounds like something we joked about after we heard the title Jason Goes to Hell. WHat's next, Space Jason? Others arguments I hate when regarding remakes is when people say things like " Myers isnt that brutal, he shouldn't do that." or " When did Jason turn into an electrician?" ( When speaking about the tunnel) etc. People who make those statements completely missed the point of remaking them. Although I got have no issue with horror remakes Im not exactly a defender of them either. It may sound like it here but Im really not. I can understand the hate they get at least in regards to how stagnant Hollywood has become. The lack of anything really new is something I can understand someone getting annoyed about. I don't know how I feel about remakes for other genres. It's horror remakes that I can say don't bother me.

Now speaking specifically on the Friday remake, I like it. In fact I know at least 2 people who say that's their favorite Friday. I can't say that. :lol It lacks a lot of the old atmosphere that I really loved about the early Fridays. But it's far from the worst. I'd watch it before I watched 8-10 that's for sure.
Literally just finished watching the remake again. There are some really stupid moments like when the tied up girl breaks the gps unit and all of a sudden knows how to lock pick! Lol That being said though it had a good balance of humor, terror and gore. Derek Mears was just incredible. I would have to say he is my favorite Jason. I love Kane and CJ but Derek was just pissed off beyond belief! I still love part 3, 4, 6, and what part 7 was supposed to be. I managed to download a version of the film with all of the extra scenes cut into it. This includes all of the gore too. Only problem is with these extra bits is that they have been copied from a vhs so the quality takes a serious hit.

So true about people hating the idea of a remake. For the love of God the original series featured a film without the real Jason in it. At what point did they think that was a good idea. Same as having a girl with powers! Then Jason can jump bodies and goes to space! Lol
The series got so screwed up and I think the remake is a great place to continue from. The hard part is going to be the wait for the next installment!

I gotta get me a remake custom!
I met John carpenter At a Convention in Kentucky he signed a poster for me in Line ,But Me and my wife was standing out Smoking and he came out to smoke and I didn't do the "OH My GOD it is You !!! "we shot the **** I asked why he didn't Punch Zombie in the Face for what he did to the Movie and Myers ? his words "I was offered a Large amount to do Nothing had one phone call with Rob and said Have fun with it .I haven't even watched it I just cash the check LOL I do have A metric-****-Ton of people tell me they hated it" He was a really down to earth guy said hell everybody is making Movies online It just ain't Like it use to be
My theory with people hating on remakes is this... %89 of the people hating, were in their teens when the originals came out. Of course they're upset that their nostalgic film is getting rebooted, it's only natural. I was the same way when I heard about the Turtles being rebooted. The one thing I truly can't stand about the F13th remake is the sleeping bag scene. Wow. That chick in the bag would be no where near dead. Unless I missed something?

Freddy, Myers, Jason remake, I like, Texas remake I love. Remember, even if the newer movies suck... I'm glad they happen because if nothing else they keep the character relevant and gives me hope that maybe someone who truly loves the franchises will get it and run with it. I'd rather see "Friday the 13th Part 32" before I see nothing at all. I don't understand the hate the NOES remake gets.... Yeah Fred's not Englund, yeah the acting is ****ty, but really? It's THAT bad? I actually enjoy it.

I too was at that same convention Jason13. Was awesome to meet John. It's ****ty that he doesn't care anymore though. He's pretty much like "do whatever you want with my creations just pay me" which is a horrible attitude to have IMO. I understand he has nothing to prove and is getting up there in age but it sucks to hear him say things like that. He's totally lost his passion and creativeness. Bummer. :(
My theory with people hating on remakes is this... %89 of the people hating, were in their teens when the originals came out. Of course they're upset that their nostalgic film is getting rebooted, it's only natural. . :(

I hate remakes purely for the fact that it's a lazy attempt at cashing in on an already successful film.
Lets face it, movies are made that have a chance of making money. Easiest thing to do is hire a writer to rework an already successful script and capitalize on the success of the original. Me, I'd rather watch the version that created the success in the first place. The success of the originals is like catching lightning in a bottle everything just comes together in the right way to make it a classic. The remakes do have some better than others but none have captured the original films successes.
I met John carpenter At a Convention in Kentucky he signed a poster for me in Line ,But Me and my wife was standing out Smoking and he came out to smoke and I didn't do the "OH My GOD it is You !!! "we shot the **** I asked why he didn't Punch Zombie in the Face for what he did to the Movie and Myers ? his words "I was offered a Large amount to do Nothing had one phone call with Rob and said Have fun with it .I haven't even watched it I just cash the check LOL I do have A metric-****-Ton of people tell me they hated it" He was a really down to earth guy said hell everybody is making Movies online It just ain't Like it use to be

My theory with people hating on remakes is this... %89 of the people hating, were in their teens when the originals came out. Of course they're upset that their nostalgic film is getting rebooted, it's only natural. I was the same way when I heard about the Turtles being rebooted. The one thing I truly can't stand about the F13th remake is the sleeping bag scene. Wow. That chick in the bag would be no where near dead. Unless I missed something?

