Top 5 Things why PT Didn't work for me!

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1) Anakin shown too young

2) unnecessary characters thrown in just for the sake of it and having unfortunate knock-on effects to the overall story. Anakin and Obi-wan exchange all of about 2 lines in TPM. Complete waste. Early training and their supposed friendship is left offscreen. Major cop out.

3) Dialogue from the OT which referred to this era or which otherwise seemed to have some underlying importance ignored completely by the PT. Implied relationships like that between Obi-wan and Uncle Owen never addressed at all, Luke finding Dagobah familiar never addressed. Anakin wanting Luke to have his lightsaber when he got older never addressed. Leia remembering her mother despite her dying in childbirth. Plain stupid.

4) Padme 'losing the will to live' despite just giving birth - plain stupid.

5) Wooden acting all around combined with poor storytelling of Anakin's fall to the darkside, plus things like 1-4 generally just make them really bad precursors to the originals. Pretend they're not Star Wars though and they're reasonably enjoyable.
1. too much CGI, some is good but some real troops would be nice
2. Palpatine had Vaders gimp suit pre made WTF?
3. Love story really. the OT did it better
4. Young Anakin I really didn't need to see that, and it will takes away from Obi's story to Luke about his father be a great pilot when they first met.
5.The clone army was built in secret but they had massive starfleets ready to go WTF!
6) Explaining $h!t that I guarantee know one needed explained - midichlorians and force ghosts - while totally ignoring or leaving to the imagination or EU things that I'm sure a lot of people deemed important
1. Jar Jar (but that was easy)
2. Naboo
3. Battle Droids
4. The horrible Emperor vs Jedi battle. They all went down like pansies!!!
5. Boba as a clone
Implied relationships like that between Obi-wan and Uncle Owen never addressed at all, Luke finding Dagobah familiar never addressed. Anakin wanting Luke to have his lightsaber when he got older never addressed.

Did you really want to see Obi Wan chatting it up with Owen over a glass of blue milk? no.. and Obi Wan told him his pops wanted his saber because..well do you really tell a kid that you chopped off his Dad's arms and legs and left him next to a volcanic river to melt alive..and oh yea..on my way back to my ship i picked up his saber and here you go. No..he was trying to keep him from the truth. And I am sure you may think I am pro PT after this..but im not..I think they were a huge let down to me overall but this did make sense to me.
Did you really want to see Obi Wan chatting it up with Owen over a glass of blue milk? no...

I actually think Owen's role in the PT was pretty elegant in how it related to the OT. After ESB and ROTJ Lucas seemed to have painted himself into a corner with regard to a viable explanation for Owen being Luke's "uncle."

But I thought AOTC did a great job. And it also did a great job at setting the stage for Owen's animosity toward R2 going off to look for Obi-Wan Kenobi. The first time he ever heard the name was when C-3PO announced a distress call from Geonosis. And from then on everything hit the fan.

In just a couple of understated scenes they nicely set up Owen to have the opinion that when Obi-Wan's name comes up, you're better off ignoring it.
Midichlorians - the entire mysterious, magical element the Force lent to the movies wiped out for no good reason. NO ONE CARED how the Force worked - that was the point!

Little kids in the films. Anakin's lines were annoying as hell and whatever budding romance was hinted at in the first movie just wasn't believable. Having Boba in the movies was really just unnecessary. Jango was great but why not just hint at the relationship between the two?

The lack of real sets. Too much CGI resulted in... I don't know, an unnatural feeling to the whole thing.

The writing and direction. I don't think I need to get into much details there. Both were okay, just not great. Lucas should have hired some talented co-writers (obviously the main story should come from him - I'm really just talking about the lines) and maybe hired out a new director as well. Seemed to work for Empire and Jedi.

The ultimate problem? Lucas surrounded himself with yes men and no one would tell him when he had a bad idea.

Actually its been confirmed that ESB was updated for the blu-ray so that when Luke is levitating things on Dagobah and loses his concentration R2 no longer crashes down but instead activates his rockets and lands gently on the ground.

As tiresome as it may be to trash on the prequels in general & Lucas' ability as a scriptwriter & director, I ask those of you not familiar with the man's earlier films to sit down & watch "THX-1138" & "American Graffiti." Considering the phenomenal success that Star Wars has had from its inception, it's easy to forget what a visionary filmmaker George Lucas was in the '70s.
Did you really want to see Obi Wan chatting it up with Owen over a glass of blue milk?

It wouldn't have been any worse than a lot of stuff Lucas did put in the films and at least it would have explained and tied into the dialogue in ANH. So yes.
It wouldn't have been any worse than a lot of stuff Lucas did put in the films and at least it would have explained and tied into the dialogue in ANH. So yes.

Id have to disagree...i think it would have given it a Return of the King vibe of an never ending ending. I dont need every little thing spelled out to me..and they cant in a would be 10 hours long
All these years later, I can now enjoy the PT for what it is, but I will never feel satisfied by it, and I choose to pretend I've not seen the TRUE backstory to the OT. Two different Star Wars Universes kind of like The Terminator and Terminator Salvation. They can't both exist in the same logical consciousness.
As tiresome as it may be to trash on the prequels in general & Lucas' ability as a scriptwriter & director, I ask those of you not familiar with the man's earlier films to sit down & watch "THX-1138" & "American Graffiti." Considering the phenomenal success that Star Wars has had from its inception, it's easy to forget what a visionary filmmaker George Lucas was in the '70s.

He was great, certainly.

What seemed to happen is that after RotJ, he became more and more of a businessman, rather than an artist. All his success came at the price of his talent; he lost his touch.

Then again, I really liked RotS. While it had its faults they were not nearly as bad as in the first two prequels. The spark is still there - he just hasn't practiced his craft in decades.
All these years later, I can now enjoy the PT for what it is, but I will never feel satisfied by it, and I choose to pretend I've not seen the TRUE backstory to the OT. Two different Star Wars Universes kind of like The Terminator and Terminator Salvation. They can't both exist in the same logical consciousness.

I think this is a great opinion and is exactly how I feel about the AvP universe. I like those movies for what they are but I don't consider them official Alien/Predator cannon. Their timeline is all screwed up.

EP III: At the End of ROTS, the death star is about being build.
EP IV: Tarkin says, good first (!) example for the destruction power of this battle station.

So they needed around 20 years (if that's Luke's age for getting old enough to go for the academy) of building it?!
1.Jar Jar Binks
2.Too much drama
3.Boring plot
4.Not enough action scenes

This is easily worst Star Wars movie.
EP III: At the End of ROTS, the death star is about being build.
EP IV: Tarkin says, good first (!) example for the destruction power of this battle station.

So they needed around 20 years (if that's Luke's age for getting old enough to go for the academy) of building it?!

Dude it takes road crews 3 years to add a lane to a two mile stretch of highway where I live. The Death Star is supposed to be the size of a small moon.
Dude it takes road crews 3 years to add a lane to a two mile stretch of highway where I live. The Death Star is supposed to be the size of a small moon.

Although I bet your local construction crews would work a hell of a lot faster with Vader breathing down their necks. :lol