Statue T-800 Endoskeleton Maquette

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Like Grin said, finish wouldn't have saved this anyway...

Yeah I know, most people's issues with this were the pose I think, although I think a lot of people would've overlooked it if the finish was shinier.

Either way, I personally don't mind how it looked in that Sideshow Live video. The pose is still not my first choice, but I don't think it looks horrible. At least it looks dynamic and interesting to look at rather than a static pose.

Anyway, for those that don't like it, I'm sure whatever Prime 1 come out with will be amazing :)

Regardless of finish pose and base make no sense...

But everyone likes a chromed Endo.

Finish isnt my issue, its that fooking surfing pose. He aint surfing in the print...
He trying to sneak out of the debris?
I imagine him seeing me, seeing him...then he just stops and thinks...if I dont move he wont see me. :lol

Same here, I wanted a nice Endo statue, but not with this pose.
It actually looks good in the live video. But in this day and age, with prices and competition as they are... Good isn't enough. Here's to hoping the next one offers a little more. Or the Prime 1 versions that are now back on.
Alex confirmed new pieces in the works

She just said there's more Terminator pieces 'in the pipeline'. An earlier response to my question was 'there might be some Terminator goodness in the future'. Just sounds like they are in planning stages really, and we won't be seeing anything for a long time. Certainly no hint at any specific items.

Personally, I don't care for seeing another endo from them, seeing as we already have this. I would rather see them do a Tech Noir Arnold, or even a battle damaged Arnold from the 1st film.
More curious to see what prime 1 has to offer anyway. They'll hopefully give the license the attention it deserves.
Are you talking about Michael Beihn Kyle Reese? Nothing underwhelming about that at all in my opinion. To each his own.
I would really like a second 1/4 Endo to join my HT version. No matter who makes as long as it is decently accurate, and from T1 or T2.
Yeah I am. I don't think it's bad, but the likeness needs work. I do hope they nail it though.
I agree. Commented about that when it first showed up. Of course, at that point, he didn't even have any stubble, so obviously they are still working on him.
Yeah I am. I don't think it's bad, but the likeness needs work. I do hope they nail it though.

Have we even seen a full picture of it yet? Hard to judge the likeness based off of one pic of half his face that's black and white. :lol
Have we even seen a full picture of it yet? Hard to judge the likeness based off of one pic of half his face that's black and white. :lol

Nope, but I saw enough to comment on it. Obviously it's a teaser and I'm not saying it's crap, just that it needs work. Colour has nothing to do with likeness...seen plenty of unpainted sculpts that look spot on to the actor.

Anyway, as I said, I saw enough to suggest the likeness needs work.

I don't think it's a piece I'd buy anyway, especially at 1:3 scale. I'd most likely only go for an Arnold or Endoskeleton from Prime 1.
Color has a lot to do with it. Paint can make or break a sculpt. The point is that the pic that was shown was definitely a work in progress shot. Saying the likeness "needs work" when we haven't even seen a full picture of the head sculpt is jumping the gun a bit. I'm more interested in an Arnold or Endoskeleton as well. I'm hoping us seeing Kyle Reese is just a sign of how committed they are to the line, in all honesty I didn't think we'd see anything besides maybe an Endo.
Color has a lot to do with it. Paint can make or break a sculpt. The point is that the pic that was shown was definitely a work in progress shot. Saying the likeness "needs work" when we haven't even seen a full picture of the head sculpt is jumping the gun a bit. I'm more interested in an Arnold or Endoskeleton as well. I'm hoping us seeing Kyle Reese is just a sign of how committed they are to the line, in all honesty I didn't think we'd see anything besides maybe an Endo.

Yeah I get that, but if the likeness is good, it will look like the actor regardless of paint. The likeness on their teaser for the Bale Batman statue looked great, same with the unpainted sculpt for Damtoys' Arnold from T2. Anyway, that's just my opinion really. I never said it's crap, but based on what they chose to show, I think it needs work, which I'm sure they're doing.

Not sure how many people would be willing to pay for a 1:3 scale Reese, so I thought it was an odd choice to start with.
Not long now and this is released, I'm really looking forward to it, hope it is painted well and weight is heavy
It's got a lot of plastic pieces, so I'm sure most of the heft comes from the base.
Surprisingly, it's heavier than the The Dark Knight Joker PF, which is all polystone.

Not too fussed on the weight as long as it's nicely done. If the production piece turns out nice, I'll get one. Comes out next month I think.
Production pics