SSC Zartan 12-Inch Figure

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I dig it :cool:

How was it that Seb dyed an entire HT body?

Well either way, painted or dyed it looks cool.

IMO, along with painting the body, if SSC does this one day they need to change the color scheme of all the other items, clothing, armor, boots, gloves, etc.
As I said at the MMMV, I love it, and was thinking of doing it myself (though ultimately, I lack the nerve). Only issue is his expression. He should be saying, "No! I hate the sunlight!!"

Well, he's kinda dressed like a masochist? :huh

There is something very "Buffalo Bill" about this sentence.

I got tired of waiting for the SDCC exclusives to be announced, so I cashed in my Sideshow Rewards for a second Zartan.

Here he is painted up with acrylic paint.

That's some mighty fine work youbastards!

Yes, I expect a SDCC exclusive "Blue Zartan" announcement any day now... :)

Wouldn't be called Murphy's Law otherwise. :rotfl
Look at it this way though, you're all covered there with an original you made yourself. Probably more gratifying too!
I was holding out hope of finding an EX Zartan, but I said forget it, I'm not going to do anything with the Evil Duke head anyway so I just grabbed regular Zartan. I just hope he gets here before I leave for vacation on Friday, haha, I want to check him out.
I was holding out hope of finding an EX Zartan, but I said forget it, I'm not going to do anything with the Evil Duke head anyway so I just grabbed regular Zartan. I just hope he gets here before I leave for vacation on Friday, haha, I want to check him out.

The Ex Duke head makes an excellent update for the Duke figure. You even get a smirk like the oldschool figure had, too. :wink1:
The Ex Duke head makes an excellent update for the Duke figure. You even get a smirk like the oldschool figure had, too. :wink1:

Yeah, it is nice, but it's just not essential. That would lead me to needing two Duke figures, and since I'm spending basically a lot on my Duke head in total (with custom painting) I don't really feel the need. If the right deal came long for the Evil Duke head I would jump on it though (hint hint..? lol). I got a bare bones TTM19 off ebay tonight and by the time I get back from vacation I should have it and I'll make the switch. I do think it was a cool thing for SS to do, a basically a nod to the vintage figure.

I can't win. lol. I honestly prefer the other head sculpt, especially with Skiman's paint. Like I said though, I just missed out on the EX version and didn't feel it was worth hunting down for a big mark up. I used a coupon, got Zartan for $165 and with prices the way they are that $15-40 I save not tracking down the Evil Duke head I can use on other things. I really like the Evil Duke head, and I agree the smirk is awesome, but it's not something I'm going to worry about. If I had gotten it, yeah, it would have been great to make a definitive vintage style ARAH Duke. I think the regular Duke sculpt works for making any version of Duke you want though. I like the determined look.

Zartan though, he's fantastic, I'm glad he has a smirk. I saw some people were dying his uniform, has anyone nailed down the best dye to use?
Yeah, it is nice, but it's just not essential. That would lead me to needing two Duke figures, and since I'm spending basically a lot on my Duke head in total (with custom painting) I don't really feel the need. If the right deal came long for the Evil Duke head I would jump on it though (hint hint..? lol). I got a bare bones TTM19 off ebay tonight and by the time I get back from vacation I should have it and I'll make the switch. I do think it was a cool thing for SS to do, a basically a nod to the vintage figure.

How is it two Dukes? You buy the Zartan Ex, you buy Duke, and a TTM19. You swap the Zartan body and Ex Duke head to Duke, give Zartan the TTM19 and you're done. 1 Duke, 1 Zartan Ex and a muscle bod. :huh
How is it two Dukes? You buy the Zartan Ex, you buy Duke, and a TTM19. You swap the Zartan body and Ex Duke head to Duke, give Zartan the TTM19 and you're done. 2 figures and a muscle bod. :huh

I'm putting together MY definitive Duke figure, and I'm putting a lot of money into him. So basically, I'm not just going to swap the head out after I put a lot of money into having it painted. So if I got the Evil Duke head I would track down the stuff I need to display him on his own; making two Duke figures. The only thing I own from the SS Duke at the moment is the head, I'm bashing my Duke figure from the ground up to be exactly what I want. I got the TTM19 body for Zartan, then using his body for my Duke. I just prefer the regular Duke sculpt, so that's what I wanted for my Duke. Capiche? :)
Sounds like a loooooooooootta extra work. :dunno :lol

Not really. I'm only buying what I want for Duke and not a bunch of extra stuff. Plus I don't plan on doing ARAH Duke, I'm thinking more Resolute or something more modern. How is that extra work? It saves me having to try to unload a bunch of parts I don't want. I don't have the Evil Duke head and I'm not interested in getting it. I'm not making two Dukes here.

It was easy to find the Duke head and commission it to be painted. It was easy to buy Zartan and the TTM19 body, so I have a body for Duke, and it's easy to find military clothes and accessories for him.