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Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

The battle droids are getting dumber and it seems that they have jar jar blinks in their programming
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

the one thing that wigs me out is how the show humanizes/individualizes the clones. they're real characters now that the audience can get invested in. in a few cases they're even friends with the jedi commanders. which is weird since... you know... order 66 happens later.

Yeah, you'd think the clones would have some issues with turncoating and outright slaughtering the Jedi after being instilled their values. The way Yoda and Plo Koon treat the clones (at least in these first 2 eps) and likewise how the clones reciprocate, I find their behavior strange when order 66 happens.

My understanding is that Order 66 is like a pre-programmed condition in the clones, possibly part of their education on Kamino at youth and once Sidious gives the order, it activates like a hypnotic following that if he says jump, they say how high no matter what. Even in ROTS you can tell Cody and Obi-Wan have a bond without the CW series. However Order 66 goes down, mental programming or Dark Side influence, it does seem they just blindly follow commands once the order is given.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

My understanding is that Order 66 is like a pre-programmed condition in the clones, possibly part of their education on Kamino at youth and once Sidious gives the order, it activates like a hypnotic following that if he says jump, they say how high no matter what. Even in ROTS you can tell Cody and Obi-Wan have a bond without the CW series. However Order 66 goes down, mental programming or Dark Side influence, it does seem they just blindly follow commands once the order is given.
yeah, i know they're programmed. it's just weird that the writers would take the show in that direction. it reminds me of the part in Battlefront 2 when the clone narrator talks about feeling bad about taking down Aala. seems a little cruel that the kaminoans would leave their sense of companionship intact when they could just as easily make them more autonomous.
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Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Well I think the point of humanizing the clones in this new CW series is to A) make you more invested in the events, which I think it's working because I actually care what happens to them versus the Cartoon Network series, and B) make Order 66 even more tragic.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Well the clones have been shown to form friendships in other portions of the EU, books etc, so why not here? Plus, its nice that they all have names, and have modified they're appearances to make them different characters but keeping the same face structure so you dont forget what they are.

"Bonds" were shown between Obi Wan and Codi in RotS, so its not that much of a bold step to show the bonds form a little more in this series.

As for the series itself, i found the first episode...rather worrying, Yoda being joked out alot. But its already growing on a fungus, but i think i could grow to enjoy this, as for the battle-droids rather...erm, three-stooges/marx brothers behavior...i could grow to like it...
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

My take on Order 66 is a little different. I take it as the Clones are programmed or bred or whatever genetically to be intensely patriotic (I guess is the best word) to the Republic. So when Order 66 goes down so when Order 66 goes down it'd be like finding out your friend is plotting to kill the president. They may be their friend, but their ingrained loyalty to Palpatine overrides that friendship. I'm interested to see how Karen Traviss presents Order 66 in her novel of the same name.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

As for the series itself, i found the first episode...rather worrying, Yoda being joked out alot. But its already growing on a fungus, but i think i could grow to enjoy this, as for the battle-droids rather...erm, three-stooges/marx brothers behavior...i could grow to like it...
it's not so much the humor that bugs me as the regular battle droids... they're not much of a threat. to anything.
i guess they're just there to get blasted/lightsabered. but, maybe the separatists have credits to blow.
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Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

My take on Order 66 is a little different. I take it as the Clones are programmed or bred or whatever genetically to be intensely patriotic (I guess is the best word) to the Republic. So when Order 66 goes down so when Order 66 goes down it'd be like finding out your friend is plotting to kill the president. They may be their friend, but their ingrained loyalty to Palpatine overrides that friendship. I'm interested to see how Karen Traviss presents Order 66 in her novel of the same name.

