The WWE Thread

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The WWE just couldnt keep the title on someone other than Cena for more than a few minutes.Why even have a title change at all?I'd rather have it on Cena than to have the belt go from worker to worker that might not even derserve it.I hate C
Got cut off.....I hate Cena by the way!Also the WWE needs to get rid of the World Title.If the best they can do is have 2 midcarders like Christian and Orton wrestler over it ,then you got problems!You would think Orton would be good considering his father was solid,I guess it didnt rub off?
You could see that ending coming 10 miles away but I LOVED seeing the fans throw Cena's shirt back in the ring twice. I would have enjoyed it more if they had kept doing it.
I missed that part :lol

Pretty lame ending IMO. I didn't think Nash would come back, though I did think it was a ruse by Ace to keep HHH away while he screwed Punk somehow.

Punk vs. Nash at the PPV, I guess? Boy-oh-boy :rolleyes:
Priceless! I love Del Rio's reaction.

[ame=""]Fan throws Cena's Shirt back at him - Raw 8/22/11 - YouTube[/ame]
LOL! Shared in Facebook.. I bet that's gonna get many "Likes" and "Comments".. :rotfl
Same thing happened at the Cena vs RVD match at the ECW: One Night Stand. You should see this match because they ripped Cena apart like I have never seen before.

[ame=""]Rob Van Dam (RVD) vs John Cena at one night stand Pt 1. - YouTube[/ame]
For the last couple of weeks (as I'm still on summer vacation) I play some video games while RAW is paused on the PVR-- and then every half an hour or so I'll fast forward through it, stopping occasionally.

Thoughts from a former casual fan who is testing the water once again:

-Alberto Del Rio is growing on me as a heel champion. If they're smart they'll leave the belt on him for a while.

-Cena needs to go heel. The good guy schtick is only working on the very young (target demo for clothes and toys I know) and it's getting very tired.

-Punk needs to be tested against many former greats in a gauntlet style of months leading up to a HHH match at next year's Wrestlemania.

-I really cared nothing for all of the mid-carders. Their creative team is well below underperforming.

-Divas were awesome... With the mute on.

I might give it another few weeks-- but beyond watching Punk there's not a hell of a lot engaging me with this current product.
I'm liking the tag team championships away from David Otunga and Michael McGuillicutty. :)

Even though Kofi and Bourne are a random pairing...I'd rather see them with the belts than those two...
I'm liking the tag team championships away from David Otunga and Michael McGuillicutty. :)

Even though Kofi and Bourne are a random pairing...I'd rather see them with the belts than those two...

Makes you long for the days of old when established tag teams meant something though.
Makes you long for the days of old when established tag teams meant something though.

Yeah. I miss it dearly. I used to look forward to tag team matches. You name it...British Bulldogs, Road Warriors, Strike Force, Hart Foundation, Brain Busters, Rockers...all the way to the late 90's/early 00's with the New Age Outlaws, Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz, Edge & Christian...Current day tag team wrestling has been put on the back burner for way too long and I really think the product suffers because of it. Hoping for some sort of spark in the division and hoping rumors are true that ROH's Kings of Wrestling have signed or about to sign.
all the way to the late 90's/early 00's
Then I can only assume you are including that wonderful mid-90s period in WWF with the Godwins, Body Donnas, Smoking Gunns, Men on a Mission, Sparky Plug and 1-2-3 Kid, the "New" Rockers of Lief Cassidy (Al Snow) and Marty Jannetty, Headbangers, the "gang" feuds of Los Baricuas, Disciples of Apocalypse, etc.


On the other hand, that period did also give us Owen/Bulldog and Mankind/Vader, which were two tag teams made in heaven IMO.
Lets face it,the big stars are gone and the wwe doesnt know how to create anybody that looks credible.I dont buy into Randy Orton,Christian,Cena,Mark Henry ,Alberto Del Rio or anyone they throw the belt on for the week, as Main Event material.I think they need to work on the singles division before they work on the tag team.Kevin Nash is well passed his prime,but he is the only Main Event guy they have on the roster that will be active.Big Show and Kane have jobbed so many times to midcarders that they seem like jokes now.
Like what was mentioned before, I also feel that they should add more "value" to their belts. It's so easy for these belts to change hands. Gone are the days when a WWE champion held the belt for a year (Hogan held it for more than a year, if I remember correctly).

And get rid of the unnecessary belts (United States Champ, World Heavyweight Champ). Scarcity produces value.
Hell, Backlund held the WWF belt for 5 years straight or some-such. I think Bruno Sammartino did, as well. And then, many moons later, Backlund wins the title again, only to lose a couple days later to who else, but Kevin Nash, in about 3 seconds. Things come full circle :1-1: