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I think certain styles of matches allow for more spontaneous changes than others. The WWE or classic All Japan styles would seem more conducive to guys calling it all in the ring--a Stan Hansen/Vader brawl being an extreme example--but if you see some of the more technical NJPW or Mexican matches, some of them seem much more rehearsed to me. Thinking back to the ECW Malenko/Guerrero matches, or those matches with 5 on 5 luchadores for example, where they're all flying all over the place.
I think certain styles of matches allow for more spontaneous changes than others. The WWE or classic All Japan styles would seem more conducive to guys calling it all in the ring--a Stan Hansen/Vader brawl being an extreme example--but if you see some of the more technical NJPW or Mexican matches, some of them seem much more rehearsed to me. Thinking back to the ECW Malenko/Guerrero matches, or those matches with 5 on 5 luchadores for example, where they're all flying all over the place.

Yeah I agree.

Savage was the master of this and would have his matches down to a tee with his opponent. I was always sad to hear that his epic match with Steamboat (WM III) was choreographed to hell weeks prior to the event. I think Steamboat said in his Shoot Interview that it was a pain in the *** as Savage was always going over the match.
I hadn't heard that about Savage, and it surprises me a little because he seemed so natural in the ring, and because he had to work with a lot of clunkers in the ring who wouldn't know a hammerlock from a screw driver. But maybe that's part of why his matches were so good. I know he frequently would get his arms tangled up in the ropes, leading up to the match ending, and that stuff always had to be planned out early.
I hadn't heard that about Savage, and it surprises me a little because he seemed so natural in the ring, and because he had to work with a lot of clunkers in the ring who wouldn't know a hammerlock from a screw driver. But maybe that's part of why his matches were so good. I know he frequently would get his arms tangled up in the ropes, leading up to the match ending, and that stuff always had to be planned out early.

I loved his pre-match stalling tactics before a match he was the best at that in the business and he was so natural in the ring. Maybe I'm doing him a kittle disservice and obviously not all his matches were as choreographed as that WM III match but I do know that it was all laid out and planned days/weeks prior.

I know that he wanted to steal the show (especially with the Andre/Hogan main event) and they did that match wise but to me it seems that when you think of WM III you think of Hogan and Andre and the Savage vs. Steamboat match second. To think they had to work that hard (some say the greatest match in North America maybe even the world) and it will always come second in regards to WM III.

Yeah he was in the ring with some shall we see not very good wrestler's. :lol

It is funny but taking everything that goes into making a successful and well remembered wrestler (matches, how much he drew, merchandise, name value etc.) then Savage is top five easily.
I remember hearing that the Savage-Warrior match from VII was heavily directed by Savage just like the match from III. If so, he definitely made it work.

Savage had a pretty good match with Doink on one of the '93 Raws they've put up on the network. I guess I had forgotten that Doink was pretty good his first 6 months in the WWF. Of course things went to hell once it wasn't Matt Borne under the makeup.
Yeah, evil Doink was pretty good in the ring, as I recall.

I loved his pre-match stalling tactics before a match he was the best at that in the business and he was so natural in the ring. Maybe I'm doing him a kittle disservice and obviously not all his matches were as choreographed as that WM III match but I do know that it was all laid out and planned days/weeks prior.

I know that he wanted to steal the show (especially with the Andre/Hogan main event) and they did that match wise but to me it seems that when you think of WM III you think of Hogan and Andre and the Savage vs. Steamboat match second. To think they had to work that hard (some say the greatest match in North America maybe even the world) and it will always come second in regards to WM III.

Yeah he was in the ring with some shall we see not very good wrestler's. :lol

It is funny but taking everything that goes into making a successful and well remembered wrestler (matches, how much he drew, merchandise, name value etc.) then Savage is top five easily.
Yeah, it's hard to beat two of the biggest icons in the history of the sport going against each other, even if the match is phenomenal. I personally love that Savage/Steamboat match, and the fact that two of the real "working" icons of the period (of which Hogan and Andre were not) were involved, but I wouldn't say it is one of the best I've ever seen. Probably was at the time though, particularly for folks who weren't familiar with a lot of Flair's stuff, or matches from Japan, etc. Some of those old Sayama Tiger Mask were freaking amazing, and still are to this day.
I remember hearing that the Savage-Warrior match from VII was heavily directed by Savage just like the match from III. If so, he definitely made it work.

Savage had a pretty good match with Doink on one of the '93 Raws they've put up on the network. I guess I had forgotten that Doink was pretty good his first 6 months in the WWF. Of course things went to hell once it wasn't Matt Borne under the makeup.

I love that WM 7 Retirement match. Probably Warriors best wrestling match.

Yeah, evil Doink was pretty good in the ring, as I recall.

Yeah, it's hard to beat two of the biggest icons in the history of the sport going against each other, even if the match is phenomenal. I personally love that Savage/Steamboat match, and the fact that two of the real "working" icons of the period (of which Hogan and Andre were not) were involved, but I wouldn't say it is one of the best I've ever seen. Probably was at the time though, particularly for folks who weren't familiar with a lot of Flair's stuff, or matches from Japan, etc. Some of those old Sayama Tiger Mask were freaking amazing, and still are to this day.

Yep Matt Bourne was a good wrestler and his 'Bourne Again' gimmick in ECW was really good while it lasted.

