Superman Returns - SPOILERS!!!! SPOILERS!!!!

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jlcmsu said:
I'm not a huge Superman Fan so. For once I'm a not biased about something. :lol

Just got back from seeing this flick. I thought the movie was insanely awesome!! A few times I thought Spacey was a little too much but overall I really enjoyed how be made Luther look as crazy as he should have been played. It might have been a bit slow in parts but nothing I thought was god awful long.

I thought the acting was very very well done as a whole and can't believe how much this guy looks like CR. He did the best job of all IMO and pulled off everything damn nicely. I like the kid angle and didn't have a problem with him especially how he first uses his powers. I find it funny people have a problem with that. He uses them to save his Mom for goodness sakes! Its not like he was just out with his friends playing hop skotch and jumped real high. Now, the kid angle could turn bad depending on how it's used but overall I like that Superman now has something bigger than himself worth fighting for. I really enjoyed it and will be buying this on DVD for sure.

Josh1 has spoken and I think spoken well. Feel the same way Josh, nice summation, agree with EVERYTHING you said. My god, what did I just say? :lol
pjam said:
Josh1 has spoken and I think spoken well. Feel the same way Josh, nice summation, agree with everyting you said. My god, what did I just say? :lol

:rotfl I'd blame it on the time of day. LOL

I just went in looking to enjoy it and came away very happy. I may even try to see it again soon.
SideshowDusty said:
Well, you know... those tights..... As far as I can tell there has always been 'gay buzz' around Superman (because of the tights most likely :lol) Even though he may be one of the most heterosexual superheroes, he's always had that awkward feel, you know? Not that I'm saying it's gay...

I heard something about this on the radio well Superman wears tights so you never know. Well so does almost every other comic book hero, I mean Professor X is out there hunting down young mutants and then has them wear tights. Hmmmm sounds like he could be a predator Im not saying he is but...
jlcmsu said:
I'm not a huge Superman Fan so. For once I'm a not biased about something. :lol

Just got back from seeing this flick. I thought the movie was insanely awesome!! A few times I thought Spacey was a little too much but overall I really enjoyed how be made Luther look as crazy as he should have been played. It might have been a bit slow in parts but nothing I thought was god awful long.

I thought the acting was very very well done as a whole and can't believe how much this guy looks like CR. He did the best job of all IMO and pulled off everything damn nicely. I like the kid angle and didn't have a problem with him especially how he first uses his powers. I find it funny people have a problem with that. He uses them to save his Mom for goodness sakes! Its not like he was just out with his friends playing hop skotch and jumped real high. Now, the kid angle could turn bad depending on how it's used but overall I like that Superman now has something bigger than himself worth fighting for. I really enjoyed it and will be buying this on DVD for sure.

Josh1 and Josh2 always agree.... we are of one mind.... a collective... Join us..... JOIN US.....

Glad you liked it man..... It really was a great movie. :D
Viking28 said:
I mean Professor X is out there hunting down young mutants and then has them wear tights. Hmmmm sounds like he could be a predator Im not saying he is but...

We'll see the Prof. on Dateline in one of those sting operations... :rolleyes:

"I just wanted to teach her how to use her powers!"

"whatever baldy...tell it to the judge."
I'm not sure if it was mentioned & I just missed it, BUT...

Lex's ending was sheer poetry in motion! The fact that he wanted his
own island & was forced to end up on 1 was PURE GENIUS! It's the little
things like that, that solidify this movie as FAN-tastic!

DarkArtist81 said:
Josh1 and Josh2 always agree.... we are of one mind.... a collective... Join us..... JOIN US.....

Glad you liked it man..... It really was a great movie. :D

Thanks Josh2!! It was very very enjoyable. The Superman theme gave me giant goosebumps at the start of the movie.
Super Serg said:
I'm not sure if it was mentioned & I just missed it, BUT...

Lex's ending was sheer poetry in motion! The fact that he wanted his
own island & was forced to end up on 1 was PURE GENIUS! It's the little
things like that, that solidify this movie as FAN-tastic!

Yes! That was a nice touch.
jlcmsu said:
Thanks Josh2!! It was very very enjoyable. The Superman theme gave me giant goosebumps at the start of the movie.

Yeah, me too!! I just came back from catching it again and I must say that the opening is probably my favorite from any Superhero movie. Really made me smile to hear that music and be led through space with that classic font flying past me...

I must say that this film is even better the second time... :D
Okay, I can finally read (and heavily edit:monkey4) this thread!

I have to say that I'm a huge Superman fan, he's always been my favorite superhero. Loved the original Reeve movie as a child and it contributed to my life's direction. However looking back at the Reeve movies now, the only good thing in them is Reeve himself. The stories, other actors, dialogue, even the design of Krypton are all poor IMHO. I thought Superman Returns was far, far superior to Superman the Movie and Superman 2 (and I'll be like Singer and pretend the other 2 atrocities don't exist). However I didn't like SR as much as I expected to because it was too much of an homage to the Donner film.

