The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I know its been said before but 2012 is going to be one huge year for theatrical releases. Marvel and DC both bringing their A game with Avengers and TDKR. TPM 3D. The Hobbit, a Ridley Scott Alien movie, a totally original Pixar movie. It'll really be incredible and I wonder which will emerge among the best. The safe bet seems to be The Hobbit but we've been surprised before.

Last year a lot of people assumed Green Lantern would trump all the Marvel movies and people couldn't have been more wrong.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I fully expect The Hobbit to own all but also expect the Avengers and TDKR to fully kick ass as well. I will not be seeing the aliens movie as I could honestly care less about that franchise.

I still like GL. :)
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I fully expect The Hobbit to own all but also expect the Avengers and TDKR to fully kick ass as well. I will not be seeing the aliens movie as I could honestly care less about that franchise.

I still like GL. :)

Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

At this point, If Nolan makes a Batman movie that scores "only" a 90% on RT, it will be considered a failure and a bad movie :lol

Anything less than 100% approval from the fans will result in a call for his head on a platter :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

At this point, If Nolan makes a Batman movie that scores "only" a 90% on RT, it will be considered a failure and a bad movie :lol

Anything less than 100% approval from the fans will result in a call for his head on a platter :lol

And I'm sure more than a few on this forum are already writing the first drafts of their "I can't stand TDKR and The Hobbit because other people love it too much" posts. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I know its been said before but 2012 is going to be one huge year for theatrical releases. Marvel and DC both bringing their A game with Avengers and TDKR. TPM 3D. The Hobbit, a Ridley Scott Alien movie, a totally original Pixar movie. It'll really be incredible and I wonder which will emerge among the best. The safe bet seems to be The Hobbit but we've been surprised before.

Last year a lot of people assumed Green Lantern would trump all the Marvel movies and people couldn't have been more wrong.

Forgot Spider-Man reboot... :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Its accurate for Iron Man to be leading things, not only was he the first movie in the lineup but in the comics, he housed and financially supported the avengers. Without him, there would no mansion, Jarvis, or any other luxuries they could afford.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

And I'm sure more than a few on this forum are already writing the first drafts of their "I can't stand TDKR and The Hobbit because other people love it too much" posts. :lol

I think that's a fact. :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Its accurate for Iron Man to be leading things, not only was he the first movie in the lineup but in the comics, he housed and financially supported the avengers. Without him, there would no mansion, Jarvis, or any other luxuries they could afford.

Nevertheless he isn't the heart of the team nor is he the most gifted as a leader or battlefield technician. So it definitely wouldn't be accurate for him to be "leading" things.

I think they just played him up for the trailer, most likely due to the box office of the first two IM movies.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

For those wondering why it seems like Paramount is distributing and not DIsney:

Knowing Disney wanted to turn "The Avengers" into a franchise and bank on the success of "Iron Man" after buying Marvel for $4 billion, Par's brass negotiated a deal in which it continues to collect 8% of the B.O. as part of fees it would have earned for distribbing the pic, as it did with the two "Iron Man" pics, "Thor" and "Captain America." It gets 9% for "Iron Man 3."

At the minimum, it earns $115 million, should they not perform.

At the same time, the deal granted Par placement on the marketing materials for both titles, even though Marvel's films are fully owned by Disney and will be solely distributed and marketed by the Mouse House, Variety learned.

While moviegoers will continue to think Paramount is releasing The Avengers and Iron Man 3 in theaters, it is Disney doing all the work and who we talk to behind the scenes. A strange situation for sure, but we'll get our superhero movies no matter what.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Okay, so other than the heroes being in the same scenes together and RDJ hurling Joss Whedon one-liners at Cap & Hulk, name one thing in this trailer we haven't already seen before.

Still anticipating the film, but sorry... the trailer left me kinda cold. After all the hype and build-up, I came away rather "meh". And I'm now too old and tired to geek-out just to geek-out, as if it's an obligation or something.

Silly, unnecessarily personal hyperbole in that analogy, dude.

Seriously, if I'm going to be raked over the coals for not blowing my wad over this trailer, I can live with that. Even if I'm the only one. It is what it is.

I just sometimes feel like we've seen everything. Bring something new and different and come big, or stay home. That's actually supposed to be the Marvel Studios motto.

Not saying that the AVENGERS movie itself won't do that. It may very well blow us all away. But this particular trailer sure didn't. That's all.

I don't think it is fair to say this is "just another superhero movie." The fact it is even getting made is unbelievable to me. If this comes together the way it should it will be a game changer.

It is THE Superhero movie which 10 years ago, Hell even 5 years ago they said couldn't get done. There is a lot riding on it being successful from all sides but in the trailer they didn't show us anything we haven't already seen save The Hulk.

Oh man, that was just great! Iron Man stole the show in this trailer. Now, where the hell can I get a HT Mark VI :slap? Do you guys think we'll see a Mark VII at all in this movie?

Absolutely, the leading thought is that it will be a necessity of damage and from look in the tailend of the trailer it seems to be confirmed.

Maybe I shouldn't have read all of the exclamations of ecstasy on Facebook before I watched the trailer myself for the first time. One chick actually that she was "literally crying and shaking right now" upon seeing the trailer. Then I watched it and the first thing I wondered is she must be in low blood sugar crisis right now. I mean, really?