The IC belt seemed to be the 'workers' belt around that time until good old Honky Tonk got it. :rotfl

In regards to the match being the greatest well I have seen better but it does hold up and was an inspiration for a whole generation of wrestlers. Yep Tiger Mask's matches are wonderful especially with Dynamite Kid and I also love Flair's work even his recent stuff.
I caught most of Raw last night, and it felt a bit lackluster to me as a lead-in to Wrestlemania. I do think the Bryan thing at the very end worked, but only because the fans were so bored and tired of everything else to that point. Triple H and Stephanie's schtick feels tired at this point, obviously no one cares about Orton or Batista, Undertaker and Lesnar seems like those guys are just going through the motions, the Battle Royal buildup felt more staged and artificial than it should have, and didn't help build up much hype, the Cena/Wyatt thing doesn't seem like it's at the dramatic peak of the confrontation to me, the SHIELD thing seems insignificant, and anything other than that stuff is filler at this point. I think the lack of CM Punk is really hurting WWE, because they just don't have enough guys that the fans care about. Of course, if WM doesn't do extremely well, Bryan will get the blame, but damn. I think he's just about the only guy there that seems to be genuinely trying to sell Wrestlemania by his going all out and trying to will the audience into being interested. When he started wailing on HHH, throwing him over the steel steps and smacking him with the cane, it was pretty exciting IMO.
It's funny cause over here (Ireland) my friends all thought that promo Triple H cut was epic, I loved his little burial video and as for Orton/Batista were hoping for Triple H to win! But that's just us :) As for Punk, meh he can stay at home crying, he's ok at best in my opinion, bit to much up his own arse.

I don't care who wins tho, as long as the matches are good, which I doubt, least we have no gay celeb match.

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The Undertaker vs Brock Lesner just seems one of the worst idea's for a match, if you can predict the result beforehand then it takes the shine off it. Last night's promo to WM just looked so cheap, nothing i saw would make me want to buy the ppv at least keep the Taker's supernatural elements otherwise he's just an old wrestler who should've retired long ago.
The Undertaker vs Brock Lesner just seems one of the worst idea's for a match, if you can predict the result beforehand then it takes the shine off it.
Well if that's the case, then I think the main events all have problems. Because it seems pretty obvious that: 1) UT is going to win; and 2) Bryan is going to walk away with the title. It's really hard to imagine a realistic scenario where neither of those things happen. But it would be pretty damn funny for McMahon et al. to give a huge middle finger to the fans once again by having HHH or Batista walk out with the title. Or, to have someone like Punk or maybe even a major current MMA fighter appear and really disrupt things.
I honestly think at this point the Undertaker's streak is about the safest thing in WWE. Nobody is going to break it.

As for the main event, I'd almost feel cheated if DB doesn't get his moment at WrestleMania. What they decide to do the next night is another matter, but WM should definitely end with the Superdome crowd chanting "YES".
I honestly think at this point the Undertaker's streak is about the safest thing in WWE. Nobody is going to break it.

Of course Taker's lack of being pushed for title reigns over the last 20 years when lesser talented wrestler's have held the strap for months at a time has to be levelled out in his contract, which if rumours are true he'll never lose a match at WM.
I can't believe how flat the hype has been for this event. I thought they would have promoted this WM XX style.

They seem to be putting everything into the Bryan/HHH match and then the Triple Threat match for the belt.

The Taker vs. Brock build up has been shocking and to think the hype they had when Taker confronted Brock after he lost to Cain Velasquez in the UFC.
Of course Taker's lack of being pushed for title reigns over the last 20 years when lesser talented wrestler's have held the strap for months at a time has to be levelled out in his contract, which if rumours are true he'll never lose a match at WM.

Only question that remains is how many WM he has left in him? I don't see many left.
I can't believe how flat the hype has been for this event. I thought they would have promoted this WM XX style.

I wonder how much the Network has to do with this? I'd imagine a good number people who would've ordered the PPV are already locked in so they aren't hard selling this year.
I honestly think at this point the Undertaker's streak is about the safest thing in WWE. Nobody is going to break it.

As for the main event, I'd almost feel cheated if DB doesn't get his moment at WrestleMania. What they decide to do the next night is another matter, but WM should definitely end with the Superdome crowd chanting "YES".

idk..if you look back at his promo during raw he even said that it would 'inevitably' end…I don't see it happening this year (obviously), but if its rumored that they may have FINALLY signed sting..he could be a very serious possibility about ending it..if not, unfortunately for some, i could see, (given the current crop of talent on the roster) john cent having a match with him at mania, and possibly beating it as well.
What a gorgeous stage.

I wonder what Austin's role will be? If punk shows (?), I really hope it's not to give in and give Mr.entitlement the match he wanted.

idk..if you look back at his promo during raw he even said that it would 'inevitably' end…I don't see it happening this year (obviously), but if its rumored that they may have FINALLY signed sting..he could be a very serious possibility about ending it..if not, unfortunately for some, i could see, (given the current crop of talent on the roster) john cent having a match with him at mania, and possibly beating it as well.

There's a bit of a rumor he may job to lesnar due to wanting to retire? I hope not. Not to mention the build up for this match has been flat.
After Mr. T's speech I think I feel like a crappy son. I hope Warrior with unlimited time and a live mic can out-weird that one.

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