Tyrannosaurus rex maquette

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i just saw the trailer, seems like it's another t-rex (or maybe another therapod of the same silhouette) with very bloody jaws. hmmmm, as much as i love every piece that the dinosauria line has, i hope we could take a bit of a break from therapods and give a little attention to stegosaurs, ankylosaurs, hadrosaurs and sauropods! if it's another therapod, then i hopoe it's a spinosaur. at least it has a different look compared to the t-rex, or giganotosaurus. but then again, the one on the trailer doesn't look like a spino. hmmmmm.....
Any chance we could see a screenshot ? It takes me hours to watch only a few minutes with this slow dialup connection... :/

I would hope it's a dio piece..maybe the supposed Allo vs Stego finally. That would explain the bloody jaws and therapod..not to mention the teaser showing something more along a herbivore..and several have supposed it is a Stegosaur.
Is it the help wanted trailer that you guys saw this? I watched that one and completely missed it if that's the case.
I saw a large theropod moving among the group at the end, but that's about it. No dinos milling about throughout the teaser.
I wouldn't look much into it. Remember the Styracosaurus spikes someone spotted in another video, how we all got worked up thinking it was a Stegosaurus? lol.
True, though in that case we already had a dino sporting those features. This is at least something we can speculate about getting in the future considering we don't know of any dino in an existing maquette or dio that sports a look quite like that, with the exception of possibly the Parasaur from the Deinosuchus dio. However the pose and expression are all wrong for it to be that. It could be a Stegosaur, but it could just as easily be some manner of ornithopod.
Well, where did you see this exactly? If I can get hold of the vid, I can share screen caps for everyone to see.
It's on the main website in the Spooktacular section. The teaser has some brief shots of what appears to be a large puppeteered T.rex marching about. I didn't see any actual footage with a new piece previewed. I'm too bloody lazy to take screens, particularly since it's not of an actual piece. :D If someone saw something else somewhere else, do post and let us know.
Alright, so I think I've located the suspect toward the end of the Spooktacular teaser trailer.


However, I think this looks more like an original prop (or possibly some kind of modified, prefab dino). Not the kind of thing that would offer any useful insight as far as future SS statues go. If someone has other ideas, or if I've photographed the wrong creature, please let me know.
Thanks for the pic Dan. I agree that it doesn't look like anything we should read in to for a future product. But at least we know we're getting a Dinosauria piece during Spook. I can't wait to see what it is.
That dinosaur in the video is completely puzzling. If you freeze the frames you'll notice that there is someone actually riding the dinosaur. :lol And it looks like at some point the dinosaur blows up (the explosion at the end of the trailer).

Not sure what it all means...probably nothing....but just fun to speculate.

Back on track, I received my T-rex maquette last night and it really is a nice-looking piece. I was surprised how much I liked it once I had it in-hand. While I'd love for the piece to be much bigger, I think the size works well. I will say that the paint apps are superb. And I LOVE the detail. Very well done.

I have him sitting on top my mantle in the living room and he's classy-looking.

I'll definitely be keeping my eyes on future releases.
Yeah, it's really great to see that more people are getting interested in this line.

Since I only collect alien and dinosaur related products, it's not such a big deal to give up other products to purchase dinosaurs from the dinosauria line, but I did have to give up the alien queen diorama which I really wanted.
Yeah, it's really great to see that more people are getting interested in this line.

Since I only collect alien and dinosaur related products, it's not such a big deal to give up other products to purchase dinosaurs from the dinosauria line, but I did have to give up the alien queen diorama which I really wanted.

That's a shame. The Queen looks absolutely magnificent. I understand prioritizing collectibles, though. Dinosauria remains my priority.

Dan, I believe that's the shot everyone's been talking about. Nothing else in the teaser catches my eye regarding Dinosauria. It appears to be just a puppet of sorts in the appearance of the T.rex from the diorama.
If I ever inherit a fortune, I'm getting one of those massive alien busts. Possibly the queen, just to scare the crap out of my guests.
Well, after canceling his majesty I managed to source some spending money & got on the WL - converted last night, so I'm hoping for delivery late next week! :banana