Freddy, Myers, Jason remake, I like, Texas remake I love. Remember, even if the newer movies suck... I'm glad they happen because if nothing else they keep the character relevant and gives me hope that maybe someone who truly loves the franchises will get it and run with it. I'd rather see "Friday the 13th Part 32" before I see nothing at all. I don't understand the hate the NOES remake gets.... Yeah Fred's not Englund, yeah the acting is ****ty, but really? It's THAT bad? I actually enjoy it.

I too was at that same convention Jason13. Was awesome to meet John. It's ****ty that he doesn't care anymore though. He's pretty much like "do whatever you want with my creations just pay me" which is a horrible attitude to have IMO. I understand he has nothing to prove and is getting up there in age but it sucks to hear him say things like that. He's totally lost his passion and creativeness. Bummer. :(

Well about the Halloween Remake I Didn't like it as much,
but it is hard to criticize the remake when you have S__t like this:


I Hated Zombie's Halloween 2, but, when you have things like Halloween 5 and 6 and Resurrection you can't defend a franchise lol
my problem is with alot of remakes if they butcher the characters, they change to much and try to hard

i liked the texas chainsaw coz they didnt change leatherface much although the story was abit slow it was still a great movie

friday the 13th i liked jasons look and personality just not alot of other things to do with the story

halloween remakes suck ass coz he changed everything. myers didnt come from a broken home and he wasnt a hobo

nightmare on elm is an intersting one. freddy was awesome and i love the new look. i just found it really hard to connect with any of the main characters which turned me off abit
I thought the Friday the 13th remake did an excellent job of taking the solid story from the first 3 Fridays, cutting out all the crap and consoledating them into a decent flick. :huh

It's just a damn shame the sequel, set in winter, never materialized. Would've been nice to see a fresh environment for Jason to take names in.
I thought the Friday the 13th remake did an excellent job of taking the solid story from the first 3 Fridays, cutting out all the crap and consoledating them into a decent flick. :huh

It's just a damn shame the sequel, set in winter, never materialized. Would've been nice to see a fresh environment for Jason to take names in.

Yup. I was really looking forward to seeing Jason maybe ramming an icicle down someones throat.
I thought the Friday the 13th remake did an excellent job of taking the solid story from the first 3 Fridays, cutting out all the crap and consoledating them into a decent flick. :huh

It's just a damn shame the sequel, set in winter, never materialized. Would've been nice to see a fresh environment for Jason to take names in.

Yup. I was really looking forward to seeing Jason maybe ramming an icicle down someones throat.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

Not only that but it would have marked the 13th Friday film so you know they would have made it really special!
I thought the Friday the 13th remake did an excellent job of taking the solid story from the first 3 Fridays, cutting out all the crap and consoledating them into a decent flick. :huh

It's just a damn shame the sequel, set in winter, never materialized. Would've been nice to see a fresh environment for Jason to take names in.

A winter Jason movie... Oh F___k... :monkey4 I would have loved to see that... damn it :slap now I'm pissed...
was there anything else about the plot? :monkey2
I so need to complete My Beto Part 8 got packed up in a move and still have not finished it .Is it sad to say As a grown man I miss my dolls :gah:
errrr Figures yea thats what I meant :nana:
I didn't Know what to think of FvJ Part of me Likes it part of me Hates it .I have talk to Kane About him not being picked Ne and Robert Englund was not happy they chose Ken .

Now if it was Kane and Robert it would be on Kane told me "*****K I guess they wanted Jason to look like a Frankenstein or something "

I go to Horror Convention way to Much .Kane asked if I was stalking him LOL . At a convention in Kentucky He was on the elevator and the doors open he saw My wife and said" were is Jason?" HAHA he knows Me Now when i pose with him he always asks "have I choke like this ? "and chokes me out good times he has got to be one of the nicest People on the Plant and loves his fans
I didn't Know what to think of FvJ Part of me Likes it part of me Hates it .I have talk to Kane About him not being picked Ne and Robert Englund was not happy they chose Ken .

Now if it was Kane and Robert it would be on Kane told me "*****K I guess they wanted Jason to look like a Frankenstein or something "

I go to Horror Convention way to Much .Kane asked if I was stalking him LOL . At a convention in Kentucky He was on the elevator and the doors open he saw My wife and said" were is Jason?" HAHA he knows Me Now when i pose with him he always asks "have I choke like this ? "and chokes me out good times he has got to be one of the nicest People on the Plant and loves his fans

If you want to know what Kane thinks, a MUST for any Hodder/Jason fan:

I need to read that Book I lost my job right when it came out and bad for me still have not found another
.does he mention if it mess his friendship up with Ken .He told me Ken use to stand in for him on some of the other F13