The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Yeah, I saw that. But I meant this ending is all 3 acts.

He takes an ordinary man, and makes him into a extraordinary hero.

He takes Batman, and kills him.

And then brings him back,

Yeah I can see that.

It's a 3 way Prestige :lol

1. The Trilogy itself is structured that way
2. TDKR is structured that way.
3. Possibly Prestige/Inception/??? might be structured that way
My review ... 10/10. A fitting ending to possibly the best trilogy ever made. No need to tell me "TLDR". Just "DR" and move on.

It was good to end on a movie that was about Bruce Wayne more than the villains ... though the villains were more compelling than either in BB. I'd need to see it again to say whether I liked it more than TDK or BB. Not sure. It was definitely the darkest of the three, though.

Bane wasn't as compelling as Joker -- but that's a very high bar. Hardy did a fantastic job with a memorable and compelling villain, but Ledger's Joker is hard to compete with. Bane was more threatening than Joker -- but very much the opposite. The expressiveness of Bane's voice and eyes coupled with the expressionless face was actually a bit more unnerving than Joker. Joker was unhinged ... Bane was calculating. The back breaking scene was likely the first time there was any fear for Batman's personal safety in the entire series.

On the overall darkness of the story -- Joker murdered a few dozen people and had people panicked for a while ... but Bane killed and captured hundreds, and locked the city down for months. Joker was creepy, but was a true terrorist in the sense that he used attacks on a few to terrorize the many. Bane literally attacked everybody -- and used a "liberation" message to do it. Very allegorical.

I was pleasantly surprised by Anne Hathaway's Catwoman. I wasn't completely sold on her ... but she was great. The character is so opposite of her actual personality. She struck all the right notes, though. Sultry voice, slinky, morally ambiguous -- a thief, not a moral crusader ... and not the S&M cartoon character that Pfeiffer played. I was concerned about the costume, which didn't hider her identity all that well. One way to get past that is to have her not care about hiding her identity -- but seek to wipe it. Fair enough.

Caine might deserve a best supporting actor nomination for Alfred this time around. I was a bit surprised nobody died -- kinda expected to lose Alfred, Gordon or Fox at some point. But, the fact that their safety was in question made the movie a bit more edge-of-your-seat than either of the previous.

I very much liked the end itself. Chris Nolan has a way of making the last 10-minutes tie up in a very satisfying way. Mirrored the end of The Dark Knight Returns a bit, which is perfect. To those guessing that there might've been an "Inception" ending -- with Alfred hallucinating, or dreaming, or imagining, or whatever -- its hokum. They talked about Wayne fixing the autopilot and recognized the missing necklace from the estate, which Wayne last had ... and Kyle was wearing at the end. It wasn't a dream.

Having John Blake end-up a perfect mixture of Grayson (orphan, cop), Todd (hothead), Drake (detective that figured out Batman's identity), and McGinnis (protege' Batman) was clever and satisfying. I would've preferred they had his given name end-up being Richard John Grayson (Blake being an adopted name, or something) rather than "Robin" ... but it still worked.

Alright guys I'm out. Hopefully I'll see it one more time before the weekend is up for the 3rd time! :D I'm not sure who patrols these boards more if it's the lovers or the haters but it's been fun.
Indeed. It felt too.. disembodied. You could tell it was dubbed. And the delivery was horrible. They even cut down the dialogue at one part. It was like Nolan trolled both the complainers and the people who were fine with it before.

The original audio was much better. I enjoyed his delivery of the lines and they didn't sound overly goofy.

Yeah I cringed when the guy asked "what happens if I take off your mask and Bane said "it will be very painful....for YOU!"
Bane's ridiculous voice reminds me of Samuel L Jackson's hair in Tarrantino films; they're so powerful they can afford to look/sound like douches. Part of the charm.
As much as I dislike Bane in this film (and I do think he's awful, voice and all) there are a few bits of him that I did enjoy.

- His facial expressions as he tells Gotham the truth about Dent. You can tell that he's not being sincere at all. In his eyes and brows he's like mocking this situation. He's going to blow these people away in 5 months and his expressions reflect that. His voice on the other hand makes it seem like he legitimately feels for Gotham and wants them to take control of their city.

- "What a beautiful voice."

