Star Wars vs Star Trek: I've just traded allegiance.

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Diora Baird >>>>>>>>>>>> Rachel Nicols.

Plus, Orion Slave Girls always get mistaken for She-Hulk anyway. :lol

Yeah what happened to her? I was looking forward to seeing her all greened-up! I mean Rachel Nichols is all right I guess. But yeah no Diora Baird.

Nope, disagree completely. I love them both, but in different ways. Not like Betty and Veronica, but like 2 favorite uncles.

Yeah, but different is not equal.

But the point I was making is choices, tastes, define, just as a wishy-washy, cop-out, imo, 'I refuse/cannot make a choice' choice defines.
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I still don't understand why there has to be such a nerd fight between the two. I have and always will love both. If other can't do the same it's their loss.

Oh, and it's Trekkie. "Trekker" is some stupid term someone came up with because they thought Trekkie sounded too nerdy. Whatever.
Trekker was really one of the more shameful decisions made by fans... sounds so much weaker than Trekkie :lol
Even Nimoy had to correct himself to "Trekker" when he naturally said "Trekkie" during his SNL skit. The whole Trekker thing feels too unnatural
The new ST movie was good. For a regular movie, damn good. But let's not get too crazy here.
Anybody remember what happened to Matrix II & III?!

Some (small, yet confusing) issues for me:

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I could go on & on and really start to sound like an embittered nerd, but I won't. At least with Star Wars, one can just say, "It's the will of the Force" or "Star Wars is just a fairy tale in space, it's not science and logic like Star Tre-" Oops! I guess we can't use that crutch anymore either...
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The new ST movie was good. For a regular movie, damn good. But let's not get too crazy here.
Anybody remember what happened to Matrix II & III?!

Some (small, yet confusing) issues for me:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I could go on & on and really start to sound like an embittered nerd, but I won't. At least with Star Wars, one can just say, "It's the will of the Force" or "Star Wars is just a fairy tale in space, it's not science and logic like Star Tre-" Oops! I guess we can't use that crutch anymore either...

Here are my thoughts on your questions:

Spoiler Spoiler:
Thanks for clearing up the Red Matter stuff at least. I can buy that explanation, so I've edited out that part of my "beefs".

Some of the rest, I'm still skeptical. Hey, at least it's a good excuse to have to go see it again...
Yeah, knowing how things play out makes me want to rewatch it and see how it views when you know why things are happening.
Trekkie sounds like you are a big fan of ST.

Trekker sounds like you've made it apart of your life and are a super dork.

I agree about Trkekkies getting laid way more often by real women! :lol
I have always been a Star Wars fan (most recent stuff not included), but never thought of myself in a group like Trekkies do. I say Trekkies is the real, less dork term for Trek fans, but even Trekker sounds cooler than Fanboy. Where did that come from, and is that all there is to group Star Wars fans together? It was almost better to think Star Wars had no name for its collective fans. I hope Fanboy means something more general, but I hear it used a lot of Star Wars freaks lately. Is it specific to Star Wars, or is there some other term I'm not familiar with for them?
Wonder how Trek fandom will be impacted by new members in the gene pool. Trekkies have always been a pretty hardcore yet quiet group... seem to keep to themselves more than other fan groups.
I have always been a Star Wars fan (most recent stuff not included), but never thought of myself in a group like Trekkies do. I say Trekkies is the real, less dork term for Trek fans, but even Trekker sounds cooler than Fanboy. Where did that come from, and is that all there is to group Star Wars fans together? It was almost better to think Star Wars had no name for its collective fans. I hope Fanboy means something more general, but I hear it used a lot of Star Wars freaks lately. Is it specific to Star Wars, or is there some other term I'm not familiar with for them?

Fanboy is generic. I don't look at it as demeaning, merely a label people feel necessary to give others when they lack the same level of knowledge on any given subject. That said though, I use the term "fanboy funk" to describe the unpleasant odors arising from those attendees who are less hygienic at cons and seem to feel that showering the day before the first day of a con has them covered for the remaining 3-5 days. Though, sometimes I wonder if they work on the Queen Elisabeth mantra: "I shower once a month, whether I need to or not." :google
Yeah, I never associated fanboy only with SW... I figured it was more of a general term. First time I ever remember seeing it anywhere was Lobo saying it :lol
"fanboy funk" :rotfl Aint that the truth.

Good, so Star Wars fans have not felt the need to come up with an official label to make themselves seem cooler (and by cooler I mean lamer). Firefly fanatics call themselves Browncoats, and they are quite similar to Trekkies. I love Firefly too, but I tend to gravitate away from people who include themselves in under a label. That's one thing cool about being a fan of Star Wars over most things; no label.
I'll always love the OT best, but as far as I'm concerned they should have let JJ Abrams do the Star Wars prequels...

The other day, I watched a special on Space (the Canadian version of the Sci Fi Channel), which mentioned that Gene Roddenberry kept pitching a Star Trek movie involving the original crew going back in time to the '60s in order to save JFK. Just goes to show that the original creators of these stories AREN'T always right!