Spinosaurus Maquette!

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I actually forgot myself, then tried to order another one so I could use it, only to cancel my first order. The system wouldn't let me use my coupon since I already had one on order, so I had to cancel my first order and then order again using the coupon. phew!!
I couldn't get mine to work last time I tried to use it either. If you call Sideshow they should be able to place the order for you and use it.
I couldn't get mine to work last time I tried to use it either. If you call Sideshow they should be able to place the order for you and use it.

Calling is out since I'm o/s. I got help through email once, but I'm always worried the item will sell out before I get a reply.

What message do you get? You are inputing them at the last screen right? Under gift cards and coupons?

Something about not being valid for my account.
Worst case, order it, and then send an email. Maybe they can apply your coupon to your existing order. I here you on being worried about it selling out.
That's the same error message I got. I agree with Reinhardt, go ahead and order it then e-mail them. I doubt it will sell out in that time because these seem to last for awhile. And even once they sell out they seem to come back on second chance.
I ordered sans the discount to utilize a discount at a later date. Quite a solid piece (though the backstory needs some proof-reading for the sake of grammar). Oddly enough, I'm still on the fence for the Velociraptor VS Protoceratops dio, and I'll have to wait and see how that turns out, though I'm not thrilled with the conceptualization of the V.mongoliensis as an ignorant and inexperienced predator. What's nice is that the backstory can still remain subjective, and the Spino, all around, backstory and all, is divine.
The fact that the raptor dio is based on the actual fossil is really the only compelling reason for me to get it. Otherwsie I would feel its very passable like the Rex vs. Trike. And I hate the back story for the Raptor dio. It's like that Raptor is the Gilligan of the pack.

Anyone else think having the fish in her mouth would have been pretty awesome for this piece?
Just read the story..pretty epic..lol I actually laughed a few times..I knew the maquette had sort of an " Oh crap ! " look to it's expression..guess the possibility of losing her record catch would cause that.. ;D

I think I also got my wound near her eye..to the left of the eye right below the crest :


The Velociraptor story was no where near as good and actually made me sort of not like the dio even more whereas I was sort of on the fence about it anyway do to the pose....I think a re-write would be good.

I also like the idea of basing it on the fossil evidence..but maybe doing so a little less literally would have been better..or at least add a third a Velociraptor coming up behind the Protoceratops..maybe it stopped short after the hill collapsed...I just really feel it needs tweaking to some degree. An alternate pose would have been best though...have the raptor coming from the side landing on the Proto's back while it's tail it's caught in the Proto's beak ( that's how it is pulled forward and end up under the Protoceratops...which then rams the hill side.

Seeing as it's already been made the way it is though the best idea I think would be to add a third raptor..then it's still a dio and gives us the leap many of us have come to expect from raptors ( arms outstretched, feet up in a kick racing in for a kill.
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What is up with David's writing, anyway? I like the stories, but it's like they couldn't be bothered with proofreading or editing his work.
Got my order in.....I intend on collecting every EX piece in this line. But I agree with everyone that think SS needs to add something new to this line. Busts are a good idea...but I wanna see something a little more impressive. Like a base with light up feature......a dino walking near a river of lava maybe.

And im I the only person that thinks spino's head looks like an alligator gar fish's head?



I've wondered the same thing myself Dan..seems it's prob just slapped on..I think it occured before as well,,makes me wonder how much they really care about the story at all.. :/

A dinosaur walking near lava would be nice..it's not common place but it could have happened..and Sideshow's Dinosauria team is all about those rare occurences it seems..lol

One after a forest fire would also work..or a dino swimming in a flood (it's how many fossils were even formed ) show some hints of the natural disasters they faced on such a restless planet.

The Gar is another example of convergent evolution I guess..along with crocs and Spinosaurs..both are largely fish eaters... ;)
... I would feel its very passable like the Rex vs. Trike...

My favorite piece in the line. Shenanigans, good sir. :cuckoo:

The Velociraptor story was no where near as good and actually made me sort of not like the dio even more whereas I was sort of on the fence about it anyway do to the pose....I think a re-write would be good.

I also like the idea of basing it on the fossil evidence..but maybe doing so a little less literally would have been better..or at least add a third a Velociraptor coming up behind the Protoceratops..maybe it stopped short after the hill collapsed...I just really feel it needs tweaking to some degree. An alternate pose would have been best though...have the raptor coming from the side landing on the Proto's back while it's tail it's caught in the Proto's beak ( that's how it is pulled forward and end up under the Protoceratops...which then rams the hill side.

Seeing as it's already been made the way it is though the best idea I think would be to add a third raptor..then it's still a dio and gives us the leap many of us have come to expect from raptors ( arms outstretched, feet up in a kick racing in for a kill.

My dilemma with the piece is primarily the backstory, as the dio itself is just a snapshot of a more expansive fight. Again, I would have liked to see one of the hind claws embedded in the Proto's abdomen, rather than appearing so starkly one-sided, with a story depicting the V.mongoliensis as a bungling dilettante.

What is up with David's writing, anyway? I like the stories, but it's like they couldn't be bothered with proofreading or editing his work.

I've been thinking exactly the same thing. They really need to take a good look at whatever he e-mails them rather than simply executing a copy and paste.
I think the 300, at least for me, would be far better spent on the allosaurs vs. camarasaur. 3 dinos vs. one, and to me the spino's pose just seems a bit dull. Plus I agree that the lack of scars really kinda makes this a lot more "meh" than say the T. rex maquette.
The pose feels a bit meh, but i'm sure when we see this thing in person we'll feel differently, considering the sheer size of this thing. 15" tall and 32" long!!

I just read the story and it was interesting. Definitely some funny moments, although I felt there were a few too many exclamation marks peppered throughout. Kind of brought it down to a childish level with those.
I think the Spino is pretty awsome, mabey for me it's becuase it's the biggest and the meanset looking maquette. Besides that the pose is not that great and I am not too crazy about the color. First T-rex looks like a rooster, Spino like a dragon, I personally think SS needs to start experimenting with colors. Spino looks too dark to dull, SS needs to use more vibrant colors. If these beasts are reptilian, look at the reptiles in nature now these days, full of color.

The other issue I am having is SS needs to start making more of a detail, background, with the base. Especially on the maquettes, these dinos needs to come alive within their environment, it plays a major role. Mabey it's just me but I want the bases bigger and more detialed, they are too boring and too small. Another thing I like to see is have them interact with something. Basically what I am trying to say is don't just give me a backstory (I PERSONALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE STORY) show me the story, I will make it up in my mind. They should show more of the story and let the collectors go wild with thier imagination.