Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Announced For 2011

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Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I'm re-posting something I posted in the other TF thread, since it makes more sense here, and maybe we can move those discussions to this thread where it is more on-topic. It is in response to another member saying that we should have low expectations for films of this type, and that most of those who hate on this movie (which he says is the "trendy" thing to do) knew they were gonna hate it before they saw it (something I actually agree with to some extent):

I don't know why I should lower my expectations about anything I'm gonna spend my time watching. There are scores of great comic movies based on characters originally designed for children, and fans don't have to lower their expectations to enjoy them. I think guys like Bryan Singer, Chris Nolan, and Jon Favreau have proven that you can make genuinely good movies of this type. Why should it be any different for GI Joe or Transformers? I'm not gonna let filmmakers off the hook for playing down to their audience. Ultimately, all I want is an enjoyable movie. Personally, CG and explosions aren't enough to provide me with a good movie-going experience. I need believable acting, a story that makes sense and is compelling on its terms, reasonable direction and cinematography, ebbs and flows and rational progressions in the story, the proper balance of conflict and resolution, character arcs, effective and purposeful sub-plots, good comedy when comedy is to be had, and coherency in story and on-screen activity, to name a few. The first two TF films failed in these departments for me, so they weren't enjoyable.

As for it being "trendy to hate" on this franchise, that's not true at this point. The franchise just hasn't been very good. In my observations it is more trendy to defend this film than to hate on it at this point. Just like you say some go in expecting they'll hate it, some (like you) go in expecting it is gonna be awesome and they're gonna love it no matter what. How else can you explain irrational claims that a small handful of early, selective "critical" reviews prove "all the haters" wrong and demonstrate that the critics love this film? That is the definition of selectively taking unrepresentative information that fits into your expectations and hopes for this film and treating that as objective, representative information instead of efforts at self-validation. I agree with you, by the way, that people with low expectations prime themselves to dislike this movie. But you should understand that it works the other way as well as you have demonstrated. :peace
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Yeah, it's very cool seeing it in 3D and there are some pretty good scenes with Optimus. Some dumb ones too though. I just don't understand why they think they need to add in certain robots for comic relief. Not cool to have an intense moment ruined by a dumb robot joke. The original cartoons are still so much serious than these movies! The final battle just didn't have the intense drama like the original had either. It was choppy and really all over the place.

They should have also had a lot more Transformer character development too. At least you got to know some of the robots in the original movie. This one had zero development and so many unknown Decepticons. It could have been badass to have Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp going around at the end instead of unknown Decepticon ships...more later.

Exactly, at least throw the fans a bone instead of going with yet more generic Decepticon warriors again especially with the lack of any characterization for the new robots anyway.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I'm re-posting something I posted in the other TF thread, since it makes more sense here, and maybe we can move those discussions to this thread where it is more on-topic. It is in response to another member saying that we should have low expectations for films of this type, and that most of those who hate on this movie (which he says is the "trendy" thing to do) knew they were gonna hate it before they saw it (something I actually agree with to some extent):

We should have a spoiler thread for this movie since there were so many issues with this movie that could be discussed in depth between the "haters" and "fans".
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

We should have a spoiler thread for this movie since there were so many issues with this movie that could be discussed in depth between the "haters" and "fans".
I'm not a mod in this section and don't know the convention very well, but I think a "spoiler allowed" thread makes sense once a movie is released for those who have already seen it.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

We should have a spoiler thread for this movie since there were so many issues with this movie that could be discussed in depth between the "haters" and "fans".

Spoiler tags, yo.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Here's one problem I have--how come when they are in robot form they are all dented, scratched, and dirty. But when they go back to vehicle form they are all pristine? I mean, I know it's because they want the cars to look nice. And in some cases they really can't make a vehicle dirtied up--like originally the camaro wasn't out yet so the one they had was extremely expensive and they wouldn't actually be able to damage it.

But still, it makes things kind of weird.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Here's one problem I have--how come when they are in robot form they are all dented, scratched, and dirty.
Possibly an effort to appease the car companies. There is a symbiotic relationship between car companies and these films, as the films serve, in part, as car commercials. It wouldn't do to have the cars looking ugly and beat up all the time.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I saw it and still too much stupid and useless comedy. It was better than part 2 but not nearly as good as part 1.

I would give them:
Transformers - A-
Transformers 2 - D-
Transformers 3 - C-

Megatron was barely in it and the last battle was all over the place and too long. No drama at all unlike the original.