Ditto on that Agent, i really want to get the book but the cover-art is really putting me off. I loved the original "refelection" in the commando's T-visor, but they changed to to what, to me at least looks like a cheap and tacky cover that lacks any emotion. I'm desperatly trying to find the hardback to see if it shares the same cover-art, or if it actually has been printed at all.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

My puppy was riveted by the Yoda episode. She sat on my lap the whole time watching it. :lol

Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

I just saw the first 2 episodes, and all I can say is, modo modo.

Nothing too spectacular, but I liked it. The BD are pretty damn dumb though. Yoda Kicked ass too.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

I assume that Order 66 is like "Directive 4" in Robocop--it was there the whole time along with any number of other directives that would give them instructions based upon specific crisis/emergency situations. Order 67 might have been a preset instruction to take out droids, Order 65 told them to kill Ewoks, etc. In the unlikely case of a rebellion/insurrection, the clones were prepared to take a number of courses of action to protect and defend their commander in chief.

Episode II told us specifically that the clones were engineered to obey orders without question, and with Palpatine at the top of the chain of command, they were created to follow his orders. I don't think they went into a hypnotic trance, they just followed orders when they found out that their battlefield friends were actually traitors--it was business, not personal.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Ditto on that Agent, i really want to get the book but the cover-art is really putting me off. I loved the original "refelection" in the commando's T-visor, but they changed to to what, to me at least looks like a cheap and tacky cover that lacks any emotion. I'm desperatly trying to find the hardback to see if it shares the same cover-art, or if it actually has been printed at all.

Are you in the US? I just bought the book last week. The cover art for the hardcover here has Star Wars in red up top, a picture of a clone commando holding a big ol' cannon looking gun, and then Order 66 is in black letters rimmed in red crooked in the bottom corner. I liked the original one with the clone's visor too, but it doesn't make much difference to me since I will buy the paperback so it matches all my other Star Wars books (I'm a little obssessive with my books being uniform) I only bought the hardcover because I am too impatient to wait a year to read it.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

I assume that Order 66 is like "Directive 4" in Robocop--it was there the whole time along with any number of other directives that would give them instructions based upon specific crisis/emergency situations. Order 67 might have been a preset instruction to take out droids, Order 65 told them to kill Ewoks, etc. In the unlikely case of a rebellion/insurrection, the clones were prepared to take a number of courses of action to protect and defend their commander in chief.

Episode II told us specifically that the clones were engineered to obey orders without question, and with Palpatine at the top of the chain of command, they were created to follow his orders. I don't think they went into a hypnotic trance, they just followed orders when they found out that their battlefield friends were actually traitors--it was business, not personal.
this is the best comment on anything ever because it makes an elegant and logical connection between Star Wars and Robocop.

thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Just watched Ambush, ruddy fantastic. Yoda reminded of his ESB incarnation, loved how he did his old laugh and teach the clones.

Now im listening to Holonet news, you should listen to this before you watch Rising Meleovance.
Its really good, a bunch of galastic scientists are speculating on what the new super weapon is.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Just watched them on YouTube, and loved both of them. Really didn't like Plo Koon's voice, I think it should've been more mechanical sounding since he's speaking through a metal mask. Other than that, no real complaints. I thought they were very well done. They will look AMAZING on Blu-Ray.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Just watched Rising Meleovance, that reallly felt like star wars to me.

Being a star wars fan for like 14 years i never thought that i would get to see a new adventure every week, i love how George squeezes every last drop out of his liecneses.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

I assume that Order 66 is like "Directive 4" in Robocop--it was there the whole time along with any number of other directives that would give them instructions based upon specific crisis/emergency situations. Order 67 might have been a preset instruction to take out droids, Order 65 told them to kill Ewoks, etc. In the unlikely case of a rebellion/insurrection, the clones were prepared to take a number of courses of action to protect and defend their commander in chief.

I assumed the same thing.
Re: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (SPOILERS)

Aswell as the return of Holonet, theres also the return of the online comics. Both are free, seems like there more on offer for the clone wars from the official ite then during the movies releases.
Haven't read this yet, wonder how often a new comic will be put up?