The Chris Howes GHOSTBUSTERS commissions

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can you see Cinderella's castle from where you're at KingGraySkull?



@ topic: Seems like other people do get their House heads. Further Chris is still in contact with some fellow Freaks. Why should he do so if he is cheating on us. I think I am done with this conversation now. We wont find an answer. Only time will tell so it is up to everyone to either choose waiting or searching for a new sculptor. :)

@ Spenser: Dealing with you is kind of luxury (BTW: I really have to get some more heads from you :D). But to clearify: Of course 1 year is quite alot to sculpt 1 head. But we are talking here about a project that developed quite alot in the last year. First we had Ada, Murray was crap and than we switched to Chris who said that we had to accept to wait as he had some projects in the line before he could go to GBs. Nevertheless I agree, that he promised us some pics way back and never posted them but when I asked him about this issue he explained to me and I was happy with it.
But I really do not mind waiting as long as the quality is good. For example I paid for the Les' Chris Reeve head unpainted in September and did not receive anything, than I paid for his Joker head and asked him if he could keep Reeve back until Joker is done to save on shipping. Total waiting for Reeve would have been about 9 month I think. Maybe a little less but I was absolutly cool with it since there is a good email contact.

@ topic: Seems like other people do get their House heads. Further Chris is still in contact with some fellow Freaks. Why should he do so if he is cheating on us. I think I am done with this conversation now. We wont find an answer. Only time will tell so it is up to everyone to either choose waiting or searching for a new sculptor. :)

@ Spenser: Dealing with you is kind of luxury (BTW: I really have to get some more heads from you :D). But to clearify: Of course 1 year is quite alot to sculpt 1 head. But we are talking here about a project that developed quite alot in the last year. First we had Ada, Murray was crap and than we switched to Chris who said that we had to accept to wait as he had some projects in the line before he could go to GBs. Nevertheless I agree, that he promised us some pics way back and never posted them but when I asked him about this issue he explained to me and I was happy with it.
But I really do not mind waiting as long as the quality is good. For example I paid for the Les' Chris Reeve head unpainted in September and did not receive anything, than I paid for his Joker head and asked him if he could keep Reeve back until Joker is done to save on shipping. Total waiting for Reeve would have been about 9 month I think. Maybe a little less but I was absolutly cool with it since there is a good email contact.

A year per commission? By your standard then, he has 30 heads to sculpt and 30 years to get them done. Are you ok with going last on the list and waiting 26 years for him to start these 4 heads since your so patient?

Good to know people are thinking things through. And only one person got their House head and he was the one making the most noise.
No, somebody else also got a House head.

Maybe, he has 5 posts and hasn't posted a picture, not saying its defiantely BS, but a pic will put my mind at ease.

Still 2 people and one head that we already knew was finsihed isn't reassuring at all. At this rate he'll have to enslave his firstborn child and teach him how to sculpt, so once Chris dies of old age, his son can finish everything he started.
Really? I’ve only been doing this seriously for about three and a half years now, I don’t really buy anything from other customizers so I didn’t know this was the norm, but I would never keep some one waiting over a year for a simple unpainted head sculpt. It only takes me about a three weeks or less to do a complete figure.
yeah. your sculpts are awesome. why don't you go ahead and sculpt up some GB heads for us? we'd probably have them by the end of summer.
A year per commission? By your standard then, he has 30 heads to sculpt and 30 years to get them done. Are you ok with going last on the list and waiting 26 years for him to start these 4 heads since your so patient?

Good to know people are thinking things through. And only one person got their House head and he was the one making the most noise.

See what I mean? You dont want to come down. You are not really relaxed. :lol

Of course I do not think it is allright to wait for 30 years and I never said so. But I can understand, that sculpting a characters likeniss is a long process. Though I am not as goos as Chris or Spenser or all these other talented guys over here, I sculpt a little too and I often tend to work on 4-6 projects at once. I will work the one week on that head, get tired of it put it to the side and work on the body of the other one for a while. With this tactic I never get tired of my project and ensure that I do not rush it as I want to go on to something else. Further I dont become kind of blind. When you sculpt a face there is that point where you cant tell if it does look like a 3D-model of the pics in front of you or not. Further you cannot really point to the areas that have to be reworked to get the right resemblance... Maybe you get my point. Lets say Chris is that kind of sculptor (of course everybody has his own way to sculpt/paint/pie/etc) he would work on a number of heads at once but wouldnt finish any of these in the first weeks. House could be something he was really into and not got "bored" of so there could have been a good flow and he finished him earlier than expected while others that he might be "bored" of are lying there not even ready for WIP pics. I would assume Chris needs about 4 weeks (total work, not at once) to finish a sculpt. So he might do 10 per year as there are always issues that keep you away from the desk. He agreed to around 30 projects so he has work for about 3 years. But this was absolutly clear to everyone who jumped on the later commissions. This is one of his early ones so I expect this to be a little faster finished than a few others. On the other hand I dont see the TDK head set comming before 2011 as he always said that one is the very last in priority. Nevertheless I agree to the point that he took too many commissions at once. I think this is the reason for all this dilemma.