I think i'd have to agree with these rankings as well. They really did force some comedic moments a bit too much in this film and it's so weird because it was almost as if Bay thought these films NEEDED comedy, when they really didn't at all. We came to watch some robots duking it out and destroying some cities, not to watch a bunch of humans yabber about things to carry time along and then [insert robot battle in between this].

Optimus was definitely the stand-out though and he kicked some butt. However, as one mentioned, and won't say specifically, how Optimus was able to do a couple of the things he did where he couldn't before in the second or first was a bit off, but Optimus was awesome and definitely stepped it up.

The story was very disjointed though. Didn't really have a flow and they just decided to end it where they felt was right. They must have gotten tired of animating robots by the end because it really did end fairly abruptly.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Trans-bore-mers 3- Nothing new here
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

I saw it and still too much stupid and useless comedy. It was better than part 2 but not nearly as good as part 1.

I would give them:
Transformers - A-
Transformers 2 - D-
Transformers 3 - C-

Megatron was barely in it and the last battle was all over the place and too long. No drama at all unlike the original.

Pretty much right in line with my views as well, except I'd give the first movie a "B".
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3d sucked for me. I don't remember the screen being that dark when I saw Tron, and that movie was dark! It even seemed too dark even without the 3d shades on. I found myself straining my eyes to see what was going on on screen. Can someone tell me if it's suppose to be like that?

I think something was wrong with the projecter.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3d sucked for me. I don't remember the screen being that dark when I saw Tron, and that movie was dark! It even seemed too dark even without the 3d shades on. I found myself straining my eyes to see what was going on on screen. Can someone tell me if it's suppose to be like that?

I think something was wrong with the projecter.

Sounds like the projectionist didn't turn set the brightness high enuff.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Not surprised...
will definitely skip it...
Even though I have the opportunity to watch it for free...
it's like Batman & Robin all over again... :lol
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3d sucked for me. I don't remember the screen being that dark when I saw Tron, and that movie was dark! It even seemed too dark even without the 3d shades on. I found myself straining my eyes to see what was going on on screen. Can someone tell me if it's suppose to be like that?

I think something was wrong with the projecter.

3d was bright and vivid in my theater.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

The 3d sucked for me. I don't remember the screen being that dark when I saw Tron, and that movie was dark! It even seemed too dark even without the 3d shades on. I found myself straining my eyes to see what was going on on screen. Can someone tell me if it's suppose to be like that?

I think something was wrong with the projecter.

Same thing here at my theatre.It made the 3-D suck even more! I was cringing knowing I had to have these on for 2 hrs and 37 minutes..
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Here's my review. Copy/pasted from another site, so apologies for rough language in places.

Friggin' loved it. The stupid bull____ was toned way down, though there were still some Bay-isms in there every once in a while.

The 3D rivaled Avatar and even surpassed it in most ways, and it was easily the best 3D I've seen since then, if not ever.

Bay shot the film in a much cleaner manner, and you can pretty much see everything there is to see unless you simply don't wear your glasses and cling to the absurd notion that the robot modes are confusing simply to be contrary. The action is crystal clear, no shaky-cam crap, and you never lose track of what's going on.

The robots themselves were brilliantly done, Optimus being a particular highlight because he's a friggin' bad ass, but everyone has their moment to shine.

Visually, it's a marvel. I don't know how else to describe it. It also has a stronger story than most of the critics would lead you to believe, since quite honestly I believe they're so jaded that they can't enjoy anything aside from whatever Terrence Malick crapped onto film anymore. Sure, it's not the best story in the world, but the best thing about it is that there are stakes. People die in massive numbers, on-screen. Graphically. Autobots and Decepticons die, but each has their moment to shine. It's basically the Black Hawk Down of the Transformers franchise.

All in all, I couldn't be happier as a Transformers fan for the past 25 years. I honestly think any other dyed-in-the-wool TF fan will say the same, unless they're too busy looking down their nose to admit to it. To those people and the critics, I say eat a ____. This was the best Transformers-related product in years, if not ever.
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Damn. You rate the first two flicks almost exactly as I do. Very disappointing to hear that you didn't care for the third. Is all that action with skyscrapers collapsing and Optimus zooming through the city at least worth the price of admission?

CERTAINLY!!! I don't know where he's coming from, dotm had all kinds of drama, go see it and you'll agree...
Re: Transformers 3 Announced For 2011

Yeah, the 3D is really fantastic, as good as Avatar. If it's dark in your theater, it's the 3D turning down the brightness, so it's not a problem in the movie.

And yeah, this one is way more violent than the other two. The transformers have some stuff that looks like blood when they get injured and you see people getting blasted away on screen (rather than just assuming people die in crushed cars)