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He looks like a Yellow Bellied Liberace:monkey1
Qui-Gon is next week, but not Maul. The glimpse of him tonight may be all we see this season.

That's what I'm thinking too. We may not see Savage for a while as well...but he sure made in impact. He just accomplished some major feats for a newbie "impulsive animal" by fighting the people that he did. But like I said, I expect he'll be a non-factor in the storyline for a few weeks (maybe even til next season), and then he'll make a big impact all over again. I mean after all the build-up, and now that Maul is involved, I expect Savage Opress to be a supervillain for the series.
anyone notice that obi wan and anakin were wearing their regular jedi uniforms instead of the CW style? is that a first in this series?

They first showed switched to the movie costumes in the episode a few months ago where Padme/Ahsoka went to sneak off to see Padme's Seperatist friend
I'm surprised more people don't find this a VERY big deal.
When Liam went in to record his voice for this CW episode,
does anybody else think he recorded the following & it will
be inserted into the blu-ray version of EpIII?
Will be keeping my fingers crossed...

My understanding is that he already did. He and Sam Jackson were at a premier for some film, a few months before ROTS came out, and Jackson had mentioned that Liam had already done his part for the film. It just never made it in, which was disappointing.
Maul being alive is the stupidest idea in a long list of stupid ideas. cut in half and falling hundreds of feet. I guess he knew where the battle would finish up and had a medic droid squad waiting for him?? The he's in exile which means Palpatine knew he lived which in turn blows the idea of the rule of two.
Maul being alive is the stupidest idea in a long list of stupid ideas. cut in half and falling hundreds of feet. I guess he knew where the battle would finish up and had a medic droid squad waiting for him?? The he's in exile which means Palpatine knew he lived which in turn blows the idea of the rule of two.

It really wan't Maul, it was an imposter shape shifter made to look like Maul :lol
the whole rule of 2 is stupid any way. how do you explain ventress then? and opress? they're assassins. whatever. assassins with incredible knowledge of the dark side that the jedi can't even stop? riiiiiiight.:rolleyes:
Just because Maul is in exile doesn't mean Palpatine knows he is still alive. Maul probably went in to self-exile to hide and get away from him.

I was thinking about something, the ending is still a bit vague. Talzin refers to him as Savage's brother but never says his name. Maybe we are supposed to get all worked up and think it is Maul but it really may not be? Even through that faceted image of the crystal ball he does look like him.
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Just because Maul is in exile doesn't mean Palpatine knows he is still alive. Maul probably went in to self-exile to hide and get away from him.

I was thinking about something, the ending is still a bit vague. Talzin refers to him as Savage's brother but never says his name. Maybe we are supposed to get all worked up and think it is Maul but it really may not be? Even through that faceted image of the crystal ball he does look like him.

Lucas mentioned at CV that Savage was Maul's brother.

And now that they have Liam Neeson coming back to voice Qui-Gon, I wonder if they have Peter Serafinawicz lined up to voice Maul again. I hope so.