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To me TPM has always been the better movie of the first two PT movies. Maybe because I saw it when I was 7 years old, or because of the final battle. But I always liked it much more than the stiff looking acting and the bad love story in AOTC.
AOTC?! Too much disney colours in the West End Theater district of Coruscant, alltogether too much disney interpretation of a BladeRunner city of the future.

And Hayden really sucks, as an actor AND by his look, he's the worst cast choice in the whole PT - they did so well in choosing young beauty Portman, why give her such an goofy at her side?

I must say apart from Kamino and the clone troop scenes at the end, to me, there is nothing to really bother about.

Dinsey colors? Are you kidding? You're really pulling that? It's Star Wars, at it's core! The Coruscant scenes were some of the most awesome scenes in the movie!

Hayden is an incredible actor. He's extremely devoted, and capable of portraying a wide variety of emotions, especially extreme ones.

Some noteworthy scenes of his acting is when he tells Padme that he is in agony over her, the emotion and fluctuation in his tone is incredible.

Another time is when he finds his mother and she dies in his arms, and you see the look of horror on his face, and then it slowly turns into rage. Simply incredible.

Probably the best moment in AOTC was when he confessed to Padme about killing the Tuskens. "I slaughtered them like animals." And then he lashes out in anger. "I HATE THEM!"

As an actor myself I can spot these things, and it's just incredible.

To me TPM has always been the better movie of the first two PT movies. Maybe because I saw it when I was 7 years old, or because of the final battle. But I always liked it much more than the stiff looking acting and the bad love story in AOTC.

I like The Phantom Menace better too. But not because it's just automatically a better movie, I just think that Attack Of The Clones was rushed in the editing process, so things don't always flow from scene to scene, and some scenes need to be cut, or some deleted scenes need to be added. It could be easily remedied with a Director's cut. The acting and love story are fine in the movie.
Some of those scenes you listed are considered by quite a few to be his worst. I'll give you a handful of those, but when he confesses that he killed the Tuskens, that was a pretty weak point. I'd say he was halfway-decent in AOTC and god-awful in ROTS. His final confrontation with Obi-Wan showed off just how bad his tone and inflection really were.

I will say this, though: AOTC was a much more enjoyable movie than TPM.
ROTS trumped all of course, save for the OT. It really was a dramatic space opera, as Roger Ebert once described. There was an undeniably dark tone to the whole film and I got more of an emotional reaction from it than from Episodes I or II. ROTS was arguably the first PT movie to have a real vibe to it, at least for me.
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I'm one of the apparent few who like Attack of the Clones best out of the prequels. I think it's the most fun and has the best pacing and tone of the three. Phantom Menace can be a little dull and wooden at times, although the final act is great. Revenge of the Sith is too dark and gloomy to rewatch over and over. Episode II is the most watched of the prequels for me--I like the opening, the Coruscant speeder chase, the Kenobi/Fett battle and asteroid chase, the return of the Lars homestead, and the nonstop action of the droid factory/arena battle/Jedi arrival/Geonosis battle/Dooku confrontation/Yoda duel. The love story scenes are the weak link, but there really aren't that many of them, and they don't last that long before the film is off somewhere else. It has more color, fun and adventure than the other two.
Aotc I'll have to put in on over the Hols, despite the love scenes I remember being blown away by the final clone battle the forced zooms (something I wished was in all the SW battle scenes) & jango was cool
Dinsey colors? Are you kidding? You're really pulling that? It's Star Wars, at it's core! The Coruscant scenes were some of the most awesome scenes in the movie!

Hayden is an incredible actor. He's extremely devoted, and capable of portraying a wide variety of emotions, especially extreme ones.

Some noteworthy scenes of his acting is when he tells Padme that he is in agony over her, the emotion and fluctuation in his tone is incredible.

Another time is when he finds his mother and she dies in his arms, and you see the look of horror on his face, and then it slowly turns into rage. Simply incredible.

Probably the best moment in AOTC was when he confessed to Padme about killing the Tuskens. "I slaughtered them like animals." And then he lashes out in anger. "I HATE THEM!"

As an actor myself I can spot these things, and it's just incredible.

:lol :lol :lol praise for some of the most cringe worthy performances of the decade... don't quit your day job :lol
It could be easily remedied with a Director's cut.