They didn't have any of the ultra-stupid stuff like turning back the world, but the repeat dialogue, the non-existant, bumbling Clark and the wig wearing Luthor were all a bit painful. I HATE that Lois barely acknowledges Clark is there. How can she be in love with someone and how can Clark be in love with her when she's so dismissive of who he really is?

I did like the casting and the acting. Routh looks too much like Reeve and it could have been disasterous if he wasn't as good an actor as he is. Still I was cringing at the very end when they duplicated the final scene of StM and I breathed a sigh of relief when Routh didn't give us that winning grin that was so endearing with Reeve. The slight, knowing smile was perfect - but I would have preferred them not to have copied the scene at all.

From the beginning I liked the casting of Spacey. A much more menacing Luthor than Hackman. And no Otis'. I even liked Posey who I usually hate. Bosworth - well, she's attractive. At least it's believeable that Clark would fall for her much more so than Kidder's Lois. I'd agree that she's not that believeable as a mother, she's about 23 though, so that can be forgiven.

I liked the special effects too. There was only one CG shot that looked really bad - when Supes is falling to earth and the camera is above him, Supes looks like a cartoon.

I didn't mind the kid subplot either and thought the kid did an excellent job. He didn't have much dialogue, but his expressions seemed right on to me. My favorite comic stories when I was little were the imaginary "what if Batman and Superman had kids?" stories, so I hope they do explore that some in the next 2 films.

However, ultimately I wanted a Superman for the 21st century. I wanted something to be added to the mythos besides just a child. What Singer has given us is a Superman of the 1970s, but with better special effects.

And perhaps I'm too much a fan of Smallville for me to fall in love with SR. What they've done with the characters and mythology on that show is far, far more interesting than Singer's homage to Donner and Reeve. I really, really would like to see the next Superman movie start with Welling's Clark and Durance's Lois walking out of a movie theater having just seen the Singer film and exclaiming "wow, did they get that wrong!" And then the rest of the film is based on the "Smallville" mythology.

And I didn't have a problem with the Christ metaphor. It was there in the Reeve film and it's unavoidable with an all-powerful being who saves people. And it's not that Superman should save EVERYONE, but he brings hope to the world and sets an example that we should strive for.

Now it appears from the above that I didn't like the film, but I did like it very much, probably a 4/5. But I probably would have liked Abrams Kung-fu fighting Kryptonians a lot more.
We just got back from the theater, and I loved this movie.

I watched the Donner film last night, so I caught more of the references and nods than I would have otherwise. I thought they were nice.

Fun movie. Maybe just a notch below Batman Begins, but still a great rebirth to the Superman franchise.
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gdb said:
I thought Superman's mom, like, married them or something in Superman 2?

And I thought Captain America killed his share of NAZI's in WWII.

I thought they were "married" or whatever like you say in Superman 2...but if you are going to "erase" a movie (Superman 3 and 4) from continuity. ...just erase them all. Its a headache trying to figure which ones "count" and which ones don't. If we were gonna go that route...why not keep Batman w/Jack Nicholson in was good. I didnt exactly love the interpretation of Superman in the second film anyway....but I can live with it. I suppose the Superman that I am the most fond of is from the animated series where Superman always seems to find a way to do the right thing...without drinking booze, manslaughtering villains, etc.

As far as Capt. America and Bucky killing Nazis in WW2, lemme say this. Marvel never came out and said..."yeah man, Capt. America just decapitated that guy with his shield." It was a suspension of disbelief. Just like until recently the Hulk never killed anyone either. But now he kills folks all the time I guess. I have come to accept that in Marvel and Dc's new attitude of striving for realism in comics, an oxymoron if ever I heard one, we must let certain things go...and I can for some characters. Just not Superman. Probably not Spiderman either. If Spiderman suddenly starts killing people it isnt going to make him cool. Its going to make him the Punisher. What made all of these characters great was that they were all different. I thought Batman Begins was great...but I hated the Superman movie. I knew I would get pounded for my opinion of it...and that's okay. I just didnt like it.
I agree Anton. I loved the first Highlander movie and I was so turned off by the second one I haven't bothered with the franchise since... I have heard the later ones are better but I haven't been able to rekindle my interest enough to discard the 2nd movie.
pixletwin said:
I agree Anton. I loved the first Highlander movie and I was so turned off by the second one I haven't bothered with the franchise since... I have heard the later ones are better but I haven't been able to rekindle my interest enough to discard the 2nd movie.
The other sequels aren't any better, they just make more sense without all of that goofy alien stuff. 3 is basically a rehash of the first Highlander, but with a more annoying version of Kurgan, a goofy sorcery subplot and no Ramirez or awesome Queen soundtrack.
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QUOTE=Michael Crawford]Of course he would. First, he's left us 'defenseless' before. Second, there is a chance Krypton exists - he's going to find out for sure. That is a completely normal reaction, and one that's not surprising in the least.

