TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles)

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I know nobody else liked it, but I enjoyed the recent TMNT animated movie. I thought the characters were done well and the relationship between Raphael and Leonardo was very well done. Plus the fight scenes rocked.

I'm right there with you. It's my favorite TMNT film after the original live action one. It gets more right than it gets wrong.
I would not hesitate recommending watching the whole series. The series is available on DVD and iTunes, etc !! I've enjoyed all the incarnations from the 80s through to this one. Is it the best? I don't know. Do I like it as much as the others? Yes. It's a great show, and I can say that there was only one episode that I recall not laughing out loud at. So, go watch the episodes and enjoy.
I would not hesitate recommending watching the whole series. The series is available on DVD and iTunes, etc !! I've enjoyed all the incarnations from the 80s through to this one. Is it the best? I don't know. Do I like it as much as the others? Yes. It's a great show, and I can say that there was only one episode that I recall not laughing out loud at. So, go watch the episodes and enjoy.

The animation is strange at first. I liked the animation a lot of the 2000's show. As well as the TMNT movie. This one looks bizarre. But, I'm going all in and watching this. I wonder if it's on Netflix?
Just came here to spread the same news, I just PO'd the case of 4 11" movie figures:yess:

Would love to see what they look like, hate ordering stuff site unseen:panic:

The 11" movie figures have been shown, that's what the figures previewed at London Toy Fair were. I don't care for them myself.

The 11" movie figures have been shown, that's what the figures previewed at London Toy Fair were. I don't care for them myself.

Not my favorite design ether but I will say for 25 bucks a pop I am very interested to get them, the next generation in near 1/6 scale, I'll take em:)
so, my 1 and a half year old discovered the current tv show toys in toys r us the other day. when it's cold and wet we take our daily walk at either the mall, toys r us, or wallmart.
He picked Raphiel, and walked around with it the whole time. So i figured, why not, they're cheap, i'l lget him one.

I've since gone back and gotten Mikey and Leo. Now to find Don.
I really don't dislike that Raphael design. The other two, meh.

That's because all he really has is the loin cloth. He's the Token Black Guy in this. (it's a Michael Bay movie, trust me) Dew-Rag, Loin Cloth, far and away the buffest. The rest is so senseless. Turtles wearing Jewlery and tattoos is just such a frat boy Michael Bay stupid thing it drives me insane. What ninja is going to wear restrictive jeans? A giant necklace that makes all kinds of noise? Samurai armor? Ninjas are typically not fans of Samurai... And Donnie? Can he do a flip or a highkick, can he fight in that stuff? A proton pack and skirt? I doubt it. And the stuff dangling between their legs. They all have a foot long thing dangling, a loin cloth, mike's pants. Euphemisms for d!cks much Michael Bay?

People will defend it because they had a Leo in a firefighter outfit figure or some gimmick as a kid but thats all it was. A gimmick. No TMNT has ever had those gimmick outfits as their main apparel because it makes zero sense in a combat situation.
That's because all he really has is the loin cloth. He's the Token Black Guy in this. (it's a Michael Bay movie, trust me) Dew-Rag, Loin Cloth, far and away the buffest. The rest is so senseless. Turtles wearing Jewlery and tattoos is just such a frat boy Michael Bay stupid thing it drives me insane. What ninja is going to wear restrictive jeans? A giant necklace that makes all kinds of noise? Samurai armor? Ninjas are typically not fans of Samurai... And Donnie? Can he do a flip or a highkick, can he fight in that stuff? A proton pack and skirt? I doubt it. And the stuff dangling between their legs. They all have a foot long thing dangling, a loin cloth, mike's pants. Euphemisms for d!cks much Michael Bay?

People will defend it because they had a Leo in a firefighter outfit figure or some gimmick as a kid but thats all it was. A gimmick. No TMNT has ever had those gimmick outfits as their main apparel because it makes zero sense in a combat situation.

I might still have hope for this. Hopefully these are not how they'll be dressed the entire movie. Maybe it's Don's stealth gear or something and throughout the movie they look more like the typical turtle. But I see your point. Though I don't think Leo looks too bad either. It wasn't uncommon for ninja to wear some Samurai equipment (hell, often times ninja were also samurai or posed as them). Again, I hope they ditch the outfits in the film but if this is what I'm stuck with for two hours at least they all don't look terrible. I wonder what Splinter looks like.
He's all gray and short. Like half the size of the Turtles. He's played by the midget from Seinfeld so that makes sense. In that shot of the new guys on the Banner that leaked from Toy Fair you can see the Splinter figure in the bottom corner. It's small and blurry but he's all gray, has a blue tunic/robe, and purple staff thing that looks like the Space needle.
I'm getting the feeling people don't like these turtle designs! Thanks Deckard fir showing them. I think they look like cool toys.
The two 11"sets I have at present are the Storage Shell and Dojo versions. Both sets are pretty cool. The dojo set is the more interesting owing to the suits, masks etc. so, me, I'm into this set. Each looks like he belongs to a different variant line !
On the other side of the tracks, I really enjoyed this weeks episode with Casey Jones. It played out really well and it gave me more of an inclination towards liking my Casey figure.
I'll have to see the other figs and a trailer for my mind to be made up. I hate Raphael's bandana with a passion and I hate the clothes they gave them. I mean how the hell are they gonna fight with all that gear on. Mikey? Wtf is with the necklaces. The designs are bad it's just the stupid accessories that hold them back.

But I'm not gonna lose hope yet. I'm gonna wait for the trailer. It better be good and it better be this month.