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I really do think bringing back Maul is a bit lame. How can they justify him surviving, really.

Savage is a cool character. He will be very versatile in the future to. He doesn't have allegiance with anyone, so he is a wild card.

One reason I think he was so powerful so quickly is the spell the witches used to transform him.

And I would defintely buy a 1/6 scale figure if SS does one.
I hope I don't come across a racist as it certainly is not my intention but Reborn Palps looks black in this pic.

:slap If you don't want to come off as a racist, don't say racist things. Care to qualify the statement?

He looks like a Yellow Bellied Liberace:monkey1

"Liberace, how do you play with all those rings on your fingers?"
"Very well, thank you!"
-True Story!

Like a pale Wesley Snipes..

Blade with SPF 5000 on....

That sounds..... kinda badass!

How about this version? I like the Clone Emperor, personally....

I really do think bringing back Maul is a bit lame. How can they justify him surviving, really.

Savage is a cool character. He will be very versatile in the future to. He doesn't have allegiance with anyone, so he is a wild card.

One reason I think he was so powerful so quickly is the spell the witches used to transform him.

And I would defintely buy a 1/6 scale figure if SS does one.

Agreed on everything you just said.

Bringing back MAUL is lame. But yet I find myself excited about seeing him. Will he have a fight scene? How will his temperament be now that he, being a proud and honorable warrior, was bested by a padawan jedi that he should have never let live? Will he have legs (organic or inorganic)? But it is also Star lame is not a strange thing here. I don't care how serious people take SW, EVERY incarnation (films, books, comics, games, cartoons) is full of many lame ideas. It isn't poetry, and most of the popular concepts of the original storylines were taken by Lucas by other classic films and media.

Savage is going to around for a long time in this cartoon I think. I mean I'm not even sure if he'll stay a villain, I think his only allegiance is to mother but I'm not sure if that will last if he finds out he was also used by her to kill his brother. I wouldn't be surprised if at one point, eventually, Savage kills mother and that whole witch tribe out of vengeance (I'm not sure if they are apart of any EU stories that are currently considered canon that take place after the clone wars).

I also do agree that his witchcraft may have amped up his force powers as well. He is a very rare creature, a fighter "born" from powerful witchcraft (that is a power that is highly respected by the jedi and Count Dooku) and trained to learn the force (and his powers are almost Starkiller-like). He's got to learn to block the lightning, and as he becomes more disciplined with his powers, I expect he'd be a powerful foe that several characters may have to team up to defend against or just run away from. I mean he's going to be antagonostic to the jedi as well as the sith, so his fighting capabilities need to go beyond what we have seen on the show so far, and I think it will because that seems to be the direction they are taking him in. He's already held his own against Skywalker, Obi Wan, Asaj and Dooku (sans the lightning).

And I never bought any SS piece ever yet. I'm a huge Kratos fan and didn't buy that, but I will buy this in the first second.
:slap If you don't want to come off as a racist, don't say racist things. Care to qualify the statement?

"Liberace, how do you play with all those rings on your fingers?"
"Very well, thank you!"
-True Story!

That sounds..... kinda badass!

How about this version? I like the Clone Emperor, personally....


Geez, that collar alone...

(My 2nd choice)
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Damn your eyes Jedibear.
Youre too quick for your own good.

:lol Well, that "second choice" is something else too but... :lol

Anyway...enough about evil fashion no-no's for one night, eh...and back to the show...

It appears that Filoni is aware of the "controversy" sparked by the announcement of Liam Neeson's voice-appearance on CW next week...
Here's a posting from his "facebook" page...

Hello friends

A long standing secret has been revealed! By now you have all heard that Liam Neeson has been kind enough to return to the world of Star Wars and reprise his role as Qui-Gon Jinn. I am very greatful that he took time out from his incredibly busy schedule to appear on The Clone Wars, and very thankful for everyone at Lucasfilm that helped make his appearance happen. I understand that Qui-Gon’s appearance in The Clone Wars has many implications, and that some of you are asking “how can this be ” especially in light of the scene between Obi Wan and Yoda at the end of Revenge of the Sith where they speak about Qui-Gon. These upcoming episodes, more than any other to date, will spark curiosity and discussion. I only ask that you be patient and watch them. I look forward to hearing from you after they air. For now trust me when I say Christian Taylor (writer) and I, along with George Lucas, are very aware of the continuity surrounding Qui-Gon Jinn. George in particular, is especially conscious of it.

