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Didn't think it was great, didn't think it was bad. Probably won't see it again til it hits blu ray.
i liked the movie..........was entertaining. the only thing that made me go huh??:confused:.........was "terminators are attracted by music".....:sick (rock music at that)
seemed kind of weird way to try to sneak in songs for a soundtrack.:monkey1
i liked the movie..........was entertaining. the only thing that made me go huh??:confused:.........was "terminators are attracted by music".....:sick (rock music at that)
seemed kind of weird way to try to sneak in songs for a soundtrack.:monkey1

i dont think it was they are attracted to music. i just think the loud noises could be detected by them.
i dont think it was they are attracted to music. i just think the loud noises could be detected by them.

Yup, it just detects a sound that isn't produced by a Skynet machine and attacks, they really don't even distinguish, they just attack anything not part of Skynet that seems to indicate a human presence.
my list:

1) TiTties
2) T&A
3) ice lemon T


seriously tho, i FINALLY got to watch salvation last night.

and.... maybe it's the fact that i have been preparing myself for the worst.
but i really did not think it was all that bad!!!

(spoilers below)

in fact, i managed to enjoy most of the movie. now let me qualify that statement. compared to t1 and t2, this is NOTHING.

okay, first the negatives: the movie has very little heart. ironic, for a movie whose story features a heart literally as the lynchpin of the resolution. it did seem obvious that connor was meant to die in the original ending, and the new ending is a last minute quick-fix.

i think if they'd established and played up marcus's sense of guilt over his horrible crimes a little more, the sacrifice he made at the end would've felt much more poignant and meaningful. also, blair's arc seemed forced. looks like the scenes between her and marcus that were trimmed, ultimately hurt the movie. i don't know exactly what other scenes they shared (besides the infamous topless scene), but i'm sure if they'd fleshed out her connection with him a bit more, her change of heart would've felt more convincing.

so essentially the script sucks big time. bloody brancato and ferris, the writers of catwoman. they just can't write engaging characters to save their lives. :banghead

also, i did NOT like elfman's score. at all. it just didn't feel like a terminator movie with the jarringly different music. the worst thing is that it didn't even have ONE single memorable musical moment. just faceless, bland, overly-orchestrated bombast. sorry but to me this is an epic fail, mr.elfman.

and another 2 things that bugged me was the opening text. they pretty much repeated some parts of linda hamilton's voice-over in t2, verbatim! "the survvors of the nuclear fire called the war judgment day. they lived only to face a new nightmare... the war against the machines."

i mean, wtf?? seriously? 4 writers on-board and that's the best u could come up with? rehashing someone else's script? and i thought i read somewhere that this opening would feature hamilton's vo. but it wasn't there.

the 2nd thing is hamilton's voice work in her tapes to john connor. "...god, a person could go crazy thinking abt this, etc etc" her delivery was COMPLETELY different from t1 (at the end, when she was driving in the jeep). in t1, there was a sadness and wistfulness that was clearly apparent in her voice. but in salvation, she sounded blank, like the actress was rushing thru her line readings. putting continuity aside, those voice tapes were supposed to sound a little emotional. so the impact on john would be even more profound. but when she sounds like she's totally indifferent, it ruins the impact of the scene. i know this sounds like a nitpick, but it's another thing that contributed to the lack of feeling in this movie.

okay, rant mostly over. now the positive stuff.

the action is mostly solid. i liked the harvester attack, and the final showdown in skynet city. well shot, well edited and awesome sound design. i love what they did with the machines, the noises they make.

it was great to see "arnold". i actually cheered when i saw the t800 in the flesh (pun intended)! :banana the cgi still looked a bit fake, but it was good enough for me to kinda believe the iconic cyborg was part of this movie.

also, i really liked the fact that they made the t800 a seriously tough bastard to kill. i was afraid they'd make him just another dispensible foot soldier and easily destroyed with a few blasts of heavy weapons fire. so, nice homage to the previous movies.

surprisingly, the little girl didn't annoy me as much as i thought she would. but i don't get the whole "psychic" thing. they never made any attempt to even explain it, so why was it in there? a victim of deleted scenes, perhaps?

anton yelchin as reese was pretty good. he did come across as a street smart and world weary younger version of michael biehn's reese.

sam worthington, terrible command of accents notwithstanding, was pretty solid too. i did feel for his marcus, esp at the end. i don't think it's due to the script, it was the actor who made us feel for the character.

christian bale was christian bale. i kinda expected his performance. the guy to me is getting pretty one-note. but his acting didn't come off as bad as many people are saying. he alternated between whispering and yelling, but under the circumstances, john connor being so under pressure and all, it kinda made sense to me. his is an extreme character, under extreme conditions. so the wild shifts in behavior seemed fairly understandable. i just wished the script was better written so his connor had more to say/do as a figure of inspiration among the resistance. again, that's the script's fault, not the actor's.

so overall, salvation is a MUCH BETTER movie than t3. like i said, it's nowhere close to the first 2 films, but i never expected it to be. i actually think mcG wasn't the movie's weakest link. he did a decent job in making the best of lousy material. i'm just very glad it didn't end up an embarrassing, massive train wreck disaster. it very nearly could've been. let's hope that if there is a sequel, they get REAL writers.
i dont think it was they are attracted to music. i just think the loud noises could be detected by them.

Yup, it just detects a sound that isn't produced by a Skynet machine and attacks, they really don't even distinguish, they just attack anything not part of Skynet that seems to indicate a human presence.

im pretty sure kyle said they were attracted to music.............:dunno

need to see it again anyway
seriously tho, i FINALLY got to watch salvation last night.

and.... maybe it's the fact that i have been preparing myself for the worst.
but i really did not think it was all that bad!!!