The PT, save for the odd CG change he probably makes on every revisit, ARE director's cuts. They are exactly as Lucas wants them to be, he didn't have studio interferance forcing him to do this or that, he had his way on everything.
He didn't have studio interference with the OT either. Fox gave him final cut on ANH... TESB & ROTJ were both independently made by LFL and only distributed by Fox (just like the PT). He had control then, too. The difference is he had to make compromises, both with the technology at the time and with a Producer (on ANH & TESB) that had the balls to let him know when his ideas were batpoop insane.
All acting critiquing aside, I got the entire saga on Blu ray for Christmas, and love it.... :rock

The acting isn't the greatest, but still a classic piece in cinema history.
As an actor myself I can spot these things, and it's just incredible.

As an actor myself as well I know Hayden can be decent but George's [lack of] direction and literally working with nothing does him no credit. The scenes are terrible in my opinion. One of the alternate takes, shown in a trailer of the line "He's holding me back" was so much better delivered.

Horror to rage? You should know it's one of the easiest things to do. Both emotions generally flow together. There's nothing amazing about but if you see it that's great.

Star Wars just isn't a series where one should look to find amazing acting. For the good actors in it, the Star Wars films are usually not their best work.

The only one who really gives it his all throughout is Ian McDiarmid. Dodgy sound editing ruins that for some.
I'm one of the apparent few who like Attack of the Clones best out of the prequels. I think it's the most fun and has the best pacing and tone of the three...

Here, here! It's my favorite of the three as well. Not only do we get a lot of background to the entire saga, but we're introduced to some great charaters (Dooku, Jango Fett) and this installment more than others really utilizes the design elements to help tell the story.

I re-watch this one more than any of the others....
Respectometer for Jedibear and Tomandshell dropping... :lol

Some of those scenes you listed are considered by quite a few to be his worst. I'll give you a handful of those, but when he confesses that he killed the Tuskens, that was a pretty weak point. I'd say he was halfway-decent in AOTC and god-awful in ROTS. His final confrontation with Obi-Wan showed off just how bad his tone and inflection really were.

I will say this, though: AOTC was a much more enjoyable movie than TPM.
ROTS trumped all of course, save for the OT. It really was a dramatic space opera, as Roger Ebert once described. There was an undeniably dark tone to the whole film and I got more of an emotional reaction from it than from Episodes I or II. ROTS was arguably the first PT movie to have a real vibe to it, at least for me.

The scenes are only considered bad by sentimental OT fans who choose to make themselves known and jump on the bandwagon. A lot of the PT fans remains quiet for fear of getting eaten by OT fans. :lecture

The scene where he confesses that he killed the tuskens was an extremely powerful scene, it showcased Hayden's ability to go from playing from playing a somewhat arrogant but innocent young man to a filled with rage and hatred in a mere moment.

The Phantom Menace is a better movie than Attack Of The Clones, but only because it was put together better and wasn't as rushed. Attack Of The Clones has cooler characters like Jango and Boba, and great action scenes.

Revenge Of The Sith is the best of ALL the Star Wars movies.

:lol :lol :lol praise for some of the most cringe worthy performances of the decade... don't quit your day job :lol

You're funny. Ignorant, but funny.

The PT, save for the odd CG change he probably makes on every revisit, ARE director's cuts. They are exactly as Lucas wants them to be, he didn't have studio interferance forcing him to do this or that, he had his way on everything.

While Lucas did have more ability to do what he wanted on PT Trilogy, that doesn't mean he didn't have time restraints. I'm almost positive Attack Of The Clones was rushed, thus why certains scenes were cut and certain scenes were not cut, and why the flow of the movie slows in places.
I think Hayden's got a lot of good and some great moments. Mostly the quiet moments, I think he's pretty good at small nuances.
One of my favorite SW scenes is when Anakin and Obi Wan speak for the last time, it's such a sad scene. I love how he stops and says "Master, I've disappointed you". The guy still looks pissed off but he's really trying to get through to his old friend.
Great scene, IMHO.
The scene where he confesses that he killed the tuskens was an extremely powerful scene, it showcased Hayden's ability to go from playing from playing a somewhat arrogant but innocent young man to a filled with rage and hatred in a mere moment.


but is ruined by padmes lack of belivable respond or any consequence