Thoughts about the next PF: Why not Dooku?

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Super Freak
Mar 10, 2006
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I was reading some old Star Wars Insider issues today and suddenly one of them caught my attention. It was one with a cool pic of Dooku on the cover and like it has been a long time since we got the last Star Wars PF, I asked myself: Why not Dooku?

I know X-Wing Luke, Qui-Gon and the Droids are the only ones left from that famous list and they told us the next one will wield a lightsaber, so all hints suggest it will be Qui-Gon, but what if Sideshow surprise us with a new character aside from the listed above and this one is Dooku.

If Dooku is announced someday, what I hope it is sooner than later, I really want him to be in this pose.


And the exclusive could be an extra arm with the Death Star plans holoproyector.
great idea... i would definitely pick up dooku in PF. he would look great on the shelf with the other jedi/sith PFs.
~~i still want Palpatine first, but i guess dooku will suffice.
great idea... i would definitely pick up dooku in PF. he would look great on the shelf with the other jedi/sith PFs.
~~i still want Palpatine first, but i guess dooku will suffice.

Yeah, a PT or OT Palpatine would be also a must have for me, although Palpy on Death Star II throne would be the most eyecatching choice.
Considering the amount of Dooku products recently announced I wouldn't be terribly surprised to see him in PF. I might buy one.
Why not Dooku? Because I don't have the money or room for one. But I never let a thing like that stop me so Dooku would be awesome. I like the pose you posted as well.
Where was it said the next PF is wielding a lightsaber? I don't remember that.

But Dooku's a good guess, but it could be Jedi Luke, Palps, Yoda, Mace, Young Obi- lots of people.
Where was it said the next PF is wielding a lightsaber? I don't remember that.

But Dooku's a good guess, but it could be Jedi Luke, Palps, Yoda, Mace, Young Obi- lots of people.

I never thought about Mace but he'd make for a great PF... ready to arrest Palpatine.

I read the star wars section everyday waiting for the next PF annoucement. I plan on completeing this line, and its been a great line. Most of the pieces are A+++++++. Dooku would be a great choice. I would like to see Anakin, really anyone except Luke. If the announce another Luke my collection is on ebay, I like to display my collection, and having 3 of 1 figure in PF is stupid, with all the possibilites. All the characters to be made. And the fact that the 2nd luke is on sale up for 2nd chance, so 3 would kill and destroy the line. Just like the 10 buffys that killed that line. Show me the next PF!!!!!!
Where was it said the next PF is wielding a lightsaber? I don't remember that.

But Dooku's a good guess, but it could be Jedi Luke, Palps, Yoda, Mace, Young Obi- lots of people.

Some freak (sorry I don´t remember who he was) posted time ago that a Sideshow stuff member said at a convention the next PF will be a character with a lightsaber.
I was reading some old Star Wars Insider issues today and suddenly one of them caught my attention. It was one with a cool pic of Dooku on the cover and like it has been a long time since we got the last Star Wars PF, I asked myself: Why not Dooku?

I know X-Wing Luke, Qui-Gon and the Droids are the only ones left from that famous list and they told us the next one will wield a lightsaber, so all hints suggest it will be Qui-Gon, but what if Sideshow surprise us with a new character aside from the listed above and this one is Dooku.

If Dooku is announced someday, what I hope it is sooner than later, I really want him to be in this pose.


And the exclusive could be an extra arm with the Death Star plans holoproyector.

They wouldn't put him in a pose with the lightsaber blocking his face.
I really hope the next PF is the droids. We really need to get those two and well I want to complete my ANH collection.

Or Sideshow can really be nice and release :chew .
I'd prefer to see Dooku as a 12" figure first...

But it would be cool to have him as a PF...
I'm thinking we might see our first EU PF

If the next one is an EU character, it can only be Asajj Ventress. She is the most recognizable character to the general public due to his appearance on the Clone Wars cartoons. Anyway, I hope Sideshow gives us Dooku, Vader (Anakin) and Palpatine before her.