Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

No I think its Huttese.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I'm glad to see so many excited about Star Wars again. I really hope Luke doesn't die in Episode 7, but I do think someone will go. As for the baddies, I'm torn because part of me wants to see some sort of Imperial remnant, but if they go in an entirely new direction it might be way out there. Only time will tell. I'm not against the sith appearing again, but maybe with a new twist.

I'm hoping they do something with the Holocrons. It could be a way for Sidious to appear again, or someone else. On Andy Serkis, I'm stoked he's in this. Seems like a great guy and a hell of a talent. I don't want to assume he's playing a CGI character since he's a good actor without MoCap, but he could very well be playing an alien. A lot of the smaller roles haven't been announced yet, so we may see more female characters.

Sadly, I have a feeling there will still be a let-down for some fans. Most of us have built up our own stories in our head, and mixed with the stories in the EU that some of has have enjoyed. I mean there's already whining going taking place on other sites.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Well to be fair there are some things to whine about. For example: All we had to do to keep the beloved Thrawn Trilogy was basically have Mara Jade and the twins exist. But apparently that was just TOO HARD for Abrams and co. so they'll just do whatever the **** they want and Star Wars fans who have spent years paying for other great content can go to hell.

The approach of Disney so far of focusing on kiddy crap like the clone wars and Rebels while destroying everything else Star Wars no matter how good does not inspire confidence.

And now we get a cast photo with no Lando and no explanation. Even Billy Dee Williams doesn't know what is going on.

So Disney and the people at Lucasfilm right now are awful. They are destroying the franchise and I wish them nothing but the worst.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Well to be fair there are some things to whine about. For example: All we had to do to keep the beloved Thrawn Trilogy was basically have Mara Jade and the twins exist. But apparently that was just TOO HARD for Abrams and co. so they'll just do whatever the **** they want and Star Wars fans who have spent years paying for other great content can go to hell.

The approach of Disney so far of focusing on kiddy crap like the clone wars and Rebels while destroying everything else Star Wars no matter how good does not inspire confidence.

And now we get a cast photo with no Lando and no explanation. Even Billy Dee Williams doesn't know what is going on.

So Disney and the people at Lucasfilm right now are awful. They are destroying the franchise and I wish them nothing but the worst.

So you're taking a "wait and see" approach to the new trilogy?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Losing the twins and Mara Jade was a MUST for me. So... :wave

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Well to be fair there are some things to whine about. For example: All we had to do to keep the beloved Thrawn Trilogy was basically have Mara Jade and the twins exist. But apparently that was just TOO HARD for Abrams and co. so they'll just do whatever the **** they want and Star Wars fans who have spent years paying for other great content can go to hell.

The approach of Disney so far of focusing on kiddy crap like the clone wars and Rebels while destroying everything else Star Wars no matter how good does not inspire confidence.

And now we get a cast photo with no Lando and no explanation. Even Billy Dee Williams doesn't know what is going on.

So Disney and the people at Lucasfilm right now are awful. They are destroying the franchise and I wish them nothing but the worst.

Well, if that's how you feel. Saying Lucasfilm is awful and you wish them the worst, is a bit much. Who knows why Lando isn't in the photo? They could have him in the next film or episode 9.

While Clone Wars had some bad episodes, it got pretty dark in the later seasons so I'd never agree it was Kiddy crap. Personally, Thrawn is my favorite character and those stories mean a lot to me, but I'm not surprised they wanted to start fresh.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

So you're taking a "wait and see" approach to the new trilogy?

What is making me angry has nothing to do with the new movies other than Billy Dee William's unexplained absence. I am angry about the crappy child focused only material taking precedence on all else. Like keeping the Clone Wars cartoon over the amazing Dark Horse/Del Rey clone wars stories. There is nothing to "wait" for. They are already destroying the franchise. Literally. "Hey all those stories you love that you spent countless hours reading/watching/playing that we advertised as part of this giant and fluid canon? Yeah, **** you. Thanks for the money they don't matter anymore. But you can keep the bad children's cartoons!"

The movies could be absolutely incredible. I will go in with an open mind. I am just not optimistic because everything else done with the franchise so far has been awful.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Well, if that's how you feel. Saying Lucasfilm is awful and you wish them the worst, is a bit much. Who knows why Lando isn't in the photo? They could have him in the next film or episode 9.

While Clone Wars had some bad episodes, it got pretty dark in the later seasons so I'd never agree it was Kiddy crap. Personally, Thrawn is my favorite character and those stories mean a lot to me, but I'm not surprised they wanted to start fresh.

I wish them the worst because I want them to fail so hopefully new people will take over the franchise. And I am not totally surprised they wanted to start fresh post ROTJ. I could have probably lived with that. But, no they got rid of everything else too because, you know, screw the fans right? My favorite Star Wars story ever just got tossed out the window for no reason. I mean everything they are doing goes against common sense.

And I watched all of the Clone Wars and enjoyed some arcs but I maintain the stories are juvenile and for the most part (Other than stuff like the Krell and Citadel arcs) were completely inferior to the Dark Horse/some Del Rey stuff they are replacing.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Swift, your favorite SW story is not in any of the films? I'm not being inflammatory. I just want to know. And if you don't mind sharing what that story is. I might like to revisit it or read it for the first time.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Swift, your favorite SW story is not in any of the films? I'm not being inflammatory. I just want to know. And if you don't mind sharing what that story is. I might like to revisit it or read it for the first time.

Happy to share! I am not much of a comic reader but I thought much of Dark Horse's Clone Wars series was genius and seemed more like what I always imagined old Ben referencing in A New Hope rather than what was shown in the films. Mainly Asajj Ventress' story arc. This was the character's origin. The format limits the narrative A LOT (Some of the dialogue is prequel level abysmal) but I suppose I have always loved the story for its potential more than anything. Her and her relationships with Obi-Wan and Dooku are fascinating. Her story is really tragic and I think if live action Clone Wars films were ever to be made they should focus on her and Obi-Wan. (Although they'd have to recast Dooku if they wait too long and that would be difficult) But if they took the general story and adapted it to screen I think it would blow the prequels out of the water in quality if they had the right people working on it. (I'm free Disney!)

And in case you watched the Filoni headed cartoon and think you already know the story. The only thing that Ventress and this one have in common is in name. And much like with the movies, the original was better. And in the original she gets a resolution which is perfect for her and Obi-Wan's stories.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

I thought Clone Wars cartoon was more engaging than the Prequel Trilogy, so before I get too mad at anybody cutting out any other EU, I still have to deal with Episodes 1-3 still being canon. And with that bar being set to where it is, I'm just thankful the Clone Wars was able to do some things that made what happened in the PT a little more bearable.

I mean, I don't think they are trying to screw the fans. The canon was an absolute mess. I been going on Woookiepedia and waiting for have of those entries to be completely deleted or altered very much lol.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Yeah I don't want to get on the same old dance of how bad the prequels were cuz they're absolutely horse s***, there is no way did Disney is going to make that same mistake I wish to God they would eliminate those three and make it a tragic dream some type of coma sequence or anything. I definitely have a good feeling about this cast it just so much optimism already just in one photo
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Every film has it's Difabios. Enough. There will never be any Star Wars films like the first three made. Get that out if your minds people and you might survive. Holding the standard to the first three films is already making folks let down by this flick. Total nonsense!