- Grabbing the helmet out of the guys hands at the Stock Exchange as he's ready to leave.

Certainly not enough to redeem the character in my eyes but those moments were enjoyable for me. I loved how he got beaten down by Batman at the end. The *clinks* and *clanks* as Batman punched his mask. Beating him down to the ground, seeing him cry while Talia talks about her "protector". He was just such a _____. I just wish his death was more satisfying though. It should have been a cheer moment for the audience but it wasn't.
As much as I dislike Bane in this film (and I do think he's awful, voice and all) there are a few bits of him that I did enjoy.

- His facial expressions as he tells Gotham the truth about Dent. You can tell that he's not being sincere at all. In his eyes and brows he's like mocking this situation. He's going to blow these people away in 5 months and his expressions reflect that. His voice on the other hand makes it seem like he legitimately feels for Gotham and wants them to take control of their city.

- "What a beautiful voice."

- Grabbing the helmet out of the guys hands at the Stock Exchange as he's ready to leave.

Certainly not enough to redeem the character in my eyes but those moments were enjoyable for me. I loved how he got beaten down by Batman at the end. The *clinks* and *clanks* as Batman punched his mask. Beating him down to the ground, seeing him cry while Talia talks about her "protector". He was just such a _____. I just wish his death was more satisfying.

Curious why you didn't like him in the first fight sequence?
When was the last time you saw it? Doesn't Joker fall to his death as well before Dent? In the skyscraper scene? When Joker is hanging upside down...

This past Thursday when I sat through a trilogy screening at one of the local AMC theaters. The Joker falls but Batman catches him and then brings him up so the swat team can arrest him again. Dent is the only bad guy that does in TDK.
This past Thursday when I sat through a trilogy screening at one of the local AMC theaters. The Joker falls but Batman catches him and then brings him up so the swat team can arrest him again. Dent is the only bad guy that does in TDK.

Oh. I'm about to go watch TDR right now. :)
Curious why you didn't like him in the first fight sequence?

I didn't buy that Batman couldn't inflict any damage on him during their first encounter in the sewers. Yeah, perhaps the blows from his punches weren't as strong as they were till the end, but Batman got some hits in. I know Batman's heart wasn't in it 100% and it had been 8 years since he was last active, but the ease of Bane's victory didn't feel real. Batman is literally on top of him at one point, POUNDING his face and chest in desperation and it has no effect on him. Fast forward later on where he's punching Bane in the face and his mask is starting to break.

Bane was just written in as this unstoppable, unbeatable force during that sequence, that part of the film. Did I want Batman to be unbeaten and invincible? No. I know the whole point of the scene is to "break Batman" and destroy his morale but I just didn't believe it coming from Bane.

That and his goofy "I'M THE VILLAIN, LOOK AT ME" lines,


"I WAS BOWRN IN DAHKNESS BETMEN" (right as he snatches Batman up despite being able to smell Batman coming)

Had Bane been his own man (the involvement with the LOS left a bad taste in my mouth. It felt like fan fiction that became reality), had his voice been more serious and threatening, I might have bought into him. To me he's one of the goofiest and least charismatic film villains I've ever seen. He's like Ivan Drago/Whiplash or something. It made me miss the Joker even more.

An argument could be made that you're not supposed to like Bane but, for me, a good villain is a likeable villain and one that you could identify with. On every level Bane fails to wow me. Visually, the characterization and his voice. A few moments like the ones I listed above are good, even great to me, but Bane as a whole fails to wow me. He's just there hamming up scenes with speeches and breaking necks. He's not imposing, scary, or freighting.

Any comparisons to Darth Vader or those that think he's as good or better than the Joker is insulting to me.
I think this film was great, but The Dark Knight was such a masterpiece that I think anything would have fallen short.

Bane's voice was a little strange, but I tried not to let it distract me from the plot and dialogue because this film was very heavy in that aspect. I am glad that they changed the voice from the original cut, because there were still points where some of his dialogue was still very hard to understand. I thought Tom Hardy did an amazing job with the character and his eyes were at times more intense than anything he said.