Just my 2 cents and the way I explain it to myself. For me it is clear, no Cinderella castle or 30 years waiting. But maybe I am just not worried as I never had problems to contact Chris if I wanted to. :)

We should really stop here now, it is the same discussion over and over again. Nothing new only little hits to each other that do not make things better. We are all in the same boat from my point of view.
@ Spenser: Dealing with you is kind of luxury (BTW: I really have to get some more heads from you :D)

Well I do guess it up to the individual how long an acceptable wait is. But thanks for the compliment King, I appreciate it!

yeah. your sculpts are awesome. why don't you go ahead and sculpt up some GB heads for us? we'd probably have them by the end of summer.

In fact I’ve already started, another SS Freak is tired of the waiting. Bill Murray is finished and I’ve started Ramis. I’ll post pictures in another thread.
Ditto... that is great news. I was hesitant to jump on Chris' set because there didn't seem to be movement, but if you are doing them... I will most certainly want to get in on that. :rock
sounds awesome man.:rock i'll take GB heads from anybody as long as they look decent. i've been sitting with my finished figures for waaaay too long.
See what I mean? You dont want to come down. You are not really relaxed. :lol

Calm down, not come down. I'm not coming down from an acid trip.

But seriously I'm calm, just pointing out that your standard of a year per sculpt is a bit rediculous.

The situation is being misshaped by some people, who are saying things like lets wait and see, maybe he's hurt or dead.

It's just a shame, when Chris himself pointed out what simply happened was, he took on a "real" job. 9-5 sort of thing. And he has time to not work and instead update his facebook and hang out with his friends.

Whats even more a shame is he calls that a "real" job, but doesn't consider people hes already taken thousands of dollars from real. Because lets face it, if he cared, he'd be communicating. Or giving those promised refunds and updates.

You think he could take a thousand dollar advance from his "real job" and then just dissapear for months without working? His ass would be ^^^^ canned.

He is unprofessional, disrescecptful, and stuck up. His buissness practices are flat out wrong and childish. He is, in short, a bad artist.
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wish I had a "not real" job that paid me thousands of dollars in which I could just tell my employers their stuff isn't getting done because the "real" job is more important. that would be pretty sweet.

I'd also like to tell them they can't get refunds because apparently that so called "real job" doesn't pay enough to do that.

I'd also have to get a third job in which its basically the same as the "not real" job, only instead of offering new services I'll just offer the same services I promised in the first job, this time on ebay. I won't use that income to pay for refunds either despite the fact I just sold the item I promised the person that wants the refund.

Oh yeah, then I want to make sure a select few people support me in this and others that lament that I may never return...
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Calm down, not come down. I'm not coming down from an acid trip.

Thanks for the little English lesson. Sometimes it is quite hard to tell you guys all the little freaky thoughts that jump through my head in a foreign language... So I really appreciate any correction in grammar, vocabulary, sense or whatever.

@ Spenser: :rock Im in aswell! :rock
yeah id be in for some frm spenser to if their really cool!! i got a repainted ada head done by josh/small studios, he did a great job but the sculpt isnt as good as ui all knw.
I'm totally stoked that someone is going to work to make progress on this front.

Honestly from a business perspective now really is the time with the releases of the new game and Ghostbusters on Blu-Ray. Strike while that iron is still hot. Jut look what the Ertl 1:21 diecast Ecto-1 are going for on ebay these days... crazy

ahah yeah. it is a good likeness of murray but yeah i heard alot of ppl complain about the size. what also bothers me about her sculpt of him is aswel is that the sculpt isnt even taken frm his look in ghostbusters, its from meatballs ithink.!

thanks to spenser he jst pmed me and said pics of murray will hopefully be uop during the week,. cant ait to see it and theothers also

Right, Ada's head is not really the best. Though it does remarkably look like Murray it is simply too small which really destroys the look.
In fact I’ve already started, another SS Freak is tired of the waiting. Bill Murray is finished and I’ve started Ramis. I’ll post pictures in another thread.

Great news indeed. If Chris comes out with a couple masterpiece sculpts down the line then great, but right now I got a couple of nickatron's GB packs sitting around doing nothing.
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