The "I could care less" ZOMG thread!!!!

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To me a knock off is something that's made unofficially. So these companies are essentially making a knock off item and trying to pass it off for the real thing (even if they aren't outright saying it). Just doesn't sit right with me. It doesn't have to be Hot Toys I could really care less who makes the product, but I have more respect for companies who obtain a license rather than not. Just personal opinion though.
How to subliminally ask for b00bs without looking like a perv.

I personally like the snake, dont know about the chains though, and the idea of this is awesome. But i agree with most everyone here that the girl is not very nice, she needs a re-do and i seriously hate her lack of clothes and color choice of her clothes, maybe instead of a almost naked slave girl she could be more of a sexy princess that he is protecting and she could be wearing something sexy in pink or white colors with sexy parts showing, i also could care less about takeing her top off so add some clothes even torn up ones. Just my suggestions though as a collector.
again, i'm not buying this and could care less is ARH sinks or swims. But i call it as i see it. Anyone judging the piece by the the 2 or 3 (flash) pics isn't giving the jokers at ARH a fair shake.

Bezzerkerr's trying to hide it, but he either hates those jokers' guts or is their PR guy.
:exactly: if it was 799.99 I may want it. I just don't see a 1200.00 statue either in the pic. again this is only my opinion. im sure for those who can care less about the price. this will be an amazing statue, no question.

Methinks those who can would rather expect an amazing gold-plated statue for that price.
I found the ultimate one.

Tsk Tsk Niltusk.

Thor 2, very good follow up for him.

May be spoilers, stop reading if you haven't seen it, dummy!

The strongest points for me were the shifting of relations between the main characters (Thor, Odin, Loki) I liked that Loki kind of let his defense down a bit to show that regardless of his attitude he does seem to want/need Thor to care about him. Its almost paradoxical that the writing in the Asgardian family can be so tight and the Earth characters be so "blah". Except for Erik, who is mostly comic relief by now, I could care less if Jane Foster showed up to another movie. :dunno

The comedy and action were well paced and well placed, the Mjolnir trying to find Thor was hilarious and almost had me feeling bad for a damned hammer. :lol

Loki was written very well, the scene where he changes into Cap and asks thor if he'd like to chat about truth and Justice was great and a nice fit to shoehorn Evans in.

I didn't like the new "dude" added to the Earth posse, he seemed like just another crap character added in for unknown reasons, maybe just to have someone dumber than Kat in their group? They had Chris O'dowd in this as a throw away character, if they wanted to add some comedy relief to the Earth crew, why didn't they use him instead of the dipstick they used. Bad casting imo. Aside from that the Dark elves looked pretty good, but their leader and big bad looked a little lame and came off very flat to me, probably one of the most forgettable Marvel villains so far.

The Governor is basically exhibiting two traits...

Power Corrupts

and Even a Psychopath can have a soft spot for children,

He no longer has the power, but now he has a child to protect. I'd be willing to bet he could care less what happens to the Mother and Sister, might even take the girl if he is able to rationalize it to himself that it is for the better.
Mark 42 is the lesser loved brother, but still gets some affection. But probably not enough to —in a funny reversal of roles—, stop him from turning to crime.

I could care less for mark 42 but am very interested in Iron Patriot
Its always encouraging to hear that local police have some caring in situations pertaining to online scammers.

Local police could careless nor the Feds cybercrime unit, only way to have a chance of get your money back besides pp claim or cc chargeback is small claim court if you know his real name. Not sure how it works in Canada though if he is in fact in Canada.
Just seeing Canada or Canadian used in posts makes my blood boil.
That's all I want, a DX Marty and a DX Doc. I could care less about the DeLorean as I'll never be able to afford it.

On the other hand if this guy could afford a HT Delorean I'd wager that he, yes, he really could care less in the true sense of what being able to care less means. He could probably care a lot less actually if he is truly a BTTF fan.
The Queen has spoken! :horror

Wow, that's a bit harsh. Just because you ask a mod to come in doesn't mean they'll ban anyone on your say so. I would suggest to you that you use the ignore feature if you don't like something. I could careless about diecast one way or the other, but trying to get someone banned over it is a bit much.

Very careless indeed! :panic:
I guess I do not care about speed run info at all. As was said in the other thread, someone speed ran Skyrim in just over 2 hrs. I have invested 98hrs as of my last save, and I still haven't beaten the game. I will never do a speed run, so I could careless about that type of data. And remember the MGR thing? People were going off the game time or save data, which did not include cut scene length.

At this stage it is all about the wait and see. We are about a month away, and once this is in the hands of gamers, we will have a far more accurate picture than we do now.

There have been several of these in the MGS V thread. I'll have to find some more :lol.
whats disturbing is how fast "'q"" gets his hands on this stuff, somebody is maing it very easy for him, he had trevor's kurt russel on ebay i think before it was even made available, i think.....all of these beto sculpts are alarming........a real shame......but if you look at his auctions ""q"" is making a ton of money on this stuff, ss forum is more likely the minority in the hobby, tons of collectors do not belong to this site, or they belong but rarely post or even care about whats said on here. for every upstanding member on ss spreading the word about recasters, theres hundreds maybe thousands who can care less. most people in this hobby are on budgets and such. getting a quality artist work at a mere fraction of the cost will win out will never be stopped because the forum stands up against it.....

So we've established that plenty of people very much care to stop recasting and for every one of those individuals there's a whole bunch of other people who somewhat care. To say nothing about those who don't care at all.
A repeat offender. And if I may add, I truly do hate this guy.

I can careless about the others, most of them only got in arguments with me because we were going at it sooo….

Metal Gear has its own charm who cares, the first game to the fourth had things like that in them. If Kojima included them or didn’t I can careless. All I care about is the story and gameplay and this seems like the most ambitious metal gear yet.

I think you’re on drugs, I didn’t cry and whine when you wrote that, I responded with a regular question. Then you started acting like a little school girl when I asked if you preferred a site with Hayter Yes-Men. Go read it over if you already forgot. I can careless the names you call and all the gifs, but when I respond with something similar please try not acting like a 10 year old.