Tron Legacy

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They are doing some viral campaigning. If you go here, you'll have the opportunity to try to locate 56 "hidden" video games in the 16-bit picture.

If you can correctly identify all 56, you can upload a photo and they will send you an Encom badge in 2-3 weeks.

Kinda of fun remembering all the old arcade games (like Crossbow).

Some of them are pretty hard. I have about 33 right now, and hard pressed to get the rest.
yeah it came out around the time of the movie. And then there's been a Stargate game like World of Warcraft that's been in limbo for about 4 years now.
They are doing some viral campaigning. If you go here, you'll have the opportunity to try to locate 56 "hidden" video games in the 16-bit picture.

If you can correctly identify all 56, you can upload a photo and they will send you an Encom badge in 2-3 weeks.

Kinda of fun remembering all the old arcade games (like Crossbow).

Thanks for the link. I got 43 on my own, but had to look up the rest. Who got Shadow of the Colossus? I thought the arrow was part of the title. :lol
i think that guitar dude is michael sheen, who is an excellent actor. so i trust he'll bring just the right amount of craziness to his role without it going overboard.
He was over the top in New Moon, but then again, he was pretty much the only person in that movie that could act.
For those who have completed the arcade-aid minigame and received their Encom security badges (which look freakin' amazing, by the way), you can log onto the Encom website and see some additional promotional information using the employee ID number on the badge.

My guess is the Encom site will have more insider information as of Friday's press conference with Alan Bradley. I am SO hyped for this movie...
Check this out!!!

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