(spoilers below)

in fact, i managed to enjoy most of the movie. now let me qualify that statement. compared to t1 and t2, this is NOTHING.

okay, first the negatives: the movie has very little heart. ironic, for a movie whose story features a heart literally as the lynchpin of the resolution. it did seem obvious that connor was meant to die in the original ending, and the new ending is a last minute quick-fix.

i think if they'd established and played up marcus's sense of guilt over his horrible crimes a little more, the sacrifice he made at the end would've felt much more poignant and meaningful. also, blair's arc seemed forced. looks like the scenes between her and marcus that were trimmed, ultimately hurt the movie. i don't know exactly what other scenes they shared (besides the infamous topless scene), but i'm sure if they'd fleshed out her connection with him a bit more, her change of heart would've felt more convincing.

so essentially the script sucks big time. bloody brancato and ferris, the writers of catwoman. they just can't write engaging characters to save their lives. :banghead

also, i did NOT like elfman's score. at all. it just didn't feel like a terminator movie with the jarringly different music. the worst thing is that it didn't even have ONE single memorable musical moment. just faceless, bland, overly-orchestrated bombast. sorry but to me this is an epic fail, mr.elfman.

and another 2 things that bugged me was the opening text. they pretty much repeated some parts of linda hamilton's voice-over in t2, verbatim! "the survvors of the nuclear fire called the war judgment day. they lived only to face a new nightmare... the war against the machines."

i mean, wtf?? seriously? 4 writers on-board and that's the best u could come up with? rehashing someone else's script? and i thought i read somewhere that this opening would feature hamilton's vo. but it wasn't there.

the 2nd thing is hamilton's voice work in her tapes to john connor. "...god, a person could go crazy thinking abt this, etc etc" her delivery was COMPLETELY different from t1 (at the end, when she was driving in the jeep). in t1, there was a sadness and wistfulness that was clearly apparent in her voice. but in salvation, she sounded blank, like the actress was rushing thru her line readings. putting continuity aside, those voice tapes were supposed to sound a little emotional. so the impact on john would be even more profound. but when she sounds like she's totally indifferent, it ruins the impact of the scene. i know this sounds like a nitpick, but it's another thing that contributed to the lack of feeling in this movie.

okay, rant mostly over. now the positive stuff.

the action is mostly solid. i liked the harvester attack, and the final showdown in skynet city. well shot, well edited and awesome sound design. i love what they did with the machines, the noises they make.

it was great to see "arnold". i actually cheered when i saw the t800 in the flesh (pun intended)! :banana the cgi still looked a bit fake, but it was good enough for me to kinda believe the iconic cyborg was part of this movie.

also, i really liked the fact that they made the t800 a seriously tough bastard to kill. i was afraid they'd make him just another dispensible foot soldier and easily destroyed with a few blasts of heavy weapons fire. so, nice homage to the previous movies.

surprisingly, the little girl didn't annoy me as much as i thought she would. but i don't get the whole "psychic" thing. they never made any attempt to even explain it, so why was it in there? a victim of deleted scenes, perhaps?

anton yelchin as reese was pretty good. he did come across as a street smart and world weary younger version of michael biehn's reese.

sam worthington, terrible command of accents notwithstanding, was pretty solid too. i did feel for his marcus, esp at the end. i don't think it's due to the script, it was the actor who made us feel for the character.

christian bale was christian bale. i kinda expected his performance. the guy to me is getting pretty one-note. but his acting didn't come off as bad as many people are saying. he alternated between whispering and yelling, but under the circumstances, john connor being so under pressure and all, it kinda made sense to me. his is an extreme character, under extreme conditions. so the wild shifts in behavior seemed fairly understandable. i just wished the script was better written so his connor had more to say/do as a figure of inspiration among the resistance. again, that's the script's fault, not the actor's.

so overall, salvation is a MUCH BETTER movie than t3. like i said, it's nowhere close to the first 2 films, but i never expected it to be. i actually think mcG wasn't the movie's weakest link. he did a decent job in making the best of lousy material. i'm just very glad it didn't end up an embarrassing, massive train wreck disaster. it very nearly could've been. let's hope that if there is a sequel, they get REAL writers.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. Great review.
i saw the movie. it was not what i thought it would be. sure there were moments in it that rocked. But this terminator timeline is confusing..
if you know the story then basically your going to know everything that happens. but we don't know what makes john connor a great leader yet.
they have made it so confusing.with skynet losing they have to send a terminator back to kill sarah so john doesn't exist..
so basically are they saying. if sarah connor never has john connor. skynet or whatever never happens..they really blew this time travel out of whack..i know one thing they should of never killed off sam worthngton. he was the star.. christian bale was just a supporting cast member...also what was the deal with common.
i really though one of these characters in the inner circle was going to turn out to be terminator who had already infiltrated the group. before marcus wright came about..
what got left on the editing floor..
In the possible furture from T1 Skynet looses the battle with the humans, right?

Momments before Skynets ultimate destruction they send a terminator back to kill Sarah before she has John, who leads the resistance to destroy skynet, right?


It is by skynets doing that Kyle Reese goes back in time to stop the terminator and ultimately knock up Sarah, right?


If skynet never sends a termintor to kill sarah, kyle reese never goes back to impregnate sarah, and John is never born, right?

So why doesnt skynet just not send a termintor back?

No terminator=no kyle=no John=?????

How did the future happen if the past had not yet happend? Meaning, there was no John yet, and it was Skynet that lead to the birth of John, so how was John already fighting a war in the future when he wasnt born yet in the past? And it was in Skynet in the future that led to John being born in the past. Skynet killed itself by sending back a termintor to kill Sarah.

My head hurts now.

Stupid time travel movies :lol