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I'm imagining something like it wasn't Jango but one of his clones and that's why he was killed so quickly and that the real Jango felt something was wrong. Then a whole series about him searching for Boba Fett and not actually ever finding his son.

I gave that some thought also. We seen him kick ass thought-out the movie. Only to be killed off so easy. I mean really. Seems to be in the SW world if your part of the darkside you can have anything replace if cut off by a light saber.
Maybe they can do something like Palpatine seeing Maul resurrected and that's why he did what he did to Grievous to "test" it out the procedure which evolved into what it did with Vader?

You know, that's funny, because when I first read about the concept Grievous as a villain for ROTS, it seemed starkly clear that, as a dramatic device, he is meant to be a prototype for Vader. Not that Sidious ever meant for Vader to become a cyborg, that was an unforseen event; it's pretty clear that Sidious was looking forward to having Vader be a young, flesh-and-blood Sith, the most powerful one ever, which is why Sidious created him in the first place. Having to save Vader and stick him in the suit was the only way for the Emperor to save his creation, but I believe he was pretty disappointed with the outcome, because it severely limited Vader's powers. That's why the Emp salivates over the prospect of having Luke strike down Vader and replace him in ROTJ: Luke would become the Sith Palpatine had hoped Vader would be.

Also pretty sure that's why Lucas did the 11th hour change of having Grievous be all asthmatic and coughing all the time - he wanted to show that there were limits to what cybernetic transplantation could do and Grievous' wheeze was meant to parallel Vader's iron lung sounds.

So I think Maul as a cybernetic precursor to Grievous works well as a dramatic device, and I like the direction that Filoni is going with having Maul's mind shattered by the experience, until Mother Talzin provides Savage the means to help Maul regain his sanity.
Lightsabers seem to cauterize as they cut. So while having an appendage blown/blasted off would result in massive blood loss... A Lightsabers wound would not and are probably more survivable as long as the damage is not to a vital organ.
I'm imagining something like it wasn't Jango but one of his clones and that's why he was killed so quickly and that the real Jango felt something was wrong. Then a whole series about him searching for Boba Fett and not actually ever finding his son.

Nah, that was Jango, you can tell from Dooku's reaction to Jango's death. He goes from being smug to looking like "Uh oh, didn't see that one coming!" Jango does appear to die too easily, and I think that's due to the scene being edited for the sake of the movie's running length. It was originally meant to be a much longer battle scene with Mace and Jango battling each other and the reek charging around between them knocking them both around brutally for several minutes, until Jango takes the reek down. That's essentially what we still see but in a much shorter version; it is just a sketch of what was originally envisioned. Also, I don't think that Jango's sparking jetpack effectively conveys that Jango was planning to take off and get the upper hand on Mace, but the jetpack fails and Jango winds up being taken by surprise and getting decapitated (ironic that jetpack difficulties wind up killing both father and son Fetts...). That should have been telegraphed to the audience more clearly.
Lightsabers seem to cauterize as they cut. So while having an appendage blown/blasted off would result in massive blood loss... A Lightsabers wound would not and are probably more survivable as long as the damage is not to a vital organ.

Very true, it's why Anakin/Vader doesn't bleed out after getting his limbs hacked off in "the duel".
They do now, remember originally when Ponda Baba gets his arms cut off in the Cantina there is a bloody mess on the ground. Even Luke's hand being cut off was often referred to as the "bloody stump" for years. Although one could make the argument that Anakin being practically burned alive after his injuries could have cauterize them as well and even if lightsabers didn't I seriously doubt you'd get Lucas showing blood anyway.
also as long as arteries were sealed you could live for a while - and sidious was on scene quickly with his med ed etc but maul would have had his guts etc slashed.
now that i think about it, the coyote shouldn't have survived all of those explosions / falls / anvil hits that the roadrunner put forth...
Hey all - i am just now watching Season 2 Clone Wars. Up to the 'Mandalore Plot' Ep, and just want to make sure this is the first ep to deal with the Mandalore? I ask, cause they talk of a Mandalore assasin and Obi Wan is talking with the queen of Mandalore and says, 'nice to be hear again!'

Hey all - i am just now watching Season 2 Clone Wars. Up to the 'Mandalore Plot' Ep, and just want to make sure this is the first ep to deal with the Mandalore? I ask, cause they talk of a Mandalore assasin and Obi Wan is talking with the queen of Mandalore and says, 'nice to be hear again!'


Yes, that was the show's first depiction of Mandalore. And I think the line you're referring to is what turns out to be a shared past that Obi-Wan has with the Duchess Satine, which is explained more fully but was never the subject of previous episodes on the series.

For the record, while I've been enjoying the Clone Wars overall, that 2nd season has been my favorite to date.
Yes, that was the show's first depiction of Mandalore. And I think the line you're referring to is what turns out to be a shared past that Obi-Wan has with the Duchess Satine, which is explained more fully but was never the subject of previous episodes on the series.

For the record, while I've been enjoying the Clone Wars overall, that 2nd season has been my favorite to date.

Thanks, yeah, I watched season 1 when it hit, but been a while. CG in this season has been amazing. Heard Season 3 starts slow, but builds nicely, so will watch that one knowing that.

Thanks for the info on the Mandalore. Figured I hadn't missed one, just wanted to make sure. Thanks a lot.

Glad to see the bad guys are pretty cool and not dorky. So glad no ones died yet involving a burp or fart joke as Ol George seems to love
I still don't know which season is my favorite. They all are really good for the most part. Depending how this season finishes though, this season could be the frontrunner after Umbara and the bounty hunter arc.
yeah i havent really looked at seasons for favorites as much as arcs, Krell might be my favorite so far, hard to pick
Yes, that was the show's first depiction of Mandalore. And I think the line you're referring to is what turns out to be a shared past that Obi-Wan has with the Duchess Satine, which is explained more fully but was never the subject of previous episodes on the series.

For the record, while I've been enjoying the Clone Wars overall, that 2nd season has been my favorite to date.

Funny, out of all the figures they make. Ice Cream guy anyone. They have never made a Duchess Satine.
Thanks, yeah, I watched season 1 when it hit, but been a while. CG in this season has been amazing. Heard Season 3 starts slow, but builds nicely, so will watch that one knowing that.

Thanks for the info on the Mandalore. Figured I hadn't missed one, just wanted to make sure. Thanks a lot.

Glad to see the bad guys are pretty cool and not dorky. So glad no ones died yet involving a burp or fart joke as Ol George seems to love

You can skip the first half of season 3--it's almost entirely Padme and politics crap
Really loved the end of season three with the bossk-like criminals hunting down innocent people and the return of a certain wookie
While I hate to be another prequel basher, at this point it it safe to say that the Clone Wars has easily produced enough solid hours of Star Wars-themed entertainment to outshine almost everything in the prequel films. And, the fact that the series has yet to run its course makes it a great time to be a Star Wars fan.

I welcome all comments that disagree.
We get more screen time with clone troopers in this series, that's as good as it gets for me.

Wanted to see Jedi Interceptor fighters in this series, but I suppose that doesn't occur until the start of ROTS.