Superman Returns - SPOILERS!!!! SPOILERS!!!!

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tomandshell said:
What happened to MI:3? Did that have "gay buzz" as well? I missed that.

I suppose I am just oblivious when it comes to "gay buzz." I thought that was just a reference to Melissa Etheridge's new hair cut:


I don't see how the sexual orientation of the director or actors should impact your enjoyment of Superman Returns, so this whole buzz thing (and Warner Bro's response to it) just seems a little weird to me. I guess I could see this happening with a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," because it actually had homosexual themes and characters in the story. But it doesn't seem relevant with "Superman Returns." :confused:

You're right, of course, but it's just part of the caddiness in a juvenile business like Hollywood, so junior high at times...

Tom Cruise nearly destroyed his image over the past year, and his "behavior" turned off women (Brooke Shields post partum tirade) guys (sofa jumping on Oprah to proclaim his love for Katie Holmes) certainly no staight guy could identify with that, to his scientolgy rants, but overall a Stars' image can impact the gross of a film in our celebrity-obsessed society and you have to consider and manage these things properly

Ps I agree, you must remember the man who directed the original classic "Frankenstein" was gay. Did you know or care? Neither did I.

case closed...
tomandshell said:
I don't see how the sexual orientation of the director or actors should impact your enjoyment of Superman Returns, so this whole buzz thing (and Warner Bro's response to it) just seems a little weird to me. I guess I could see this happening with a movie like "Brokeback Mountain," because it actually had homosexual themes and characters in the story. But it doesn't seem relevant with "Superman Returns." :confused:

Well, you know... those tights..... As far as I can tell there has always been 'gay buzz' around Superman (because of the tights most likely :lol) Even though he may be one of the most heterosexual superheroes, he's always had that awkward feel, you know? Not that I'm saying it's gay...

I guess the WB is just trying to hit a demographic and get them coming back to the theater for more - whatever demographic that may be - because they don't want to experience a drop-off like MI:3 did!

Oh, and Melissa Etheridge has cancer and has been undergoing intense chemo... thus, gay buzz.
SideshowDusty said:
Well, you know... those tights..... As far as I can tell there has always been 'gay buzz' around Superman (because of the tights most likely :lol) Even though he may be one of the most heterosexual superheroes, he's always had that awkward feel, you know? Not that I'm saying it's gay...
Batman is the one that wears rubber suits and hangs out in a cave with young boys, and yet Superman is the one with the "gay buzz?" :confused:
TheObsoleteMan said:
Batman is the one that wears rubber suits and hangs out in a cave with young boys, and yet Superman is the one with the "gay buzz?" :confused:

Yeah, but Batman is dark and mysterious, while Superman is like a happy go-lucky boyscout who wears bright colors :monkey1 I'm not saying there's a reason, per-se, just that the buzz is definitely there for Superman, and has been even prior to SR :duff
SideshowDusty said:
Yeah, but Batman is dark and mysterious, while Superman is like a happy go-lucky boyscout who wears bright colors :monkey1 I'm not saying there's a reason, per-se, just that the buzz is definitely there for Superman, and has been even prior to SR :duff

As is Robin Hood and all that, tough to get away from "Men in Tights" but it's not like Supes hung around with men in tights. I think for a guy who flies you really want to be as aerodynamic as possible, anyone ever see a speed skater compete wearing khakis and a wool pullover?

It's funny, even Johnny Depp commented on this gay thing earlier in the week, saying, and I papaphrase: Pirates, well yes I suppose when you're stuck on a boat with a bunch of horny guys for a very long time I'm sure some of that goes on..."

So much for tights...
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SideshowDusty said:
Yeah, but Batman is dark and mysterious, while Superman is like a happy go-lucky boyscout who wears bright colors :monkey1 I'm not saying there's a reason, per-se, just that the buzz is definitely there for Superman, and has been even prior to SR :duff
I guess Superman needs to get a dark rubber suit and start hanging around in back alleys. :monkey5
Michael Crawford said:
And now I posted my review...


Nicely done Michael, especially your pre-empted clearing of issues, my only note about the Lex story element is this: Lex is insane, not only diabolical and evil but insane as with Hackman's Lex and his hairbrain land scheme.

But I think you may have missed the point a bit on Lex's continent scheme, how it turned out and why he believed in it. My point is it didn't work out as planned, no-one would live on that chunk of lava-like mass, but Lex didn't know exactly how it would end up and the fact that he went ahead and executed his plan alone underscores his insanity...

The fact that he would effort to endanger the lives of billions is far more important to the story than the scheme itself and for me it didn't really matter what he planned on doing, what mattered is he was willing to kill billions of people.

And as we all know this is a common theme in comic books with Evil genuises, their plans never quite work out in the real world.
I saw it a couple of days ago and thoughht it was a great movie. Of course I'm not a Superman groupie and I didn't go there to see a life altering film.
Brandon Routh was amazing as Superman and Clark.
What's her name was too young for Lois. Ths kid was five so she had him when she was, what, 13?
I liked Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.
Cyclops didn't annoy me like he usually does.
And, most importantly, I didn't want to strangle the kid. Singer wisely had him keep his mouth shut.
I'm not a huge Superman Fan so. For once I'm a not biased about something. :lol

Just got back from seeing this flick. I thought the movie was insanely awesome!! A few times I thought Spacey was a little too much but overall I really enjoyed how be made Luther look as crazy as he should have been played. It might have been a bit slow in parts but nothing I thought was god awful long.

I thought the acting was very very well done as a whole and can't believe how much this guy looks like CR. He did the best job of all IMO and pulled off everything damn nicely. I like the kid angle and didn't have a problem with him especially how he first uses his powers. I find it funny people have a problem with that. He uses them to save his Mom for goodness sakes! Its not like he was just out with his friends playing hop skotch and jumped real high. Now, the kid angle could turn bad depending on how it's used but overall I like that Superman now has something bigger than himself worth fighting for. I really enjoyed it and will be buying this on DVD for sure.