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I've been MIA for a while, but yesterday's episode was really something to write home about. Amazing stuff. I really like what they've done this season and it's really bought some of that S4/S5 magic back, IMO.

I was kind of surprised that Kevin REALLY did get caught by Crowley. I was convinced that it was all in his head.

And Curtis Armstrong as Metatron is just brilliant. He fits the wrong well and I like what they're doing with the character. Strangely enough, I'm rewatching bits and pieces of S5 and this is all too reminiscent for me.

It sucks that Crowley got the Angel tablet from Cas. I'll be curious how they rectify that situation or will Crowley hold on to that tablet for dear life. And on a side note, I'm SO glad to see Cas back. It's about time.

Only two more episodes left. Hold on to your seats.
Last weeks was decent for sure...looking forward to tonights

So far so good tonight. Hard to believe that there are only two episodes left this season. I expect quite a bit of build up in tonight's episode when all is said and done.
I wish Cas would do what HE wants for once. I don't like this whole Metatron team-up thing. Seems like it might cause him more heartache than anything.
Thoughts about tonight:

- Surprised to see Abaddon back. Definitely didn't see that coming, and based on the finale sneak-peek, we might be seeing even more of her. (Too early to tell though.)

- I liked Metatron last week, but this week, I'm a little more weary of him. I'm intrigued by the whole 'locking' Heaven up, but something tells me this might blow up in everyone's faces, especially now that they're keeping things on the d-low.

- Crowley stoops to an all-new low this week. Although, I liked how he referred to Chuck's books for his intel. That was pretty funny (and genius, in hind sight.) Sad to see Sarah die. I felt that was a little unnecessary to bring her back, just to kill her, but again, it was a nice nod to S1. I haven't seen the Bros. in a panic like that, in a LONG while. Crowley definitely won that round.

Although, based on next week's preview, karma comes back to bit him.

Can. Not. Wait. (Hopefully, I'll be able to catch the finale when it airs.)
Anyone else think (and based on the sneak peek) that Crowley will be the one that Sam tries to cleanse?
I think that would be pretty awesome. If only Cas would've had his 1-855-CALL-AN-ANGEL feature on, Sarah wouldn't have kicked it (damn, she was pretty fine).
Crowley is starting to lose it.

Sam is not looking so good.


And, I'm stiiiillllll not liking Naomi.

Where is everyone?!?
What in the heck did we just witness?!?!

It looks like Metatron succeeded. I really hope Cas didn't lose his complete memory of the Bros (but, I have a feeling something is up, aside from the no Angel powers.)

Definitely one of the most awestruck moments in finale history, IMO. The 'angels falling' scene was crazy. So basically, we're left with the angels cast out of Heaven and Hell's still wide open.

Wow. Wow. Wow. This will make definitely make for one of the most anticipated premieres, come S9. I have a feeling we'll see God by S10, if not sooner. Too much mayhem.
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