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so little bit of painting today and oww nurse its been hard work!!!

But this is what we have...

Indy hatted and unhatted for mah45


Anakin and Obi for Sith Lord


Great work Mark ! I'd love to attempt to paint a hatted Indy myself, I really need to get my Obi painted first though!
Ow matron!!!! That is chuffin glorious my master !!!!!

Love it so much you bugger!!! :) I gotta get a backpack to you next week and get that one done mate!!! Looks great.

not been up to much but I have been experimenting with shrink moulds... its a very hit and miss process..... especially as I am doing it! but Leia is nearly there I think... that ANH head bugs me the most.... this has meed reduced quite a bit and I am gonna try hard with the painting.



made another bp and did a little on Capt... also finished the banner in ai, and printed it on cotton..... colours dont come out that well but I guessed they wouldn't....



Hi. I want to swap Sideshow Star Wars figures to True Types... also, I would want to retool every single head, but I'm too much newbie. So, who is here the best re-sculptor/retooler that is selling his pieces? I just want the heads in skin tone pigmented cast, with the holes ready to fit into True Type, I will paint them.

Elvis amazing work mate really love the look of him.

Mark always looking amazing mate and how hard is this shrinking process and do you have a name of the product you use. The banner came out great I think, I like the faded look more as these things are centuries old and even thou they are looked after they would have tears and be faded.

Yeah a little bit more work and it'll be sweet Mark.

Hi. I want to swap Sideshow Star Wars figures to True Types... also, I would want to retool every single head, but I'm too much newbie. So, who is here the best re-sculptor/retooler that is selling his pieces? I just want the heads in skin tone pigmented cast, with the holes ready to fit into True Type, I will paint them.


I should think they would be simple enough to convert onto a Hot toys short neck adaptor. I've never done any but plenty on here have and can guide you or do them for you.
yeah totally.... the older SS figures with the necks should fit on the short adaptors.... as for skin tone pigment casts Ow I WOULD love to get into that... it would be ace... but I really dont know any stockist in the UK that sell it.
Oh Mark i just this minute finished sculpting mr pointy helmet, and i gotta say with the ears on it looks pretty good i reckon.