The Green Hornet Trailer.

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Saw it last night with my Dad. Movie was alright not god awful but not great. I'd say 5.5/10
Yeah, saw it yesterday. I'm with Josh on this one. Not awful but not great. Too much goofy humor.

It's about about a 6/10 for me. Good for a one time viewing. Loved the car and the gadgets were cool too.
It really wasn't that bad imo...I know nothing about the TV series though.

And Christoph Waltz was the best part of the movie. Bloodnofsky ftw.
I saw this last night...I thought it was HORRIBLE! Man Seth rogen just made this movie so annoying to watch. Everything he did on screen was just pointless. He was there to pretty much screw everything up and look like an idiot. Even near they end where it looked like he ALMOST was going to do something worth while...he still screwed it up. Total waste of time.

Christoph Waltz was the only good thing about this movie.

I enjoyed it very much. Some of Seth Rogen's dialogue was pretty silly at times, but that's what he does. He was supposed to be a screw up and he was. That was most of the point. This is one movie where I think the sequel, if there is one, will be better.

The only person who really bothered me was Cameron Diaz, but I never did really care for her.
Saw this today in 3D. I enjoyed it overall. It has a lot of good things going for it. Jay Chou as Kato was probably my favorite thing about it, though Christoph Waltz was also great as BLOODnovsky. Seth Rogen...well, he has a few funny lines and almost has a really cool character action moment near the end, but I really disliked how far he (and writing partner Evan Goldberg) reduced the Green Hornet character down to a bumbling fool throughout the entire film.

The action scenes were surprisingly good, and that's so ____ing badass.
Decent flick. Great action, but Seth kinda annoyed me. And I usually like him. I agree with Plas that they reduced his character to a moron. He should've been a bit cooler. That action scene at the end would've rocked had he not ____ing tripped over himself.
I agree he was kinda dumb at times and you had to rely on kato for everything. It was still a very fun movie. Hope we see more.
Yeah, probably.
Which is too bad. If they would've given Britt an actual character arch, that would've been better,
Yeah, probably.
Which is too bad. If they would've given Britt an actual character arch, that would've been better,

I agree. I actually think a second movie would be better. Britt was just starting to "feel it" at the end.
I really hope we see another one! This movie was a lot of fun, and I think Rogen was refreshing as Britt. He certainly wasn't a failure like so many said he was going to be.
Rogan just played every character he ever played...which is why I was disappointed. I KNOW he can do better.
I didnt say that....exactly how you put it...but Funny People showed he can be more then just a goof.