It's suprising to me. His father sent him to earth because he knew Krypton was doomed. Supes had all of those crystals to tell him all of Krypton's history. Including that the planet was doomed. Unless Jor-el was just an insane looney mad scientist, he shouldve just took the old man at his word. Jor-el=smart cookie. I know he has "keft us" before. Long enouhg to go get hitched to Lois in Supes 2...but shouldnt he have learned his lesson then? What is he got rocks in his head or something?

I will wholeheartedly agree that everything to do with Lex was lame. But that's not really the plot of the movie - this film is about Superman, Lois, Richard, and the loneliness that is inherent in Supes position. That part of this movie is excellent.

I am glad we agree on one point. I was very disappointed with the waste of Spacey's acting ability in this film. When you look at the caliber and range of this particular actor (even though he is in some films I will not watch) it just seems that he could've been the definitive Lex Luthor...if he had more to do.

Huh? Yes, Clark did occasionally mingle with his co-workers. It would be a tad odd if he didn't, wouldn't you think? I didn't find it out of character.
Uhm...I aint worried about mingling. I am worried about him downing Budweisers. I have yet to see Superman hanging out at the local pub drinking hooch with Andy Capp in the funnies.

Well, not if you still think it's 1940.
Just because something has become socially acceptable for some people doesnt mean it is socially acceptible for all people. I wasnt even born in 1940...but thanks for taking a personal jab at my hopelessly outdated and archaic set of morals.

Actually, no, they don't count. Singer and company said that at the start. 3 and 4 didn't happen, thank God.

That's good I guess. But the general public probably doesnt know that.

Yes, he'd have been dead for many hundreds of years. The planet of Krypton is many of light years from here. The original trip that baby Supes would account for all this time, and some form of stasis would have been necessary for him to sleep - and not age - through out the trip.

The five year trip gets a little trickier. The only way he could have done that is with ship technology that would have allowed him to travel many times the speed of light. Not sure how he pulled that one off, but it's clearly why he needed a ship and couldn't just fly there under his own power.
Couldve been explained a little better for the geeks like me.

Hmmm - so it was okay that the actual SEX that created said child occured in Superman 2, oh, almost 30 years ago. But because the child exists in this film, that's what you have a problem with. Or is it the sex? I'm confused.

I had no idea that some of the films are in and some are out. I dont have a problem with sex. Its great. I have 2 sons, which are living proof that sex is okay in my book, and for more than just procreation. Hurray for SEX, Michael! Besides I thought they got married or some stupid thing in the second one before he said "Okay I gotta go step in the no powers machine.". My main thing was how is Lois pregnant for 2 more movies and Superman is what...brain dead? He just said Gee, Lois is really putting on the pounds?" But since we aerased half of the films (???) I guess we are good. To me it came across as the other films either di happen...and a major hole that I just mentioned was in play, or none of the films happened and Supes was just hitting the sheets with Lois until he got a 5 year itch to split.

The original Batman used to shoot people. Then for awhile, he was an utter fool. And then they made him dark. I much prefer the dark version. Things need updating, and they need to remain relevant. I like the angle that Superman now has someone he's connected to. He's no longer alone, no longer an outsider entirely. Now, logistically I don't want to see him married and mowing the lawn. Having the child be his but someone else doing the heavy lifting of parenthood works for me.

I guess. Its funny how Superman remains relevant in the comics without killing people and siring kiddies outta wedlock, though. And I didnt even see you touch on the whole Mountain of gleeming Kryptonite falling on bad guys part of my argument. And yes...I know Superman pulled a death penalty thingy under the John Byrne era. I think its issue #22 or #29. But fan outcry was outrageous and I hated that too.
I have a review going up of the movie in the next day or so.[/QUOTE]
SideshowDusty said:
Um, I'm just a lover of movies in general, and I call it how I, personally, see it. Luckily, movie taste is a matter of opinion :) I liked the movie, didn't love it - so I placed it right in the middle of the road (actually, even a lot of the positive reviews (by 'movie critics') I've seen on Rotten T and others have only given it 3/5). With regards to whether I would say that if it was a Marvel license, that's just silly - you know what my LEAST favorite comic book movie EVER is? HULK - I would rate that one negatively if I could! :lol Besides, I think I remember giving X3 only a *tad* bit better - 3/5 stars. :peace

,..fair enough,.. ;) but to me,.. x3 scuked!!,.. argh, I hated that pos movie,...

,...but the hulk movie really sucked, surprise :lol
Darklord Dave said:
And perhaps I'm too much a fan of Smallville for me to fall in love with SR. What they've done with the characters and mythology on that show is far, far more interesting than Singer's homage to Donner and Reeve.

I'll admit, I would've preferred for them to wait until Smallville came to end on tv and then did a Superman movie that takes place in Metropolis after the series - the first time Lex and Clark -as Superman- face each other as enemies. Knowing that they had been friends first. It would've been more powerful and fresh, IMHO. Instead of basing it more on Lois/Clark, base it on Lex and Superman's enemy relationship and Lex and Clark's ruined friendship - with Lex knowing that Clark is Superman. Good conflict and drama right there.

That would've been my dream Superman film.