Catwoman was done pretty well by Hathaway. I thought they could have spent a little more time with the Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne relationship, but it seemed like they tried to cram as much story in as they could to wrap up the trilogy. I would love to have an "extended" version of this movie, if there was more footage that they had to cut from the story.
I did like the introduction of Robin, but I do agree with most that it would have been cool for him to have said that they could look it up under his real name as a Grayson. Minimal detail that didn't take much from the story, in my opinion.

The rest of the cast was amazing as usual.

The ending was a little dull to me. I'm guessing that we are to assume that the "clean slate" was used by both Bruce and Selina to start over. So, Bruce Wayne no longer exists, but everyone close to him knows that he is still out there and is alright. The only thing that bothered me with this ending is that John Blake finds the batcave, which is fine, but if he is to take up the mantle, who is going to train him? This bothered me a bit.

I like how everything was tied up in the end with the possibility for the story to continue. I do think it would be a mistake to try and continue this story unless they get the cast back. It would be a shame for these three amazing films the be ruined by a fourth film without the original cast members.

One of my biggest questions would be what the plans were for the third film as far as the Joker goes if Heath Ledger was still alive. Would there have been any other story lines to this film that were changed because of his death? For the longest time, I thought they could have done something with Rachel being Harley Quinn....something like Joker saves her and tells her he knew that Batman would have picked Harvey over her....something to really screw her up mentally....but I don't think Harley Quinn would really fit in to Nolan's Gotham City as a serious character.

Overall, I think the film is a solid 8 out of 10. The film is definitely one that I think you have to see more than once. I am so disgusted by the tragedy that happened during the opening night of this film. People in this world really shock me of how little they care about others. Especially shooting a child....what a sick person. The whole thing makes me sick, and a night that was supposed to be a celebration of so many fans is turned into a night that we will remember forever for a completely different reason. What a senseless act that was completely cowardly and premeditated. The movie seems so unimportant with these events happening.
Saw it today, really great movie. I can agree Bane's voice is a bit silly, but I still find it less silly than Bale's growl :lol

I think the scope of control over Gotham for 5 months is a little hard to fully accept. But as long as you don't over think it the film is a lot of fun. Also it was one of the more satisfying wrap-ups when they showed were everyone ended up.
I'm seeing this a second time in about an hour. I've been hearing it is more enjoyable the second time through.
I didn't buy that Batman couldn't inflict any damage on him during their first encounter in the sewers. Yeah, perhaps the blows from his punches weren't as strong as they were till the end, but Batman got some hits in. I know Batman's heart wasn't in it 100% and it had been 8 years since he was last active, but the ease of Bane's victory didn't feel real. Batman is literally on top of him at one point, POUNDING his face and chest in desperation and it has no effect on him. Fast forward later on where he's punching Bane in the face and his mask is starting to break.

Bane was just written in as this unstoppable, unbeatable force during that sequence, that part of the film. Did I want Batman to be unbeaten and invincible? No. I know the whole point of the scene is to "break Batman" and destroy his morale but I just didn't believe it coming from Bane.

That and his goofy "I'M THE VILLAIN, LOOK AT ME" lines,


"I WAS BOWRN IN DAHKNESS BETMEN" (right as he snatches Batman up despite being able to smell Batman coming)

Had Bane been his own man (the involvement with the LOS left a bad taste in my mouth. It felt like fan fiction that became reality), had his voice been more serious and threatening, I might have bought into him. To me he's one of the goofiest and least charismatic film villains I've ever seen. He's like Ivan Drago/Whiplash or something. It made me miss the Joker even more.

An argument could be made that you're not supposed to like Bane but, for me, a good villain is a likeable villain and one that you could identify with. On every level Bane fails to wow me. Visually, the characterization and his voice. A few moments like the ones I listed above are good, even great to me, but Bane as a whole fails to wow me. He's just there hamming up scenes with speeches and breaking necks. He's not imposing, scary, or freighting.

Any comparisons to Darth Vader or those that think he's as good or better than the Joker is insulting to me.


He wowed me on many levels. I liked him best in the first fight scene, that was comicbook Bane brought to life, and the speech on the Tumbler.

He ranks 4th though in the trilogy for me, after Joker, Ra's and Catwoman (joint 2nd with Ra's currently, assuming you can include her in the 'villains' bucket).

I can't think of anything I would change about him other than revert to original prologue audio.
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