Terminator Salvation: the video game

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That's not connor though is it?

Yes it is, it just doesn't look like him and it appears that Bale will not be voicing him either.

No one else get reminded of the Quantom of Solace game with the way terminator game looks it will play?

1st person for the main play, switches to 3rd person when behind cover?

They confirmed that it will be a 3rd person style gameplay with cover system. The same company that developed "Wanted: Weapons of Fate" are developing this game, so expect the same engine/gameplay as Wanted has (which was 3rd person w/ a cover system).
Ah, oh....I heard the action/combat in wanted was less than stellar...hopefully, they make modifications

I really don't expect this game to be stellar. A cinematic trailer does not show how good gameplay will be. The only thing this game has going for it is the Terminator title. I want the game to be good, but I don't expect it to be amazing.

But I do think the game has co-op. There is an interview on GameTrailers with one of the producers from the game and in the back they have the main menu of the game on the TV and in the menu bar it says: "Single Player" and then under that "Co Op".

Unfortunately the video is no longer on their site, I don't know why. Maybe the co-op was unintentionally leaked by the image on the screen and they took down the video?
mhhhh all movie games suck so i don t expect much yet hopefully it will be good then again i havent seen the movie yet the last game i play terminator3 redemption suck
if the same guys that did wanted are doing this game then i dont think game will be any better. wanted kinda sucked, then again i only played the demo.
Bale won't be voicing, but Rose McGowan will be saving the day with her talents.
Im also a believer in that movie games suck ballz.
Based on what?

Based on...

A) The footage that has been shown so far. It looks like a bad rendition of Gears of War set in the Terminator universe.

B) Hands on impressions and previews from a number of websites (IGN, 1UP, etc etc) have been neutral at best and negative at worst towards this game.

B) The majority of movie based games tend to suck.

C) The majority of Terminator based games have sucked.

D) Christian Bale isn't providing his talents. This isn't usually an indicator of a game's quality (a lot of movie games don't have actor participation), but it's still disappointing.

I'll keep my mind open to it, but I don't have high hopes for it.
fair enough...I'll have to check out the 'hands out' impressions from those sites....haven't followed this one too closely, and I do know that games based on movie IPs tend to suck.
New gameplay trailer:

<embed src='https://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=14219352&downloadURL=https://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/974/974591/terminator_trl_actionattack_042009_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed><div style='width:433;'><a href='https://xbox360.ign.com/objects/142/14219352.html'>More Terminator Salvation Info</a></div>

The gameplay looks mediocre.
Thanks for the link. It looks 'decent'....I'll probably get it if the reviews don't come back and says its a "POS"

I really want to love the game and movie, so let's hope

Reading the Timothy Zahn prequel novel right now...!
I am getting this game dirt cheap so, i am not worrying about it being bad..the game looks good to me and the music sounds good enough..pays tribute to the old movies.
3rd person? That blows! When do we get a decent 1st person shooter based on the Terminator franchise?
it seems they have taken some inspiration from gears with the cover system.
Looks cool enough I guess for a movie tie in game.
Terminator does have alot of potentioal as a game series though , as does alien and predator.

I think if anything will be decent with movie tie ins anytime soon its likely to be " aliens " but by the time that gets released we'll all probably be dead anyway. :lol
Judgment day or not.
Am I the only one who thinks the gameplay looks awesome then!

It's hard for me to say it looks good. The game is developed by the same peeps who made Wanted, it uses the same cover system and engine they used in Wanted. Wanted got mediocre reviews and basically was not a worthwhile purchase.

The only thing that makes this game interesting is the fact that is it a Terminator game, I want it to be good....but I'm not sure how it will turn out.