Speculation: Hot Toys "Solo" Movie Figures

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Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

News is pretty slow on Solo at the moment. You'd think they would be getting into top gear soon....I guess after the first trailer will be their start point.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

News is pretty slow on Solo at the moment. You'd think they would be getting into top gear soon....I guess after the first trailer will be their start point.
Wait till after Black Panther hits. That's Disney's current marketing MO.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

Wait till after Black Panther hits. That's Disney's current marketing MO.

Yes true, forgot about that being Disney too. Perhaps Super Bowl may be more likely. Anyway plenty of stuff being announced by HT at the moment to tide us over with Star Wars excitement until then.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

I was thinking the Solo movie may give HT a chance to release a Chewie Mk3. As much as I love my ANH Chewie, I think I would upgrade if they actually learnt something from the Mk2 in how not to improve a figure.

It doesn't seem he is extremely different in the Solo movie. i.e much younger looking, so he should be able to pass for an OT Chewie as well.

Can't imagine I'll be getting a young Han Solo or Lando, but a new Chewie may be something I'd think about.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

It would be just our luck that HT absolutely nails the likeness for Ehrenreich's Han. :D

Yeah that, and hopefully they don't release a couple of really cool aliens as well. If they do, I could be doomed :lol
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

My Grails are a HT Indy, Han and Deckard that HT nails out of the gate. It's mad they keep churning out figures that could be so much better.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

Range Trooper, Patrol Trooper, Storm Trooper, Mimban Storm Trooper, Mimban Tank Trooper. I'll buy them all, lol.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

Range Trooper, Patrol Trooper, Storm Trooper, Mimban Storm Trooper, Mimban Tank Trooper. I'll buy them all, lol.

Assuming they all look good, I'd probably be interested in all of them minus the standard stormtrooper. Already have Rogue One version & contemplating the Han Solo version.

I tried searching for the Mimban Tank Trooper, but only found the regular Mimban stormtrooper. Seeing the TIE Pilot makes me wonder if HT would consider releasing one seeing as SSC released the ROTJ Luke.
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Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

I couldn't pass up a HT Woody Harrelson either. Probably won't get made. He's hanging with Cassian already.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

I couldn't pass up a HT Woody Harrelson either. Probably won't get made. He's hanging with Cassian already.

Yes it will be interesting to see how HT will play this.

Personally I think they will play the safe hand by releasing some troopers (they always sell) and only a couple of characters until they see if the film is a success or not. Then they will leave everyone hanging for the remaining main characters like Rogue One.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Star Wars Han Solo Action Figures

Assuming they all look good, I'd probably be interested in all of them minus the standard stormtrooper. Already have Rogue One version & contemplating the Han Solo version.

I tried searching for the Mimban Tank Trooper, but only found the regular Mimban stormtrooper. Seeing the TIE Pilot makes me wonder if HT would consider releasing one seeing as SSC released the ROTJ Luke.
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About the Mimban Tank Trooper.

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I just want some buddy movie feeling from it. Like a sense of Han being in over his head getting through situations by the skin of his teeth. It'll go a long way in selling Alden as Han to the audience.
I just want some buddy movie feeling from it. Like a sense of Han being in over his head getting through situations by the skin of his teeth. It'll go a long way in selling Alden as Han to the audience.

Ron Howard is the typical Hollywood director. Basically you will get a romantic chick flick with a little bit of action thrown in. I would be shocked if I actually like this movie. As a matter of fact based on the trailers I might just wait for it to come to TV before seeing it.
Ron Howard is the typical Hollywood director. Basically you will get a romantic chick flick with a little bit of action thrown in. I would be shocked if I actually like this movie. As a matter of fact based on the trailers I might just wait for it to come to TV before seeing it.

There's been no trailer yet, what are you talking about?
So as I understand it possibly a small Solo teaser during the Superbowl, then full trailer Monday on GMA. Right ?

I wonder if they'll even show the new actors in the teaser. I could imagine a lot of the general public will see Solo, expect Harrison Ford, see someone else and think WTF ??