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being a targaryan does not give them a right to the throne, period, they took the realm by force as did robert, next in line is stannis. end of argument.

(sorry if that sound rude)
obsurd thinking that..

That's how monarchies work.

being a targaryan does not give them a right to the throne

Read above.

they took the realm by force as did robert, next in line is stannis. end of argument.
(sorry if that sound rude)

Not rude, just ignorant. ;) Relax, this is a work of fiction.

Read above again. Besides, succession follows from parent to child, not sibling.
being a targaryan does not give them a right to the throne, period, they took the realm by force as did robert, next in line is stannis. end of argument.

(sorry if that sound rude)
All of the major houses decided to bend the knee and pledge their loyalty to house Targaryen. Dany never bent her knee to anyone. I see what you mean though but if we go buy that no one has claim. Just whoever kills more people. I have claim.
without turning this into a war, how do you work out dany has a better claim than stannis... obsurd thinking that..
Uh, because she's a Targaryen. [emoji38] Regardless of whatever Robert did during the rebellion is irrelevant - the job wasn't finished. Heirs still live. The Targaryens ruled Westeros for 300 years and the Baratheons are some vague offshoot related by marriage to the Targs ( or something like that. [emoji38]) It's good to keep in mind Robert was known as the Usurper throughout his reign even in Westeros. Not sure what's so "absurd". [emoji38] But like I said, does it really matter? People take want they anyway regardless of "claim". But if we're talking about heir, dynasty, bloodline? Then yeah, Dany has the better claim than grim boy Stannis.

That's how monarchies work.


thinking like that is like a descendant of richard II turning up saying he has the right to be king of england.

and if she was looking out for he family name so much, she wouldn't have watched her brother, and heir to the throne murded.
she took that right by force, as did Aegon as did robert. and why are we arguing if R+L=J we shall see her step aside wont we?
being a targaryan does not give them a right to the throne, period, they took the realm by force as did robert, next in line is stannis. end of argument.

(sorry if that sound rude)
Given your rationality how does Stannis have the right to be "next in line".

I'm not sure how you're understanding this at all. [emoji38]

One minute your saying a claim is 'who's more badass can take da throne'. Then you're saying Stannis "is next in line".
I'll have to repeat again, this is a work of fiction. And as such, the portrayal of the Stannis character has left nothing positive in my mind. The character is shallow and pretty much a puppet character, only slightly above being a background player. I don't think the character will be around until the end of the story - if he is, it would surprise me to no end as they've done a really poor job of developing him.
what baratheon does then?

Technically, none. But if you want to follow accepted order of succession, any offspring of Robert. Since no one "officially" knows that Cersei's kids are not actually Robert's, that includes them. By actual birthright, it would of course be Gendry, but again, no one knows about him.
i think you are, how do you think stannis has no claim... lol at you .gendry a bastard and your saying i watch a different show.
I'll have to repeat again, this is a work of fiction. And as such, the portrayal of the Stannis character has left nothing positive in my mind. The character is shallow and pretty much a puppet character, only slightly above being a background player. I don't think the character will be around until the end of the story - if he is, it would surprise me to no end as they've done a really poor job of developing him.
Stannis in the book is MUCH better. He actually has some pretty hilarious lines. He's not intending to be humorous of course, but it's funny all the same.

Like when he hears of Robb Starks death one of his bannerman is all " It's the hand of R'hllor!!" Stannis replies " Is the hand of R'hollor spotted and palsied? This sounds more like Walder Frey's handiwork." [emoji38]
gendry a bastard and your saying i watch a different show.

Because that's the way succession works, both in real life and in the GoT universe. You must be watching a different show, because the whole Gendry plot is why almost everything of note has happened in the show, including the arrest and execution of Ned Stark and its aftermath (Robb going to war and his subsequent murder, etc).