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thanks for the tips! i'll give it a shot!

I started with 2, which had no effect at all on mine and then moved on to 3. Might wanna do the same just in case lol

Try to do the whole wax on wax off thing (circles). It's clumsy as it's a narrow spot and you'll get Novus on other parts of the bust so you might want to use a q-tip to rub on those spots close to the wounds. A cotton ball would smear Novus all over the flesh tones and wounds. Happened to me a few times and leaves a white-ish color. Will get rid of those when i touch up the wounds however, no big deal. If i could have done it all over, i would have covered the wound's edges with silly putty or similar. That way you can just go at it without having to worry about rubbing Novus on to other parts of the sculpt.

Good luck.

BTW, thanks f_o_a_t, i'm pretty happy with the results.
ARGH! First getting the 1/4 Endo, now this..oi.. maybe I should just get everything!

Tell me about it, I wish everyone would stop posting brilliant photographs. I got the endo after seeing some pics on the forum. What can I say, I'm easily swayed!
Tell me about it, I wish everyone would stop posting brilliant photographs. I got the endo after seeing some pics on the forum. What can I say, I'm easily swayed!

I just hate being that kid on the block that sees every kid have a Nintendo, and here I am with a Sega Mastersystem! ARGH!!!
dude, i had a sega system! and then a sega 16 bit!

Same here! The Genesis actually rocked. I was big into NHL 94 back in the day and the EA Sports NHL series on the Genesis rivaled the Super Nintendo's version.

Honestly, they were pretty close in the gaming library. If you had the Sega CD and 32X it looked even nicer on that setup. Only thing the Genesis had going against it was its colour pallet vs. the SNES. Which wasn't even a contest. It was either under 100 colours or hundreds of colours compared to the SNES' 32,000 colour pallet. 32X had a 32,000 pallet as well. But also cost an additional 200 bucks more.
Ah yeah I had a Mega Drive (AKA Genesis) too, absolutely loved it. To this day, one of the best machines I ever had. Still have it, actually.
Same here! The Genesis actually rocked. I was big into NHL 94 back in the day and the EA Sports NHL series on the Genesis rivaled the Super Nintendo's version.

NHL 94 rocked back in the day!! It's funny because about a year ago i pulled it out, dusted it off, and put in NHL. I couldnt' even play 5 minutes of it before getting completed annoyed at how crappy it is now! How I am spoiled with technology...

:D :D
Well thanks to THX, Poisonous and the rest of the "Sideshow Salesmen" as I like to call them, I finally broke down and bought an Arnie bust. Got it for €570 shipped from Belgium off Ebay.

I knew I'd cave in eventually...
I'll own this bust one day. It will happen! Mark my words! My SS 1/4 Endo needs a companion.

You won't regret it Eli. Even if you end up paying above retail. It's worth it. Believe it or not, actually thinking about getting an additional one after modding and touching up my current bust, just to have one in original shape (which is still awesome). One near the home-theater and one in the collectibles room :cool:

Good for you MML :D