Stan Winston Dead!!!

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Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

You will be missed.

I owe you so much for giving me the best cinamatic experances of my life,
May you rest in peace and may your family be stong in this upsetting time

Born a man .. died a legend
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

My God this is shocking news, everyone dies but Stan Winston? I grew up on this guy, he was my hero when I was younger when I really wanted to know about special effects and what not. He will be truly missed no doubt, this is a BIG loss to hollywood.

R.I.P. Stan! :(
Re: Stan Winston Has Just Passed Away?!?!?


just watched pitus tribute

I wanted to meet him one day.

This is a very SAD DAY .

Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

truly this is a terrible day
stan was an inspiration for many of us , he was the main cause why many of us got marked by the pictures we saw in our youth , his creatures were iconic , fantastic and real to the point of being scary
he will be missed
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

this is horrible.:monkey2
he will be remembered by his great masterpieces. this being my favorite:
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

He was a true genius and every time I look at my Terminator Busts I will think of him and
honor his memory.
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

Very sudden and sad news. I didn't even know he was ill. He was a part of the creative team to just about every one of my favorite films that were a major part of my childhood. He will truly be missed.
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

Had to add this....

Being one of the few here, to ever have had the chance to actually see, touch and hold Stan Winston's actual, screen used orginal works, (At Bob Burns' famous Basement museum in 2006)...


...from movies we love,
I can say with most sincere feeling, that his was a classic style.
He will never be replaced.

I am not sure how many of you knew that he had studied to be a dentist, and that is why the teeth of his various and sundry creatures, were always so damned cool and realistic looking.

He will be missed.

Thanks for the great works Stan. It has been an honor to behold the amazing things you shared with us all.
Rest in Peace

Les Walker, humble fan :bow
Re: Stan Winston passed away

This is sad news indeed.:monkey2
He was such a genius and most of our Sideshow items came from his imagination. May he rest in peace.
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

This is such a sad news for us fans of Stan's. Can't believe it, he's too young....

You will be missed Mr. Winston. R.I.P.
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

This is probably the worst celebrity death there is, I mean he kept so much of us on the edge of our seats with his amazing creations it is very hard to think how movies are gonna cope without him....
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

RIP, Mr. Winston :monkey2

All i can say is thank you for creating one of the greatest moments of my childhood...

Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

A true giant of inspiration...RIP, Mr. Winston.....

Here are some comments James Cameron had over at AICN...

Stan was a great man. I'm proud to have been his friend, and his collaborator on what for both of us, was some of our best work. We met in pre-production on Terminator in 1983, and quickly sized each other up as the kind of crazy son of a ^^^^^ that you wanted for a friend. We've stayed friends for over a quarter of a century, and would have been for much longer if he had not been cut down.

We've lost a great artist, a man who made a contribution to the cinema of the fantastic that will resound for a long long time. I don't need to list the indelible characters he and his team of artists brought to the screen. Readers of your site know them.

We all know Stan's work, the genius of his designs. But not even the fans necessarily know how great he was as a man. I mean a real man --- a man who knows that even though your artistic passion can rule your life, you still make time for your family and your friends. He was a good father, and he raised two great kids. His wife of 37 years, Karen, was with him in the beginning, helping him make plaster molds in their garage for low budget gigs on TV movies, and she was with him at the end.

He was a man of incredible humor. When I think of him I see him smiling, usually a goofy grin as he twists his glasses askew on his nose doing a Jerry Lewis impression. Never afraid to play the clown, because he knew his colleagues respected him. He lived life full throttle, in work and play. Like me he loved fast cars, and whenever one of us would get a new toy, the other had to drive it (a practice which was strained for few years after I skidded his brand new Porsche turbo, just off the boat from Stuttgart, into his garage and stopped a half inch from the back wall). We even went to formula racing school together. For the last ten years or so we rode motorcycles on Sundays with Arnold Schwarzenegger and some other friends, not every week but as many Sundays as we could. There was a comradeship that comes from starting out together, and never betraying the respect and trust of that friendship over the years, but always being there for each other, that the three of us have shared.

Stan and I founded Digital Domain together, and our friendship was never strained by being business partners. He always demonstrated incredible wisdom in business, because he knew people, and especially creative people. He inspired artists to pull together and work as a team, which is like herding cats, but it was perhaps his greatest talent. To lead by inspiration. His own team at Stan Winston Studios is the most stable in the business. His core guys have been with him literally since Terminator, 25 years. That's because they respected him so much, and because he made the work fun, even though it was hard. They would stay up all night busting their ass for him. They knew they would always be doing something cutting edge and challenging, and that he respected them enough to let them run with it. Though he could draw and sculpt as well as any of them, he never let his own talent eclipse theirs, because he knew that team building was the most important aspect of leadership. And that's what allowed them to create success after success for over two decades, and win 4 Oscars, among over 30 awards. A walk through Stan's studio gallery is a trip through the last two decades of fantasy cinema. Predators, Terminators, raptors, T-rexes, Edward Scissorhands himself and a hundred more. It hits you how great an impact he's had.

I spoke with Stan by phone Saturday morning, and apparently it was one of the last conversations he had. Incredibly, in retrospect, he was full of life, you'd never have known he was at death's door. We talked for a long time about all the fun times, and all the dragons we'd slain together. He said that once you've shown something is possible, everybody can do it. What was important was being first. Breaking new ground.

Well that's just what he did his whole career, and today's creature and character effects business uses the techniques he developed every single day. He inspired a generation of fantasy effects geeks, and his legacy will be found in their dreams up on the screens of the future, not just in the films he worked on directly.

I'm going to miss him, like I'd miss a brother. It's hard, almost unfathomable, to talk about him in the past tense. He was just one of those larger than life people that was so alive that you can't imagine them gone. But he is gone. I ask the fans to remember not just the work but the man.

Thanks for listening.

Jim out

I hope Spielberg and Favereau have some comments out there soon. "Iron Man" wouldn't have the intensity it does without Mr. Winston's touch and we wouldn't believe a T-Rex could walk the earth without his contribution.

An immense talent...
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

Respect to such a talented guy who will be missed by all who loved his work. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Re: Stan Winston Dead?!?

Very sad news indeed. Special effects was one of the first things that got me interested in film and Stan Winston is special effects. A great artist, he will be missed.