Typical Fanboy outcry, same thing happened for TDK and will happen for most of these kind of movies.

is DC going to come out with a Justice League movie?

They gave themselves a timetable of a JLA movie by 2013, although I doubt it'll happen. Given that GL didn't do as well as expected and that there is still the jury out on whether they'll continue with it (the actors have 5 year contracts so they'll have to either pay them out or wait them out or they'll be in breach) and that Nolan has been constantly quoted that his Superman will not have interactions with other heroes in the DCU and that the Batman reboot is supposed to set Batman in that world, there is a lot still not done. It is on the planning board though, Geoff Johns spoke about it as late as the con season of last year.

They have officially stated that they are afraid to even try to compete with Marvel.

Where? I've never read that. I've read that they respect Marvel's plan and that they are different but never fear.

Seriously though... what a waste of opportunity for DC. They should be using this superhero movie craze to make Batman/Superman, Flash and Justice League movies but it's almost as if they aren't trying. Green Lantern was ok but it was still a poor effort on their part.

Blame Nolan in some part who strictly decided that his Batman was a standalone. So literally it means they can't build off of it. The reboot is supposed to do that. Also blame WB for being shortsighted. Marvel Studios had this plan back in Iron Man which was in 2008, this is the product of planning far before that. WB looks at properties as standalones where as Marvel wanted a universe.

that was sick !! but man that dr banner looks so goofy.

As he should, it helps sell the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde comparisons that the character was built from. The geekier Banner looks, the tougher that Hulk will look.

Hulk looks kind of dumb as well (to be fair though, you can see Hulk really was based on Mark Ruffalo)


I'm glad, the Norton Hulk had characteristics as did the Bana Hulk but this one really sells that it is Banner in there.

Where is the Disney logo, I saw Paramount!
I am officially hitting the emergency button with this one, aka Mike!
Ohhhh Mike :lol

From what I can find it was a mistake on the part of the trailer editing. That the Disney logo will be placed perfectly by the time the full theatrical trailer is up. I've also read that it might be fixed on this with a secondary release.

Evans signed a six movie deal and slj signed for nine

Yes but that includes cameos. For example RDJ's contract was for four films, his cameo in The Incredible Hulk counts as one. So Evans admitted he probably won't be cameoing in various films.

it's confirmed that the skrulls are in this. actors in mocap suits were seen filming some of the outdoor battle scenes and apparently those would be replaced by cgi skrulls...

It's confirmed that the Skrulls were the villains of the game. It is confirmed that the villains will be CGI. Not who they are yet.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

It is THE Superhero movie which 10 years ago, Hell even 5 years ago they said couldn't get done. There is a lot riding on it being successful from all sides but in the trailer they didn't show us anything we haven't already seen save The Hulk.

Even the Hulk bit looked like it could have been stock footage from the Norton movie (I'm not saying it was but it didn't look all that different to me.)

But yeah, otherwise the unprecedented nature of the flick is pretty amazing. I guess the closest thing would be the AVP movies, especially with the little alien skull cameo in Predator 2 but certainly not with the same amount of planning and budget from the beginning.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I'm going out on a limb and saying that the close up of Tony with the mask coming over his face is stock footage from Iron Man 1.

As Tony as the driving force, if you pay attention to the interviews RDJ admits he walked up the Whedon and said "Tony should be driving this, he should be in the first and last scenes" and was given an "OK" and then it didn't work and RDJ had to be humbled. I don't think this will be Tony Stark show featuring the Avengers, it'll be a collborative film because they took that stuff already and dealt with it. They are playing up Tony Stark because honestly, he is the place in the film universe this started and that the lines and the visuals really help sell it. Just a marketing angle. I wouldn't be shocked if before May we got individual trailers highlighting each member themselves to get the audience ready.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Yeah, I'm a little skeptical because I do remember that in the 90's Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposedly "humbled" by Batman & Robin and when he was asked on a talk show prior to the movie if he'd have top billing he stated, "Well it is Batman and Robin, not Batman and Arnold." But sure enough when it came out he did indeed have top billing.

So hopefully the "Tony as driving force" isn't being downplayed in a similar fashion.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

Even the Hulk bit looked like it could have been stock footage from the Norton movie (I'm not saying it was but it didn't look all that different to me.

For me it was all new Hulk, he looked just like Ruffalo, which is rather cool. I liked the quick flash of him kneeling down on the ground about to explode. This Hulk looks bad ass

I'm going out on a limb and saying that the close up of Tony with the mask coming over his face is stock footage from Iron Man 1.


did you notice that after his helmet closes, his eyes didn't light up :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I can understand why they'd make RDJ and Iron Man the focus, he's certainly the most charismatic and entertaining to watch of all the main actors involved.
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I can understand why they'd make RDJ and Iron Man the focus, he's certainly the most charismatic and entertaining to watch of all the main actors involved.

Funny, my wife says the same thing about RDJ in eveything he's in. :monkey1

He could be in a colgate commercial and she would claim he was awesome and the most charismatic from that toothpaste commercial :lol
Re: The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread

I always thought this was more of how the Hulk was supposed to look.

The Ed Norton version seemed too young/sexy looking. :lol