Let’s not forget that tonight marks the conclusion of the Nightsisters trilogy. Please tune in and enjoy what I think is an exciting finish to this arc. As I’ve said, the excitement will not stop there, and there are many surprises left for you this season. Qui-Gon Jinn is just the beginning.

The Force will be with you… always


Well...I'm willing to reserve judgment til then...I hope it's a good explanation. We'll see soon enough.

It's just that I really wished the scene of Yoda conversing with Qui-Gon had been included in ROTS...would've made the perfect "bookend" in the prequels for his character and the logical next step from the scene in AOTC when Yoda hears Qui-Gon calling out through the force during Anakin's Tusken attack.

Til then, we'll see what Dave & crew come up with...
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who is not to say that Talzin is now using Savage for her own ends???
Cmon...yes,they show Maul in a little crystal-the dude was split in 2 in TPM!!!there is no way he could of survived!!!!!

I think i will reserve judgement til it plays out,much like Obi Wan seeing and speaking to Qui Gon.....
I really do think bringing back Maul is a bit lame. How can they justify him surviving, really.

In Dark Forces 2, the Dark Jedi Maw was cut in half at the waist and survived. Darth Sion from KOTOR 2 survived even after all his bones were fractured in thousands of pieces and was repeatedly struck down by the Exile. So in the SW universe, I guess it's not out of the realm of possibility that Maul survived being cut in have then surviving a fall that was miles long.

:slap If you don't want to come off as a racist, don't say racist things. Care to qualify the statement?


Basically he looks like Jaime Fox painted green in the pic I was talking about. No offense was intended:peace

Anywho the guy in that pic above name is Thomas I belive, he runs the Flagship Eclipse. He also has a sweet Darth Bane costume and if I remember correctly, Jan Durasema who does alot of art for the SW comis including Legacy based the character Ganner Kreig on him.
Cmon...yes,they show Maul in a little crystal-the dude was split in 2 in TPM!!!there is no way he could of survived!!!!!

This is in a universe where a robot body is carrying around a sac of organs, a brain and eyes. And it coughs.

Really who's to say that Maul couldn't have survived long enough for someone/something/Sith will power or whatever so that the cybernetic life support could be implemented.

I for one loved the Visionaries story for what is was, and am intrigued to see how they explain his survival, and more importantly the eventual showdown between him and Kenobi that is bound to happen.
Maybe Kenobi will be able to lop his head off and finish him this time so that his statement that "Sith Lords are their specialty" will be accurate.
These upcoming episodes, more than any other to date, will spark curiosity and discussion. I only ask that you be patient and watch them. I look forward to hearing from you after they air. For now trust me when I say Christian Taylor (writer) and I, along with George Lucas, are very aware of the continuity surrounding Qui-Gon Jinn. George in particular, is especially conscious of it.

George doesn't seem to be conscious of any of his SW decisions any more, so this statement has me very concerned how this story will play out. :banghead
It seems Increasing that the only way
I can enjoy clone wars is to treat it as
Non cannon or at least to edit it in my head
Is it that lucasfilm don't care about continuity or that they're just too stupid to check?
just have to go with the flow... it is a sci fi cartoon for 10 year old kids... just enjoy. why look for meaning where there doesn't have to be any?
Its not meaning
It's just blatant continunity clashes break the spell u know
I guess it's just the danger when any fiction is as heavily used- it's want killed off batman comics for me as well
This is in a universe where a robot body is carrying around a sac of organs, a brain and eyes. And it coughs.

Really who's to say that Maul couldn't have survived long enough for someone/something/Sith will power or whatever so that the cybernetic life support could be implemented.

I for one loved the Visionaries story for what is was, and am intrigued to see how they explain his survival, and more importantly the eventual showdown between him and Kenobi that is bound to happen.

True story.

I just think it is a little lazy is all. Thing is who on Naboo would have been there to help Maul. The Seperatists set Grevious up, engineered the crash that lead him to be put into a robot.

I liked the Visionaries for what it was also. I just think that the writers for the series could have came up with something better.
After watching the "Nightsisters" episode again, I'll admit I'm pretty impressed with Assaj Ventress.
The background montage is cool and the voice talent really is in sync with the character animation.

Here's a thought...either she ends up back with Dooku or....she turns back to the light? I know that her fate is already done in the comics/Geddy cartoon...but if this incarnation of CW has proven anything, they ignore all of that to tell their story...

All of this Assaj stuff made go back and look at the great figure Sideshow produced of of their best, I think...
